He was wrong, anime is better that it's ever been
He was wrong, anime is better that it's ever been
I disagree. It has been so bad I don't even watch anime anymore. I just come here to shitpost.
Since when does one person's opinion decide the state of anime?
Back in my day dubs were acceptable as they actually fit the character.
Now it's not even close.
Anime was way more innovative and experimental in the past. More shows are being made now, but studios are taking much less risks with them. Whether anime is better or worse now is a matter of perspective, what can I say however, is that it sure conforms more to the status quo than it ever did before.
anime at it's best now is not better than anime at it's best in the past
however shit anime is much better than older shit anime
and 98% of anime is shit so anime as a whole is better
Don't really watch new anime anymore.
This is blatantly untrue. The fact that the size of the industry and the audience have both increased means that there are plenty more boundary-pushing shows than there were before.
>anime is at its best
>anime is being mass produced
as in all things you can't have quality with quantity, are there good animes. I'm sure, though they all are fuckboi as could be or completely geared towards females in my opinion.
Name some then.
Quantity doesn't necessarily bring innovation or quality. Capitalism as a whole is the very proof of that.
I wish people would stop making these types of thread. It's always the same shit.
Well, the 90s had Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu.
And '10s have Shinsekai Yori, so I guess it's kind of true.
What about 00s, though? Anime may have dipped in quality there. Ergo Proxy? kek. Not quite up to those two.
Quality itself is subjective of course but it seems like it's certainly worse off as a business. If there's anything wrong with modern anime it's probably a lack of funding or support for more ambitious projects.
I think there are lots of great shows but I'm struggling to come up with anything that really "pushes boundaries" that I've seen in the last five or so years.
>Implying the only amazing show the 90's had was LOGH
>Implying the 00's doesn't have plenty of amazing shows
>10's only had SSY
Watch more anime
Why even post?
>Implying the only amazing show the 90's had was
>10's only had SSY
It's called an example, fucktard.
But, no. 00s didn't have a lot of good stuff. Worst decade.
Watch more anime
Well, what's your definition of a show that "pushes boundaries"? Something that invents a new genre is going to be hard to come up with considering there are shows for all tastes coming out regularly now.
But it does. Think of all the independent TV shows, movies, books, music, etc. that have been created thanks to the internet widening audiences to massive sizes. Yes, there is plenty of generic pandering shit, but it also becomes much easier for creativity and original ideas to flourish in the background.
Anime is very bad right now filled with parody anime, light novel adaptions, low quality harems. There isn't even any quality seinen, no quality mystery or horror, no quality drama. It's bad.
What about mayoiga?
Pushing boundaries meaning breaking new ground, doing something new, unique or particularly original. I'm not saying there aren't any works like this nowadays, but to say that there are more now than the 80s? Please.
You sound so full of shit, I bet your favorite show is Texhnolyze.
>But, no. 00s didn't have a lot of good stuff. Worst decade.
>What's Kaiji
>What's Tatami Galaxy
>What's Kaiba
>What's Lain
>What's Haibane Renmei
>What's FMA
>What's Boogiepop Phantom
>What's Millenium Actress
>What's Redline
>What's Rainbow
>What's Death note
>What's Code Geass
>What's Tokyo Godfathers
>What's Mushishi
>What's Kino no Tabi
>What's Spirited Away
>What's Vampire Hunter D
>What's Ghost in the Shell SAC
>What's Gurren Lagann
What a retard
Some of those from 90s user
Commercial success doesn't equate to quality, nor does it add to artistic merit. In fact, the rising popularity of anime and related media is in fact driving it down as a whole.
Lurk more
Kill yourself
Yeah, only lain. I forgot it was from 98
Trying way too hard to fit in.
Don't you fucking respond to me
Doing something original? Plenty of shows have original elements. It's true that there are more comedies, SOLs, and romance stories than before, but that's just a result of the climate of anime changing.
Anime will never die, user. Just enjoy it or turn 360 degrees and walk away.
>Literal shitposter agrees with Miyazaki
Cant say I am surprised.
Better start sleeping with one eye open motherfucker
>>What's Kaiji
>>What's Lain
>>What's Haibane Renmei
>>What's FMA
Fine adaptation of a mediocre manga.
>>What's Boogiepop Phantom
>January 2000
>>What's Millenium Actress
Pretty great, but not best of the best material.
>>What's Redline
Substanceless eyecandy.
>>What's Death note
Interesting premise wasted on teenagers first mindgame before shitting the bed in the second half.
>>What's Code Geass
An entertaining trainwreck.
>>What's Tokyo Godfathers
Mediocre story with some good cinematography.
>>What's Mushishi
A show that had a better second season in '10s.
>>What's Kino no Tabi
Poor man's Mushihi.
>>What's Spirited Away
Miyazaki's worst til Ponyo.
>>What's Vampire Hunter D
Just good.
>>What's Ghost in the Shell SAC
Even the second movie was better.
>>What's Gurren Lagann
Babbys first entry level anime.
>hoo boy lets get into a fight on the internet!
You need to be 18 or bay-boy
>dipped in quality
>Gaogaigar was a direct middle finger to Evangelion
>which was quickly retorted with Gurren Lagann
Are you a crossboarder or something?
Too bad Evangelion is better than both of those.
It seems to me like the only anime you appreciate are ones that go out of their way to try and be "deep". You know, ones that muddle around with philosophy and sometimes religious themes that they don't understand. That's all well and good, but discounting all other genres of anime as inherently bad is just stupid.
Really? Well if this isn't bait, and you want an honest answer, I barely follow seasonal anime anymore and I am pretty open minded about what is subjectively "good" or "bad." There are a lot more shows that feel like they are "proudly" ripping off of established genres, and cheap knock-off clones that feel stale as hell. So many plot points feel reused and studios will not allocate a large budget towards the show unless its either a sequel or can sell some source material. Every anime with a good budget is essentially an infomercial for source material now. Very few studios are willing to take risks for an original high-budget work with no source material. You will get maybe two of those a year. You can say it was always like that but it has gotten much worse recently, and the reason is the Otaku crowd is perfectly fine with this trend so the industry will milk it until someone complains. I used to watch about 10 shows a season. Now I watch maybe 2, because those are the only series available that actually have original content that feels fresh. Its probably also due to me reading a lot of the light novel, manga, and visual novel sources first that make the experience less enjoyable, but I wish there was more original fresh stuff with a decent budget.
It's okay, nobody was going to read through your post and find the error in the first place
Fun anime are fun, but best anime need to do something more than be just entertaining. It's not fair calling LoGH philosophic. It's more of a great character story and a very detailed space opera. I'd maybe give you Mushishi, but I liked second season more than the first. But then again, you'd call it "philosophical", wouldn't you?
He is right, but only as long as you only seek same things as he does in art. He is right about experience being the source of the imagination and impact. I would really, really like it if there was more stuff like Akage no Anne in TV animation, the stuff born out of observing real people and things.
However, this is not the only source possible source of imagination and impact. It is possible to construct believable characters and interesting settings out of yourself, your past and things you've read and watched. TTGL is 100% secondary, but a masterpiece nonetheless. Code Geass may not be believable, but it is definitely interesting. K-ON might be idealized, but the idealization only helps to convey the author's idea.
Shit taste.
>Substanceless eyecandy.
Had a feeling I was talking with a pretentious elitist, now I am sure of it.
>All those other contrarian opinions
Do you even enjoy anime?
Also, why did you ignored Kaiba and Tatami Galaxy?Can't bring yourself to shitpost Yuasa sensei?
For me it is simple. Are there more gross looking 2D-CGI integrated shows? Yes there are.
The industry definitely needs to leave that behind.
>why did you ignored Kaiba and Tatami Galaxy
Didn't watch those.
>Had a feeling I was talking with a pretentious elitist
Pointing out great animation isn't enough ain't pretentious. We're measuring the best a decade can offer, not just good.
>Shit taste
Akagi > Kaiji
Could you elaborate so that this actually feels less like a shit post? I personally feel that much like same face syndrome, the market is over saturated with forgettable mediocre shows every season. You're probably one of those guys who thinks diversity is always better or that an increase in quantity means quality will go up too. There are actually very few studios with the budget to make those stay true to that mindset.
Convenient how you haven't watched what are considered some of the best anime of all time that happen to fall within the decade.
>Didn't watch those.
You should, they are almost on the same level as Shinsekai Yori in my opinion.
>Akagi > Kaiji
Strongly disagree. I found Akagi to be boring and vapid compared to Kaiji.
>Spirited Away
>Miyazaki's worst
so /contrarian/
>he hasn't watched 2 out of 20 shows I listed
How shocking
>You should
I probably will
Thats fine with me really. Judging from the other posts, this whole thread is pointless anyway.
I agree that's not even close to being his best, but calling it the worst is a little bit extreme.
>this whole thread is pointless anyway.
Welcome to ''anime is/isn't dead'' threads.
I disagree, for me originality in animation always meant taking advantage of the medium in ways that couldn't be done before. Don't care much for writing.
So what's your take? Is dead yet?
Don't really have an opinion regarding his views but I still love his work though. More so than most seasonal shows from 2012 onwards, mind you.
nostalgia threads/fags are the worst
Ignore them then.
It will only be dead when anime as we know stop being produced. As it stands now, my opinion is that the medium used to burn more cash in risk projects, but that has much more to do with Japan's economy than with the anime industry itself.
Also, there's still lots of good shows coming out. You just have to know where to look at.
Anime of course will never literally be "dead" but I religiously look at Anichart every season and try out about 10 shows, and most seem like the same shit all over again. There are like, already 20 battle harem shows similar to Hundred. It's getting ridiculous. There seems to be a much more low risk medium reward culture than high risk, high reward. Habanero and Kiznaiver are the only ones that stuck with me so far this season.
There are only two battle harems airing this season. Work on your bait.
Depends on what good shows are to you? I have no idea what defines a good show to you.
How can a man who's only created family friendly movies judge the whole industry.
I'd listen to Urobutcher over this clown.
>the only anime that are good are deep mature anime for deep and mature people like myself
Whisper of the Heart and Kiki are better than anything Urobutcher ever did.
>Substanceless eyecandy
>substance is the deciding factor for quality
>nevermind choreography, cinematography, attention to detail, atmosphere
>nevermind how fun Redline was
Kill yourself mah man.
What is the point of this thread if not a thinly veiled chance to shitfling over who has the best taste?
This thread is pointless because there will always be opportunities for decent shows to come out thanks to scarcity value, and as a consumer, you decide what shows air by watching them and paying for products. But then again, it's the Japanese consumers who decide anime and there's nothing you can do to change their taste. Besides, there are possibly millions of people who like Eva and don't understand it. I'm sure studios can get creative and meet both demand and quality.
And yes, the past decade has more than decent shows to offer. Mononoke, Tatami Galaxy, Haibane Renmei were made in the last decade. Followed by acceptable shows like Mushishi, Planetes, RuroKen, etc. It's like you think there isn't a market for decent work.
>inb4 Mononoke/Tatami/etc wasn't even that good
If you sincerely think that way, there's nothing I can do except explain that phenomenologically speaking, both subject and object cannot be removed from each other. That there is a definite reality but your understanding of it is limited to your experience and conceptualization. Dialogue offers itself as a solution in vain within places like these. But it's still there.
Two is a lot to me considering how formulaic they are and how they come out every other season. The state of the threads doesn't help either.
>everything and the dog is fucking cgi
>the high end market is dead and has been for nearly 15 years
>better than it's ever been
The good news is though oh pee, it's only going to get worse from here.
Good shit.
That's the thing, user. Taste is entirely subjective so something that appeals for me may not be appealing for you and vice versa.
thanks ofr the rec :^)
desu senpai, Valley of the Wind is so much better. Mononoke aired on tv last year and even my fucking parents thought so.
Tatami Galaxy, RuroKen, and Mushishi sound like shows Miyazaki would like though? People here act like he hates everything when he has mainly just been critical of shows that pander to the Otaku crowd.
Fair enough, though it still blows my mind how anyone could like a show such as say Freezing.. How some fans have taste like that.....nope. I just can't comprehend it.
They just take what he said out of context. Also, Miyazaki is bitter and criticizes pretty much everything, people shouldn't take what he says that seriously.
>he didn't call out Kaiba for cutting off its own balls and bleeding out into the toilet and calling an "ending"
It was so fucking close to being perfect.
>babbys first entry level anime
That isn't even a valid criticism toward the show you dense fuck
being a pretentious faggot who acts like this doesn't impress people or make you cool, it makes you hated even more and it makes you look stupid
Pic related is how it worked for me. Well, more or less at least. I still can't stand battle harems and some other types of shows
I am pretty sure Miyazaki actually likes a lot of 00s anime and people hijack his words to create dumb threads like these. He's critical of a lot of modern shows but it's mostly because of the pandering, the infomercials, and servicing the fetishism of the Otaku crowd. I honestly would probably act the same way if I was in my 70's. Who knows, maybe when you're in your 70's user, you may think the same way.
>eagerly showing everyone how retarded you are
If Mononoke Hime is the only one you know, then you should just die.
I don't think your standards have dropped. You just have fun with mediocre anime.
Lol. That is pretty accurate for me. I am probably at part 3 now, though this feels more like something I would see on Reddit than here.
>If Mononoke Hime is the only one you know
What did he mean by this?
GGG was magnitudes better than Gurren Lagann and Eva, and anyone with any history, knowledge, or background of the genre would agree. Only Gainax anime which comes close is Gunbuster.
Can't really argue with WOTH, That film is a fucking god send.
It means you're in a thread you're not qualified to be in. Like a bunch of other enlightened manchildren.
>Implying Princess Mononoke is a 2000s TV anime
Gee I dunno boss, maybe you can tell me which Monogatari is better than Ore Monogatari?
user who brought up Mononoke was talking about Miyazaki films, not 00.
Gunbuster is garbage. Most overrated Gainax show alongside FLCL
Pretty sure that user was referring to a time when the movie aired on TV.