Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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Love it
what the fuck am i looking at
A very cute picture of bicchi chan please don't hurt her feelings
Good OP it's about as good as サクラちゃん
Cool OP.
>user who made the OP images doesn't know what a shadow is.
燃える all anime you can get your hands on! We will stop this disease once and for all!
I'll burn you a DVD with some high quality anime and mail it to you. You too will be fapping to sweet ass anime girls in no time.
your posting is like dvd and mine is like blu ray in other words you gay
That works too send it to the 第一anime全滅分隊HQ and I will take care of it.
I'm sending it to your house, dude.
Let's get motivated!
I wanted to find a video to inspire myself/someone else and got this. It felt good to watch it. It was strangely ASMR.
The アンチanimeHQ is my house actually
Let's not post stupid memes!
Keep your filthy fetishes to yourself please.
It's not, dude. Are you scared of your mom seeing the parcel, or something?
haha junk food 燃えてきたぜ *is デブ*
actually heres a pic of me at anime hq as well as djt (they share the same classroom for club activitys)
I'm about to study kanji individually, wish me luck!
What was going on in your head when you decided to post this?
Yeah I have a military base in my house and my mom makes food for us she makes some cool 弁当 when we need to go on a long mission. Uh actually can you mask the parcel so that it's not explicitly showing any anime?
This is also known as an anime 製作機械 and the woman in your picture is an animator.
He's just looking at candy. How does that motivate you?
This story is actually a lie. I pee sitting down all the time and I didn't become an anime.
I just wanted to share something neat that is 日本語/Japan related and that maybe other people would post other videos they like. But maybe not.
Yeah how about you just keep your fetish shit to yourself and don't contaminate this thread with it? I think that's a pretty reasonable request.
If you could read you would know those are erasers. Cute things are very inspiring to me.
Man anime can be a bitch shinsekai yori was throwing out shit like 穴居性 and 幼獣等管理移転申請書 right and left how the fuck are you supposed to be able to catch that shit when listening
I wasn't aware people got off on it. I thought it was like listening to those ocean cds where the white noise is kind of relaxing. It's not like anyone is talking or anything. But okay I won't post anymore.
>inspiring to ME.
Do you get it?
That's not called ASMR as far as I know and I'm not an expert on weird stuff.
im seagal in that vid
i was hoping youd tell him something like "i hope for your sake they are non toxic you 馬鹿外人ファック" also dont let this dude get you down keep bein you without fear of what other people say and just play along with whatever the shit heads say
>not being inspired by cute
I'll bet you don't even watch cute girls doing cute things
I'm not an expert either. Apparently this is a much deeper subject matter than I thought.
what is the image from
Yes it's about as deep as anime.
げっ 病者が来た
Cute is not an objective thing, your video isn't cute in my world view.
Why don't we have a proper easy VN list?
>those lists seem random as shit. As if someone just put together eroge they knew or got suggestions for.
>When it comes to plotge, those are definitely not good candidates for your first ever non-textbook material. For example Baldr Sky doesn't have hard grammar, but it has scifi, military, political, scientific, religious vocab that will make the game a dictionary looking up hell. I wouldn't put any of those games in the plot part into a beginner's guide.
>Those lists have been picked apart several times on here. I wouldn't put much weight on them.
>>Monobeno: Happy End as moege
>You can tell someone didn't actually read it.
>You got trolled dude. Or maybe you went along with the troll? A lot of those look easy on the surface but are actually really hard (monobeno for instance in the moege section).
Suggestions from the last thread:
prolly because adult content is for adults and people at less than a childs level of nihongo need not be worried about refined literature such as visual novellas
Please post something you think is cute. I'm not even trying to fight I'll bet it's adorable, user.
Why do you care you sick fuck
Because you're stupid and ignored the replies telling you why such a thing is stupid.
I don't post things I jerk off to in this thread, sorry. You should do the same.
Whenever I see people with tattoos I just think: "You'd never be allowed in an onsen" and I just feel bad for them. Nice song though.
user that's lewd. I only have pure intentions.
How can I ignore something which doesn't exist? There was only one negative response in the last thread to the idea of creating a proper list of easy VNs which was "easy VNs are all trash".
Can't you shitposters go ruin the Sup Forums thread instead?
You forgot to use keigo there, buddy.
i jerk off to my own posts personally and even talk about them with my dad at dinner
You just projected a fake reality where it doesn't exist. You need to return to the real world mate.
>he didn't fold his kanji 1000 times today
That's adorable. And now I learned what みずな is, so thanks.
Huh... I guess so, wanna come over and watch some quality animated art laterわ?
I don't use placebo apps thanks
What's this terrible looking thing?
Maybe after I read for a few hours.
The only difficulty list you need is "Read what you're interested in and if it's too hard find something easier"
>but how do I find something easier
See this:
Pick anything that has 4-5 cute girls on the front
>still too hard
try another one
>STILL too hard
Study more grammar.
Brb I gotta 吐く.
whats the difference between saying 友達にある and 友達である
Why is 上がり put infront of 良くなかったり, i see that it can mean "crop yield" but I dont think this is what they are saying?
So with all of the guys in these threads shitting constantly on manga/anime/VN/LN/doujin/etc, are you big literature fans looking to read Japanese classics? What are some of your favorites?
>whats the difference between saying 友達にある and 友達である
I dunno why don't you tell me
Because it is used here as the あがり form of the たり adverbial negative noun suffix.
There's one person doing most of the shitposts about it that just wants to destroy the thread or something and then there's this guy who just shitposts constantly with unclear intentions.
あらいあがり is one word like できあがり but with 洗い
like 召し上がり?
wow dident notice this before
One of the reasons I love Japanese is that it can be written vertically and horizontally. Languages like English are so awkward when they have to be written on the spines of books. The Japanese books on my shelf look so much better than my English ones.
Yes I am indeed a literature fan. My favorite piece of art is オレのラブコメヒロインは、パンツがはけない。It's a true Japanese classic.
reading is for gaylords id rather smoke weed
i dont know im literally stupid as FUCK and ty kim wont pick up his celly so i have nowhere else to turn
i think you can just classify me as chaotic good then if you need a label also im real disappointed you didnt use 糞上がり
You can do the same with English too if you really want to.
I'm pretty fond of 世界の終りとハードボイルド・ワンダーランド personally but yours sounds good too
Googled it and saw a floating egg lol it's not even anime
That's not real literature just letting you know
It looks bad and is hard to read. Have you ever read manga where the typesetter ran out of room and did that? It hurts the eyes.
That's fine is ease is all you give a shit about. Something being fairly easy to read doesn't mean it's also going to be good enough to make you want to struggle through it.
What we should have is a list of VNs which are not only fairly easy to read, but reasonably good as well.
There's a SEX in it though, and it's also got nameless protagonists so i can self-insert for the kinky stuff.
Monobeno's interesting because most of it is actually really really easy and fine as a beginner moege. But there are some parts with very strong accents and obscure Shinto references which get extremely difficult. So it's actually fine on this list if you just stick to the easy parts.
>That's fine is ease is all you give a shit about. Something being fairly easy to read doesn't mean it's also going to be good enough to make you want to struggle through it.
What the fuck? I'm literally telling you to read things that you find interesting. How the fuck do you think playing Flyable Heart because it's the first in the list is going to be more likely to make you want to struggle through it?
On that topic, why is it that Latin characters are so much harder to read when vertically arranged? It's actually easier to read rotated words than vertically arranged ones.
I can't read these posts lol...
>>but how do I find something easier
>See this:
>Pick anything that has 4-5 cute girls on the front
Not anime = not real literature that's the rule we follow here you can jerk off to your fake books all you want but that won't make them literature just saying mate...
It's because latin characters have a vertical aspect ratio and they're constructed in a way that puts more shape information along the vertical axis than the horizontal one
there are only a few characters that have more horizontal information than vertical, like m and w
Meanwhile CJK characters are squarish and very balanced
oh i read that one thats by the guy who wrote あっちゃあああちんこ燃焼 right
*clears throat loudly then 穏やかな声で囁くと* romeo tanaka
I just realised people really watch this.
I feel a strong desire to end my life.
Yeah you look at those and you find something that looks interesting. Obviously that advice is just symbolic and there's no need for it to be "April 2016". The point is that pretty much any moege is going to be relatively easy so you can just pick something that looks like you would like it.
Like fine if you want, here's your easy VN list:
I found this
>The Chinese, Japanese and Korean scripts can be oriented in either direction, as they consist mainly of disconnected syllabic units and/or ideographic units, each occupying a square block of space, thus allowing for flexibility for which direction texts can be written
Latin characters don't have as much information per unit. Since you need to smoothly read from letter to letter in order to even make a sound it's awkward when it's vertical.
Maybe it's also because we're not used to it. We didn't learn to read vertically in school so it's weird to read it now.
Honestly I'm not positive why.
That's not VN that's a list of companies you fucking retard.
here check these out also
What is a good beginner VN with a fat transexual otaku protagonist? I can't self insert if the protag doesn't match at least the fat transexual part.
Yeah it's not like those companies make VNs or something. How hard were you dropped as a baby
>Why don't we have a proper easy VN list?
Because this is Sup Forums and not /jp/.
Appropriate board for Appropriate content, user.
The Reading List exists for personal reviews and potential suggestions which can be used for an individual to fashion a list from. More people who commit to adding to it in earnest, the more useful it becomes for such things. What's more, it isn't technically on Sup Forums so you can even add reviews/suggestions/recommendations with insightful and useful comments without being remotely off topic, as it is off site in and of itself.
Why not take advantage and continue to build up a resource we already have? Seems easier than trying to reinvent the wheel. That's my opinion on the subject, anyway.