Tfw Sup Forums still doesn't accept that we are all Muslim

>tfw Sup Forums still doesn't accept that we are all Muslim

shut up leafie


Wouldn't We are all jews be more correct? Since both christianity and islam are off-shoots of judaism?



IVE SEEn this picture before but fffuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
its only just hit me how retarded it is

so Michael Moore wants to throw acid in women's faces and throw fags off of buildings?
We may have misjudged him.

he needs to have a heart attack

that pic explains a lot

we are not all muslim

This statement represents the quintessential human translation of the cosmological continuity of time.

You just know hes full of shit.
Just look at those fat, disgusting fingers.

Germany will soon kraut

What is his explanation for the sign.. oh wait...

>"...So, in desperation and insanity, you call for a ban on all Muslims entering this country. I was raised to believe that we are all each other’s brother and sister, regardless of race, creed or color. That means if you want to ban Muslims, you are first going to have to ban me. And everyone else." - MM

>"We’ll begin by noting that the order does not affect most Muslims. According to the nonpartisan Pew Research Center, there are 49 majority-Muslim nations and the seven covered by the order have only about 12 percent of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims." - Politico

So.. he's wrong and his sign is dumb. Carry on.

Why do you deny the rest of us, you need to be more open minded, Ahmed.

Yet this fat pig won't leave his cozy life in Manhattan to live in any Muslim country or actually convert to the religion.

Death to all non-liberals!

Pretty much expected from a Leaffag

You need to stay in your country

Germany is brilliant.
>Allow Muslim Shitskins into country
>Shitskins proceed to destroy everything
>Hits tipping point and Krauts revolt
>Krauts get more support bc underdog
>Remove kebab and go on revenge tour of Middle East
>Somehow end up making it look worse than it is, probably because of lack of Shitskins
>Krauts beat kebabs once again
>Krauts turn on Shekels for orchestrating Kraut-kebab war
>Shekels make alliance with Baguettes
>Baguettes manage to lose to Krauts again
>Krauts now control most of Europe
>Krauts start 4th Reich
>Use tech to revive Hitler
>King Kraut is returned
>physically removes all shekels from earth
>White race is saved
Don't be jumping to conclusions Sup Forums . The Krauts always find a way.

Everyone making stupid comments about to leaf OP but what about the fact, disgusting pig burger in the photo?

No we are not!!!! SO FUCK MUSLIMS!!!!!!!!!!