
What did it all mean?

It means you should embrace this sky and shine,
young boy! Become the legend!

everyone's fucked up

it varies on who you ask, which is why NGE's appeal endures (even if some consider it rather lofty)

That Shinji is a whiny little bitch and never manned up even once, just droned on.

Also it was the creator's bad acid trip.

Grow up.


The message is that you can become happy as the people in an anime by applying yourself.

It was just a terribly obtuse and poor way of giving that message. I honestly dont know why eva is so well regarded


Asuka best girl and Rei toilet


Stop running away from your problems you little bitch

Not everyone faps to trannies though


If your dad ask you to get in the fucking giant gundam
You get in the fucking giant gundam rather than being a little ungrateful bitch

>Make 2 episodes and 1 movie about a kid talking to himself just to choose if he actually wants to be alone
And you mouthbreathers praise this?

Trigger warning

>being this asshurt



Hey, that's the exactly same chair I use to watch my wife and jamal!

To quote NGE Abridged:

>Hyuuga: "ANOTHER cross attack? WHY?"
>Ibuki: "Because it's... deep?"
>Cdr. Ikari: "Oh don't start that tired argument again. It was added because the director thought it was 'shiny'. Now let's move on, and continue the operation."

We're all just dust in the wind bro.
