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But there's 4 bars, and an I. They're barely even similar
And that is why Destiny sucks
pepe is a hate symbol
where the fuck are we? Sup Forums didn't even make pepe
isnt kekistan like a dead meme? They are acting like its really a thing
They have no independent thought at this point, they will always be behind the times as long as they require someone to tell them what to think.
It was a dead meme the moment Sargoy of Mossad got his grubby little hands on it
>Imran Khan
>white supremacist logo
As a white supremacist I find this association deeply offensive.
this game is going to crash and burn HARD
why is this on Sup Forums and not Sup Forums?
anyways Bungie is in the Seattle so it makes sense that they're delusional leftist.
I dont see it. People getting goofy. Look at all the stupid crap the adl claims is a hate symbol
18 is a hate symbol!!!!
What's worse. The people who can read this shit without laughing, or the developers who will seriously have release a patch to change the skin?
Also, how long until they start identifying hidden Alt-Right messages in songs when played backwards?
/>/ apparently
>kekistan is a disturbing hate symbol
No just about every title outsells its previous installment. This is true of all games. Destiny was trash, no variety in game play, no story for most of its existence, and then on top of that they went and released a fucking sequel to an MMO instead of constant updates. Destiny 2 will still outsell Destiny 1
>White Supremacist
Imagine being paid to write this.
lol, its a thing as long as the medias and stupid people keep making it one. It was just trolling, and they have fallen for it so hard. this is primo lol
we need to keep making new shit until their list of 'hateful things to REEEEE over' grows beyond measure
Love Aella.
Yes, this is why destiny sucks and why I didn't buy this game after the jewry they pulled with the first games DLC. Quit playing then and never looked back. The servers have been down for 8 hours while they patch it for this dumb shit and a new raid is supposed to come out tomorrow and today was going to be the scramble for OP gear for it, but nope. After telling me all this my cuck friend is still trying to justify buying the $100 edition of this game.
What a faggot snitch
>liberals actually believe this is a hate symbol
Modern politics have officially jumped the shark.
>Muslims are subverting government and corporate institutions and slaughtering native Europeans
>Liberals are terrified, literally to the point of hysteria, by forced memes perpetuated by 11 yead old's with autism on Steam
We deserve our genocide at this point desu.
They kinda had to. You can't update a console game forever, you WILL eventually run out of space. By the end of the original Destiny's file was around 120 gigs. That's over 1/5 of the original PS4's storage.
Guys guys guys
Lets meme Destiny 2 as the game for Neo Nazis
We did it with pepe, kek, the OK symbol, milk...
This should be easy, especially since they have one of /ourguys/ on the inside
Kek existing is a multicultural republic of based black men
I demand they put this back in Immediately
Truly a privilege and it's reserved for "PoC" (and Jews) only.
Is she alright?
agreed, can we actually make the dab a hate symol?
>mfw the media recognizes a meme way, way, way after it stopped being funny and relevant
>mfw this will only end badly for them
Literally every time. They do all the work for us.
>yfw Destiny and all the Halo sequels wouldn't exist if Halo was on a console that had games.
Lucky move by bungie going with xbox.
The sales for Destiny 2 is half from what Destiny 1 was. It's understandable tho, since the first game was such a disappointment. I hope bungie gets gutted, desu.
Let's revert to reddit form and accuse them of anti-kekistani bigotry and intolerance.