ITT hentai you actually read for the plot instead of fapping

ITT hentai you actually read for the plot instead of fapping.

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Anything by Shindol. Guy really makes you think about the treatment of women and their sexuality in contemporary society.

>JK Hunting
>muh /rec/ thread
>Biko no picoollloo

It's funny because I know you're shitposting but you're also shitposting the truth.

I almost feel like a bunch of shindol's BAD END's from people 'arbitrarily' being massive fucking assholes is because people are actually like that in japan and he feels like rubbing that in his readers faces in the most uncomfortable way possible: through your dick.
like with that cow doujin.

bambu flowers, was sad though

came for the cute short haired tomboy, stayed for the drama and heartache


>not reading it only for the funny faces

That might make sense if Shindol weren't a New Yorker.

What about the opposite?

Non-H you read for fapping instead of plot?

Meguridokoro and other vanilla like it

Gives me a warm feeling and sleep inducing boner

This one has a surprisingly nice plot.

Fuuga stuff. The wine one was pretty good, I did fap a lot to it though.

Rondo Duo. Yet another girl named Madoka find out that curses can be broken with the powers of friendship,love and demonic cock STD.

I forgot to remember the name but I saw this one about these two dudes who bond over their love of lolis and eventually go out to fuck as many little girls as they can on their creepy van before killing themselves. It actually left me really conflicted and upset, without context the loli rape would've been fine to fap to, but I couldn't seeing how the girls reacted and how despicable the two were, but I read through to the end cause the two had interesting development and their characters, while serial rapists, where kinda sympathetic in a weird way. I felt sorry for the two and glad they had each other even if they fucked up a ton of lives.

There's another one by the same author where a bus driver that was about to lose his job drugged then raped several schoogirls at the same time, just to leave them tied up in the forest while he drove his bus off a cliff. He raped them so that he could leave a legacy, because abortions are shamefur dispray.

I want to say Layers of White but there wasn't much plot to read

Why would i read poorly written doujins other than for fapping?

Post the source OP. Artstyle looks fapworthy.

Artist/author name?

Saucenao works on OP's image.
Source is Shoujo to Gang to Aoi Yoru.

Anything done by FUUGA. This fella is hands down best hentai writer and his art is gorgeous as well.

For sceinse his best works include "Sensei wo Mite Kudasai" "Sister and Brother" "Teacher and Student" and most recent "Shinda Watashi no Monogatari"

That's why he notice Japan's social problems since he is a gajin he has an outsider perspective.

I want to bite those lips

That's pretty much all the porn I read. I usually move straight from the first page with sex in it to the last to the last two pages where the cumming inside, post-coital cuddling and hand holding happens. Doujins of anime characters and tanks with recurring original characters are better, because you get to have an emotional connection.

>Read for the plot
Amahara Teikoku's Teisou Gyakuten Sekai series

>Read for the comedy

Probably a few others that I'm forgetting

Fuuga's plot structure is pretty much the same in all his works, though. Once you read your second, you know exactly how the rest of them are gonna go.

The entire aesthetic and presentation of Rondo Duo was fucking amazing.

The jelly futas were just icing on the cake.

I don't think it's possible to read this one for the porn

This one was surprisingly funny and cute

And he's also Putin's daughter, right?

katawa shoujo
if that counts

Kon-Kit always ended up to make me laugh instead of fap.

Good taste.

That one where a guy's best friend turns into a girl and they then get married.

That is from quzilax

>Fuck the guy who fucked your wife so your wife is still your woman
To this day, this is by far the best hentai logic I have ever seen.

Somersault is good for story.

>Guy's a loser on the verge of losing it all
>Gamer friend puts him back on track
>Meet up
>Chill out for a day
>Dude's back on the right track, works to get himself back in a stable condition financially
>Gets enough money so that he can regularly buy stuff for the gamer friend
>All the cute interactions between them (outside of the porn)

Truly one of the best. I mean, this doesn't even look like it would devolve into mindless porn, right? You can feel the tension of the guy's life in these few panels prior to meeting the girl.

Domin8 Me.
I loved the relationship between the older sister and the twin traps.

You will not saying that if your little sister was one of the victims of trash like them you piece of shit.

fucking depressing
are there any regular manga or anime like this?


>Hey man, you can find the source yourself using saucenao
>Gives source anyways

Obari porn like Angel Blade, Viper GTS, Marine a Go-Go.
Alice in Sexland.
Dragon Pink and any 90's high fantasy turned porny like that

>Summer's Beast

That's a good one.

Also there is this h doujin about a dude trying to blackmail the milf of a recently moved in family. Turned out her current husband is okay with her previous works in JAV. The name escaped me, though.


No one ever made a story where the girl got pregnant because nakadashi and MC had to deal with all trouble like dropped out of school and surviving the live with the girl.


This one.

I misread the filename as "nigger take."

Every single h-manga I've read, so too many to list all, but here are some examples:

1. Dulce Report

2. Mizuryu Kei Land

3. Teisoukannen ZERO

4. The Cutest Girl in the World

5. I Fell In Love For the First Time/I Want to be Honest

6. Milky Succubus Lily

7. Haitoku no Finale

8. Mismatch Girls

9. Gothic Lolita trilogy

10. Dungeon Princess Prina/Twin Princess Dungeon

I must confess I fapped to the Bible Black anime and VN countless times but I never got around to watching and reading them properly

Rindou was great.

Any one of Gomennasai's work

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, user.


They're also for fapping, though.

Nozoki Ana, there was a single point where I was edging for a good 2 hours because I wanted to genuinely keep reading

Can't believe some faps lead me to cry.

the story is really good



Fuck you.

Enjoying the sweet tears?

Name? Can't find it