Be El Pasoan

>Be El Pasoan
>See there a protest
>Its the laziest protest ever
>Over the dumbest shit ever
Why do people tend to start caring for an area just because it now finally going to get destroyed for something better?
Why do the (((Progressives))) tend to be the least progressive Sup Forums?

I live here too and I didn't hear about a protest. Maybe because I actually have a job unlike (You) and everyone else in this city?

My job doesn't need me right now and I have the privilege to see that this shit is happening.

>Has a job
>Posting on 4chins about others have time to see stuff because they lack a job.
Hows that dead end job Juan?

I have the day off, you redditspacing spixican. Show us your real flag.

Also you type like an ESL shitskin who can't even construct a proper sentence.

>So butt hurt you have to reply twice
>Doesn't even know what reddit spacing is
>Project this hard
Juan calm down, maybe you will eventually get promoted to getting payed 9 dollars an hour at your part time job.

>he thinks $9/hr is good
LOL esl shitskin paco confirmed. You're posting from mexico with your memeflag, aren't you? Also you're definitely a spicskin in denial about your low-IQ if you think "Posting on 4chins about others have time to see stuff because they lack a job" is a grammatically valid sentence among white americans.

Show us your real flag, Paco.

>Implying I was justifying that was a good pay.
Holy shit Juan btfo.
>Show your flag.
>So insecure that you have to see a flag.
>Still thinking attacking grammar means anything.
Please off yourself to reddit if you haven't already taking previous advice.

>d-dude who gives a shit about grammer lmao
White men who aren't libtards do. Spics like yourself don't because you have that typical "eyyy who gives a shit ese fuck it mang" el paso attitude

>Still projecting this hard.
Why are you so fucking butthurt faggot? No wonder this city is under Dem control because of online cuckservatives like you.

Did you learn that one at a liberal activist workshop, Paco? You got so fucking triggered when I mentioned that I have a job and you don't holy shit

>I can't come up with anything so I'm just going to mimic him back but question nothing.
>Proceed to come up with absurd things to try to prove nothing
>Getting more butthurt
Projecting faggots will never learn.

>literally projecting your projection
You didn't get all triggered like an overly-emotional spic until you read my post about how I have a job and you don't. Now you're projecting your lack of a job onto me and saying I'm projecting?

This is what happens when you subhumans try to use the white man's logic.

>Still projecting

>ey mang ju jus projekteeng mang das what dey tol' me at jutep
Get a job. Hope you have a green card.

>Going full retarded to project.

>spic still can't read so he just keeps regurgitating the same insult over and over

user, projecting gets you nowhere. In reality it makes you come off as a libcuck.

I'm not the dumb jobless spic who thinks $9/hr is a good job

>He still thinks I meant nine dollars as a decent pay.
>Resorting to smug anime girl.
You lost.

>he has a problem with anime girl reaction images
Typical redditspic.

>Still hasn't learn to project
>Not knowing anime girl is signal for defeat
>Falling for the trap

>still pretending he knows how to argue when he's just regurgitating the same reddit-tier insult over and over again
>all this started because Paco got triggered by my insinuation that he doesn't have a job
>focusing on my reaction images instead of regurgitating "p-projectión" over and over again
To think you could have spent all this time and energy on if you have a green card, paco!

>projecting even harder
>shilling too

lol dumb spic


Race war soon, paco


Don't project your suicidal ideations onto me

Hi guys I live in El Paso, too. Can we be friends?

>Projecting projections
Holy shit

Are you not a dumbass like the other faggot? Make sure to have a job too or else he going to be extra mad.

Stop projecting your friendlessness onto us.

>still this triggered about the fact that I jibed you for not having a job
It really isn't that hard to get a job around here...or is it because you don't have a greencard, paco?

>projects that I don't have a job
>projects that I am not a US citizen
>projects through anime
Once again, how is the dead end job faggot?

If none of that was true about you then you wouldn't get so intensely butthurt that you'd spam "muh projectión" 15 times and get unironically assmad at anime reaction images being posted on an anime imageboard.

To think you got so intensely triggered simply because I implied you don't have a job

Because you are projecting you dumb nigger.

But I'm not



Well if that going to be the case.
Thanks for proving of how much of a newfag you are and keeping this obviously failed thread alive for so long. It was a shitty honor to shitpost my own thread in order to keep it alive for so long. Your further replies will only prove how fucking dumb and new you are.
Now have a nice day nigger.


>Replying and projecting.

>m-muh projecciòn

>Still replying

>implying I care what someone below me thinks
>on an anonymous imageboard

>He keeps on replying.

Because you're so butthurt about not having a job!

>projects again
>replies again

*Slap his hand*
Fukk YOU nigg'AAA
*pull pants down*
Im NEET bitch no jews control me MOMMY HELP
*Poo in hand and throw it at him*
14/88 That's rite SHITSKIN
Sup Forums WAS RIGHt
Yieee yieee YEIEI
*pee everywhere*
You Nig'AAA work for the Jew
Oy veeeeey NEET power! give me my waifu pillow MOM
*exit building and go home to fap to Girls Bravo*

>m-muh projection
I'm the one who has a job and you don't. You're the one who got triggered when I said so


>projecting and still replying
holy shit my sides

>still triggered



Holy shit you are a newfag. I can't fucking believe how retarded you are.


This thread had great potential.
>complete waste of fucking time.

>a protest about some spics whining about a dilapidated neighborhood being bulldozed or something
Who the fuck cares I didnt even hear about this because I work 50h a week actually doing something worth a damn

Why are you so hostile? What the fuck is your problem?
Congratulations, I'm glad you're a productive member of society.
>Me, too.
t. Construction superintendent works whatever hours it takes to get the job done.

>t. triggered faggot

Honestly thought it went to shit about four post in with the retard projector here. Only kept up the shitposting for potential other people but it went too far after I proclaimed so in one of my post.

>50 hour work weeks.
How much you make Juan?

Because this isn't a happening. It's not even a noteworthy event. The only people who are at this protest are feckless liberals or idiots who can't even get a job (the two are inclusive).

>still projecting

>I'm going to through a tantrum because I think an event is irrelevant to me.
Sure is libtard here.




>Projector still posting
>Proving how much of a newfag libtard he is


>still posting

>still projecting