Princess Tutu is still one of the greatest of all time

Princess Tutu is still one of the greatest of all time.

Anyone else seen it?

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>Princess Tutu is still one of the greatest of all time.
Yes it is. Probably the best thing Junichi Sato has done. Such a shame it can't be remastered on blu ray because of the short period it came out.

>Anyone else seen it?
Nope. Never seen it.

Sorry OP you must be the only user ever to have seen Princess Tutu


Ahiru's Japanese voice is my favorite voice in anime. I really love how they went that extra mile to find a way to make her sound like a duck.

Episode 13 of Princess Tutu is an actual masterpiece and makes the entire show worth watching. It's definitely one of my favorite anime.

Every episode is an actual masterpiece.

I wish there was a set of OVAs or a film with Faqir set slightly in the future with him turning Ahiru back into a human.

Princess Tutu is one of my favorites, but come on. A few of the episodes are rather lackluster. Many people drop the series with episodes 2-4.

Episode 3 was what got me into it, for some reason Ebine's story got me the first time I watched. I can see why people get turned off by the early episodes though, it doesn't really start to get good until Mytho gets a few emotions back.

Princess Tutu is definitely one of the all time great. Everything about it was wonderful and really enjoyable. Both Ahiru and Fakir were super cute.

If anything, it's better than that POS Raildex garbage.

I watched it dubbed

It was great. I was surprised by the ending, thought they'd pull some happy end out of their butts instead of having her stay duck'd

Rewatch it subbed someday. I watched the dub first too, and the dub was really well done and did it justice. Then I rewatched with subs a few years later, and I'm glad I watched both but it really is best with the original voices. Ahiru in particular is perfect.

Yeah I'll try subs for a rewatch. Dub was surprisingly solid though, especially liked Duck's voice.

>buy DVDs
>Ahiru is just called duck in the dub
>annoyed, but I'm sure the subtitles fix this
>they call her Duck in the subtitles as well

Yes, her name means duck. But her name isn't the English word Duck. And its stupid to keep seeing 'Duck' in subtitles when they say Ahiru. Plus, you lose the double meaning of her name.

It would be like watching CardCaptor Sakura, but they keep calling Sakura 'Cherry Blossom'.

This is why you watch fansubs.

That sounds really annoying, the only time I think duck would be appropriate is when Dosselmeyer calls her name as he seems to be doing it mockingly and knows she's a duck.

Reminds me I once found some shitty subs that called Mytho "Mute-senpai".

I always wonder why Princess Tutu threads aren't more active? Is it because it's a complete story with no loose ends really so there's nothing to discuss?

Princess Tutu needs an edgy modern reboot.

they dont want to expose their insecure masculinity

It's because Sup Forums is all newfags with shit taste who haven't even seen or heard of it.

Please no, anything but that.

Its an anime that came out before 2004. Unless its something like Azumanga Daioh or Cowboy Bebop, that automatically means 90% of people here haven't seen it.

And even after getting through that barrier, a significant portion of the oldfags haven't seen it either.

And then, not everyone cares to talk about it.

you can just say reboot, it's redundant to say "edgy modern" with it.

Tutu was already pretty edgy though.

I don't think you know what edgy means user.

>Princess Tutu needs a sexy modern reboot.

I watched it as a child and I still love it to this day.

no one on Sup Forums knows the definition of edgy

edgy just means "I didn't like it cause it was too dark for me" on Sup Forums. There is no bar for how dark something is for it to be edgy, if someone thought it was too dark for them, it's edgy.

Same thing applies to "comfy"

>o god my dad is an evil raven and im a rape baby
>let me go steal my bf's emotions
>but fakir will stop you
>not he wont because fate is sealed and you cant do shit
>but i am a duck
I am actually making shit up

Utena already exists. And it came out three years before Princess Tutu. HOnestly I like Princess Tutu because it had a dark atmosphere and powerful themes without trying to be like Utena/Madoka. It fit the dark Grimm storybook style, but also was bright when needed.

Utena wasn't grimdark edgy or much like Tutu at all. Utena had plenty of bright moments. Did you watch Utena or did you just see people comparing it to Madoka and take their word for it.

Post more Ahirupits please

The Black Rose arc and the movie were pretty dark. But I was actually pointing to how the same people who use terms like 'edgy' are the type of people who tend to like Utena.

Yeah, OP, it was pretty good

I know it was a stupid gag but I laughed at that damn cat every time

Neko-sensei was best girl.

He reminds me way too much of the cat from Fiviel Goes West in that image.

I did too holy shit

I watched it years ago, but i can't remember nothing actually

Rewatch it and if you don't love it kill yourself and rid the world of your shit taste.

Kraehe was so perfect

He can have me marry him any day

maybe I'm autistic

but I never got this joke, it confused me the entire time

>Tutu thread
>No guitar battling ninjas

What shitty, alternate reality Sup Forums have I stumbled into?

I hope the joke wasn't any deeper than 'desperate crazy neko sensei uses the threat of marriage to make his students behave' because if so I didn't get it either.

She was so sexy

It wasn't.

I think it needs a live action reboot, done by Michael Bay, with Megan Fox as "The Duck" and Shia Lebouf as Fakir, battling against the evil "Matthew" and his cohort "The Crow" (nothing to do with the Brandon Lee film).

Yes. It's great.

The town was modeled after the bavarian city Nördlingen. I want to visit it someday.

Drosselmeyer is also the guy who wrote the Nutcracker story

Wow, I had no idea, there's even the cathedral in the middle, cool shit.

>It would be like watching CardCaptor Sakura, but they keep calling Sakura 'Cherry Blossom'.
Except Ahiru isn't also an actual name.

Her being called "Ahiru" is just as incongruous to Japanese ears as her being called "Duck" is to English ears.

If you don't translate it, idiots like you miss that and just assume "Ahiru" is a plausible-sounding Japanese name.

This, Sakura is coparable to someone being called Rose in english, it's popular as a name so it isn't weird, but if you met a girl called Sunflower it'd still be weird.

The true prima donna!


This shit was gay as hell, I can only imagine femanons and homos liking it.

I can only imagine insecure closet homos hating it

This bait was gay as hell, I can only imagine faggots and uberfaggots falling for it

dubbed Lilya is a treasure. I finished the dub just for her.


>there are people on Sup Forums right now that didn't watch Princess Tutu
It should be mandatory

This is bait or a newfag.

I want to fuck a raven.