I've made a terrible mistake. any last words before i leave this site forever...

i've made a terrible mistake. any last words before i leave this site forever? and what does Sup Forums consider to be the pinnacle of anime

You killing yourself would be the greatest anime ever.

probably going to happen too, at the right things are going.

>Rec threads

A boy falls in love with a girl.
Unable to confess, he is gifted with by a deus ex machina with the girl’s phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day’s confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn’t exist in this universe at all. She is the girl’s alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC’s own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.

Boku no Pico, Sup Forums as a whole has never recommended anything more than Boku no Pico.

We use to recommend Bible Black back in the day.

Take it easy, friend.
Good luck in your travels.

i'm going to lose my ISP any minute now. i won't have time to download shit

Reserve a place in Gensokyo for me, I'll be joining you soon brother.

What did you do?

i lost my job a couple months ago for reasons. i can't get another job, so i won't be able to pay bills. i'm getting kicked out.

When you said you'd leave the site forever I though you had committed an awful crime or something like that.
You'll have it real rough for a while, but you can pull through with determination.

Don't lose your way, user, you can do this.

finds a way

I'd always recommend Bible Black.

Enjoy life on the streets, user. Hope you at least have a car to sleep in.

>I though you had committed an awful crime or something like that

never got my license
i'm a bikefag

Natsuyasumi is better, to be honest.

What are the reasons then faggot?
Don't tell me you molested a little girl

Glasslip, but don't watch it if you aren't going to watch anime anymore. Glasslip will make you crave more anime.

ride like the wind son

No parents or siblings or aunts or uncles that would take you in? Even a decent friend? I hosted a friend who lost his job for like a year until he got back on his feet, sometimes if you ask people'll go out of their way for you.

I feel like shit Sup Forums would say jojos, maybe lotgh legit though.

i got in a fight at the workplace

they found OP's loli folder at work.