ding dong
Ding dong
Other urls found in this thread:
hmmmmm yes?
Fuck Off! I don't want your cruddy girl scout cookies.
Touch that door bell once again and I'm boiling the water!
Nigga I asked for chink not nip take out
Come in, door's open.
I thought the deal was that if your threads reached autosage you pedos would leave for a few hours.
No one's home!
Fuck now I feel like eating thin mints but I haven't seen anyone selling girl scout cookies in ages. Thanks a lot.
Is it better for the loli to come to you or for you to go to the loli?
Oh please, come right in!
Why does she wear the mask?
Was getting fucked part of her plan?
>Hi there. Who are you, little girl?
you asked for it lilnigga
Reimu would never let a loli into her shrine by choice, touhou lolis eat humans like her.
>ohn papa~ let's get married!
Only if threads die naturally. If you archive them early (the last one was on page 9), the contract is null and void.
>Finally do reverse image search
>It's hentai
That's what I get for coming here.
It did die naturally and this thread was made before it died.
We both know what this thread is meant to be.
Don't worry, we had our moment.
I doubt this thread will reach the bump limit.
In all honesty what the fuck were you expecting? It's obviously from an image set and the vast majority of those are lewd.
Come in, I'll show you my hammer collection.
lurk for 2 years before posting
>closely watch thread after it reaches bump limit
>forcefully archive it a few minutes after it gets to bump limit
Seriously, why does this mod hate Sup Forums and these threads so much?
Pay more attention, that thread reached 500 posts around xx:35 and got archived around xx+1:13. For that to happen, Sup Forums would have to be at its fastest, and in any case that's not what happened because my thread stats said it was still on page 9 when it got archived.
You cannot fight a war of attrition against culture, it would be literally impossible to win.
You know I'd be careful with your accusations of others caring too much when you're bitching about a thread past both image and bump limit being axed on page 9 to justify a thread made before that happened.
>We both know what this thread is meant to be.
What deal are you talking about? who made this deal?
Blame whoever the fuck made this thread then, not me. I'm just using the opportunity to comment on what happened.
There was no deal, some user is just mad that people like things he doesn't and thinks because he doesn't like something there shouldn't be threads for it.
It's the same retarded mindset where newfags complain about not every single post about a show being in a single general thread because they can't handle organic discussion.
Don't act dumb, then again maybe it was too muchc to expect a bunch of pedophiles to stick to their word.
I do blame them, and you are either taking up someone else's fight or defending OP's actions, either way that makes you part of the problem.
Literally every time there's an issue a bunch of anons say "why don't they just leave the threads alone, when they die naturally we always leave a few hours before the next thread." But it seems now you pedos don't even wait until it's off the board.
No seriously, where exactly do you think there was some sort of deal about not making threads? Shouldn't you be complaining on literally every other thread on the board about your imagined deal to not have threads on Sup Forums anymore?
>to stick to their word.
What word?
Who promised what?
Even if someone did, there is no reason to stop making a thread just because he did and there is not only one person here.
>to stick to their word.
Again, who made this deal? did everyone collectively agree to it? Did Hiro say anything about it?
You should really try to relax.
See You newfag pedophiles
Oh so it was just a falseflagger trying to make loli threads look bad, then. Carry on.
>Literally every time mods abuse their power to delete on topic threads some faggot says they will wait hours after a thread dies to make a new on topic thread
Even if this one faggot did exist his word would be irrelevant.
Shows what you know newfag this entire site was created by pedos for pedos. Now fuck off.
Sup Forums is pedo. There's no escape.
>people bring panda threads up on /qa/
>get rightfully told
>then someone ignores the untold rules and keep spamming threads right afterwards
>people bring up loli threads on /qa/
>nothing in particular happens
>then someone ignores the untold rules and keep spamming threads right afterwards
I wonder what this could mean.
I miss Hiro posting on Sup Forums. Why has he abandoned us?
A retarded spammer who hates Sup Forums? But I thought accelerator died of obesity or something stupid like that.
Busy getting his ass raped in Japanese civil court.
its an unspoken rule that some loli threads are made using subtle thread titles to avoid shitposting or normalfags complaining
If the OP wanted to just make a blatant loli thread to make Sup Forums lolicons look bad he would have put loli in the title or the OP.
For proof, check page 10. All threads in there haven't had a post for one hour or so, and yet that last loli thread got archived within 40 minutes. There's even a post marking exactly where the thread hit bump limit.
>Busy getting his ass raped in Japanese civil court.
Wait what?
>a bunch of anons said something
>somehow it means every single user made a blood oath or something like that
He is hanging out with ZUN right now, he is probably on reitaisai as we speak.
Trying desperately to sue the hosting company that stole control of 2ch from him illegally, but since he is an idiot and Japanese civil courts are shit it may take a very long time.
So basically you confirm that you have no honor and are willing to blatantly lie when it suits you.
So because I remember inconvenient information I am a newfag.
Face it anons, you would all rather lie and name call than stick to your word or admit one of your own did something wrong. I would say I have never been more disappointed in my fellow lolicons, but the quality of loli threads did get pretty abysmal.
Thanks for making this thread, OP.
if you dont like loli or lolis why are you here?
fuck off, the thread doesnt even have loli in the title, im surprised you even found it.
Go back to your hero academia thread or wherever you came from.
I'm more disappointed in the reaction than OP. OP is expected to be a faggot, anons in the thread shouldn't lie to protect him.
Actually I was the user calling you pedos.
>fellow lolicons
Don't lie shitposter, you don't care at all.
You would be discussing loli instead of metaposting if you actually cared.
One or ten anons don't mean the entire board, and there have been lots of times hen more than one loli thread has been up. All that happens is that one dies.
Stop bumping if you don't want to be here.
>OP is expected to be a faggot
no, op just made a thread for lolicons and lolicons posted.
Nothing out of the ordinary.
No one has done anything wrong by making an on topic thread about anime character types, and no vague statement of fact that is convenient for removing content you hate a binding contract makes.
Loli is justice. And justice waits for no one.
Holy meta batman.
>if you dont like loli or lolis why are you here?
Are you retarded or something?
>tread doesnt even have loli in the title, im surprised you even found it.
Yes, how did I find it if I'm a newest who hates lolis?
>Go back to your hero academia thread or wherever you came from.
I can't, the last loli thread died.
>You would be discussing loli instead of metaposting if you actually cared.
This, hes a shitposter.
Not only is he calling everyone pedos but hes shitting up a thread that isnt even for him. He doesnt even like loli.
Why the fuck would anyone listen to him?
No soliciting, sugar tits
>lie to protect him.
Really, what are you talking about?
What makes you think everyone agreed with what a couple of anons told you or what you think?
Why are burger lolis the best lolis?
Wait, what does a loli wants with me?
Is God sending me an angel for me to live my life correctly from now on?
>What a couple of anons told you
Literally no one ever said they would not make another thread when one was done, ever, no one here has ever been so low as to actually plead with mods and janitors, it simply has never happened.
He seems to believe that something that was said in passing that had nothing to do with our recent situation was some sort of binding contract.
I metapost because I care. I want toake /l/ great again rather than wallow in the shit it so quickly becomes. Stagnant and full of forced memes.
Try reading the thread. Anons are straight up denying that anons ever said anything like that when it's a super common occurrence. And now it's obvious I know what I'm talking about it has become "who cares" or attacks on my character. Face it, the remaining dregs of /l/ are scum.
Nice loli thread faggots
>No kindergarten uniform
Ponsuke has fallen.
fuck off, you deliberately shitpost to derail threads
>Actually I was the user calling you pedos.
Exactly, you're OP. Who else would immediately find this thread and post ?
In any case, thanks for extending the discussion.
The Urban Legend of the Slit-Mouthed Loli
>Who else would immediately find this thread
Most of Sup Forums's lolicons?
people make subtle threads like this all the time.
It's not even about that anymore it's about the denial and hostility. It's clear that you would lie to get whatever you want.
Her second mouth is a slit alright.
I would destroy Maya's ass.
I dont think hes ever done anything with a kindergarten uniform, I wish he did though.
Here, have some lolibutt.
What am I supposed to do with it?
Troid,, is that you?
I wish the rest of the faggots in the thread could get that, somehow a newfag normalfag found this thread and knew exactly what was going on. Curious how someone completely foreign to the board could know what a stealth loli thread looks like
She asks you if she's sexy, then if you say she isn't she scissors you, and if you say she is she turns you into a loli?
I wonder what her ass tastes like...
Is that what the doujin with the supernatural imouto with the sledgehammer is based on?
Lolibutt canibalism is bad user, do not eat the lolibutt.
>someone actually glad they got chink malware
What did he mean by this?
>The only computer to be certified as completely GNU/free software compatible
user I don't understand.
I'll take beautiful masochist Megu then.
Loli of the season?
>Gay for her witch cousins
Could there be a better loli?