Anime that everyone forgot about ITT.
Anime that everyone forgot about ITT
Other urls found in this thread:
Every show after 2 seasons
Check 3x3 threads.
>implying I still don't listen to the OST daily
I have no idea what it's called. An anime about a young boy who inherets a mansion out in the woods, which is filled with massive amounts of maids that all want to bang him.
This show had a really nice last few episodes, it's a shame vietnam was such a bad arc.
At least SAO had its hour in the spotlight, look at Log Horizon.
I'll never forget this show.
This. We used to have daily generals that always hit the image and post limit but in the last year or so I've hardly ever seen it brought up.
Maybe because it's been discussed to death but I think they're still making new material so I don't know.
Moot the anime
>here let me introduce all those characters to you
and then the runtime was over.
That's not DRR.
I haven't forgotten this, how could I. It breaks all rules of human anatomy.
Never forget. I still want to see LNfags' claims of Yakoutora's acts of terrorism.
If only the LNs are being translated.
Can't even tell who this is she looks too generic.
Obviously I haven't forgotten about it, as the Marui triplets are my daughterus, but all I ever see the series mentioned for is people bitching about the art style and pee jokes.
>implying you can forget about MAID GUY MAID GUY MAID GUY
Not even close to forgotten.
so forgettable i couldn't find a decent size image on google
S3 when
I still can't believe I even watched the whole thing. At least the OP and ED were great.
what anime is this
giggle, tineye, and iqdb do nothing
Rozen Maiden.
View Same on desustorage and it's the first name posted
>view same
What the fuck I never knew this existed
Is from the same?
s-sauce then?
Which one? You should have already figured out the first one if you got View Same to work. Google should work for the second one.
I wanted to fuck the cat.
Sorry I'll kill myself now
Log Horizon's anime adapted everything that was written at the time it aired.
author died and ending was rushed. Had potential to be a great sleeper hit.
You could also just say it and not be a massive superior tool about something trivial.
No shut up, he's right.
t. guy who asked.
Well, since you at least showed that you put in a bit of effort.
First one's Walkure Romanze and the other one was Brynhildr in the Darkness
No, he could just say it instead of acting like it's the end of the world to do such a basic action and then act holier than thou about it.
Fuck off.
That show with the witches that melt.
Give a man a fish, teach a man to fish, etc.
Sounds like He Is My Master.
hello newfriend, I suggest lurking more
mirai nikki?
It's much more fun younger brother.
>tfw temporarily blocked from posting from all boards for 15 minutes for posting a technically SFW image of two people having sex on a blue board hours ago
Bullshit, no nipples no anything what did I get ban-appealed for, I even specifically asked the janny to just delete the post and warn me if it was too much.
Yeah I found both of 'em, thanks.
ain't the first Database?
But he's completely fucking right, saucefags really shouldn't just ask for sauce, especially when the first one was findable through giggle (just not tineye or iqdb) and he gave me a method I didn't know about to find the second.
Far right reminds me of Hakuno
I'm fairly certain it's Walkure Romanze.
I started learning moonrunes only so I could read the novels, but they're fucking hard to read and each volume is lenghty as a bible.
I liked it a lot too
Didn't Zombie-Loan get cancelled midway? I remember the anime just randomly ending at episode 11.
Rinka a cute.
Why did very few people even care?
Not me. I still regularly listen to X-encounter and Break a spell.
I'll never forget this anime because it was so fucking terrible.
Fuck off.
ED was amazing.
Please go back to >>Sup Forums
>from 2013-14
Where are the based mods these days
>Cool setting
>Cute girls
>Horrendous melodrama
What a pity.
Melodrama is always the problem.
t. Sup Forums
Get out.
Dont see this mention on Sup Forums that much
Yuka is cute
Well I mean it's pretty old ain't it
Oh shit I haven't seen this gif in forever
I started reeading the LNs to see how far it got. Unfortunately only the last volume wasn't covered by the anime and it was the beginning of a new arc.
Ain't nobody going to forget that trainwreck
The dead cat?
>brand new hard drive fries
>it's okay mostly anime from just last seaso
>TR was on it too for some reason
>well whatever I'll just re-download it
>stuck at 88%
Try a different source.
>Aired: Apr 12, 2008 to Oct 4, 2008
Holy shit, I didn't even realize this show is almost 8 years old. Time fucking flies.
Nardo ended nearly two years ago.
well yeah
started watching it, since it seems fun
That was a great show. Only watched it for Nakahara though.
I don't see people discuss it, but I think silver link did a fantastic job.
a case of the adaption being better than the manga too
I hate to ask but sauce
reverse image brings nothing
Never ever. Real shame to.
There are still semi-regular threads about it. It lives on in the hearts of femdom fags everywhere.
I really liked this show but the rare threads it gets make it seem super divisive.
Not much to say about it since the manga ended.
I wish I did fo