How does Sup Forums feel about the influx of anime adaptations that will inevitably result from this film being a smash...

How does Sup Forums feel about the influx of anime adaptations that will inevitably result from this film being a smash hit?

Will you prefer white or asian leads?

It just looks like another Dragonball Evolution coming up where the staff is weak as fuck and the only talk about it has been casting controversy

thay do it in japan so

yea i dont want a repeat of that

What's with all these dragon ball meme?

We got decent films lime Kenshin and All you need is kill? Why do we shit on literally every possible live actiona adaption?

It won't be a smash hit. It might make some money like Lucy because ScarJo is the main lead, but ultimately it would be a disappointment and Hollywood will abandon anime/manga for another five years.

If they don't... some of you are all right, don't go to Hollywood tomorrow etc.

Done by Japan, and seen as an exception to the mediocre trend.

>All you need is kill
Tom fucking Cruise.

Fuck off.

Also, the All You Need is Kill novel was prety unknown in the west, while GiTS is almost babby first cyberpunk anime

I'm glad folks like you are still around, I was beginning to think everyone on this board had given up on calling out ellipses and shit like "lmao".

I honestly don't get why people actually went to see Lucy. Most of the retarded gimmicky action flicks like that get ignored.

I would love for it to be a good, successful movie that results in more anime adaptions. I honestly think the west needs it to replace capeshit, and if they decided to actually invest in the productions they could be amazing. Unfortunately I think the movie will suck and flop and any future adaptions will too

I don't feel...anything

way not both

I would prefer asian leads. And Japan taking the reigns of the film, or atleast a independent film studio.

I hope they can get a good Cowboy Bebop movie off the ground one day.

It's a fucking shame that Keanu is will be far too old by the time such a thing happens, but I think that universe in general is ripe with cinematic potential.

My issue with a Bebop movie is that the studio will either try to make the whole thing Vicious v Spike or basically do Knockin on Heaven's Door again

Kill yourself

That'd probably be the least terrible thing that could happen of all the terrible things that could happen

>How does Sup Forums feel about the influx of anime adaptations that will inevitably result from this film being a smash hit?

So nothing to worry about then. The glorious age of hating anime unironically will be upon us once again and no more facebook waifu posters.

It'll be just another DBZ or Aeon Flux. Not even that ugly bitch can save it.

>Aeon Flux

holy shit I thought I dreamt that movie's existence

I hope it flops and kills western adaptations of japanese material for good, if they aren't going to adapt things faithfully they shouldn't do it at all.