How does he keep acting like this? What the fuck is this shit
is he going to do this every time he dies
How does he keep acting like this? What the fuck is this shit
is he going to do this every time he dies
Other urls found in this thread:
Maybe his butt hurts
because when you're stuck in a TIME LOOP the best way to enjoy it is to kidnap the groundhog and let it drive the car.
it'll all be worth it to reach the semen demon emilia-tan at the end
Wait next episode
I assume he was chosen because he is able to maintain such a positive attitude allowing him to make progress.
Perfect thread OP. I just finished making this webm.
So are there any other anime/manga that deal with groundhog days? I really enjoy seeing how each MC handles the situation he is in. I've already read All You Need Is Kill, any others?
Neat. Wonder how much more use they'll get out of that animation. Also, can you get the others all combined in one?
Saike Mata Shite mo
Have a go at it.
>How does he keep acting like this?
>oh no why is he being extroverted i cant self insert as an extrovert wahhhh
I don't know if they'll all fit on one webm.
The one he does in episode 3 lasts like 20 seconds.
Sucks they never included this part.
Will do, thanks user.
>What the fuck is this shit
>doesn't know who John Travolta is
That pose will mark the end of his sanity.
I got the impression from the first episode that he was a loner NEET or some hikki, so it annoys me to seem him being an extrovert and hitting on every single girl like it's second nature.
He's a NEET/hikki by choice not by circumstance. You'll find out why sooner or later if the director decides to go into depth about his character and his character has alot of depth.
I want the femanons to leave
Where do you guys read it? can't find any beyond the Elsa fight
The moment he stops making that pose will mark when he stops pretending to be happy.
There's a different manga for every arc which is drawn by a different artist and is published by a different company. Basically licencing issues. So go find em user, they aren't too difficult to find.
The moment he starts to drop his mask and show his crippling depression will be GLORIOUS.
You sound like a tool in person OP
Because he's from some asshole light novelist's badly written wet dream.
alpha male hikki is common mc for shitty LN
Who knows, we may get our very own wise magical negro of the book.
>asshole light novelist's badly written wet dream
For the most part you're not wrong. He is a well known sadist.
>badly written
Now this is wrong. He writes quite well actually.
>he writes well
I'm gonna be nice about this, but I have this overwhelming sense of you being a shiteating fucktard who doesn't actually read anything substantive.
Sure the story has pacing problems but its not badly written at all, you can go into a very deep and detailed discussion about the WN which I cannot say for the others I have read. Not to mention the characters are surprisingly not static nor shallow. Sucks that they didn't show it in the anime though. But nobody wants to have 10 minutes of MC reflecting upon his previous deaths and thought processes.
Name the last 3 books you've read.
>I'm gonna be nice about this
>I have this overwhelming sense of you being a shiteating fucktard
>be nice
>shiteating fucktard
I thoroughly enjoy your writing. Keep it up user, you are the best type of person!
And I mean that.
To Kill a Mocking Bird
Death Of A Salesman
In Search Of Lost Time: Entire Series
He writes concisely, which means he writes better than most WN authors and is at least at entry level for a book author.
That was actually fairly nice relative to how triggered I was at the thought of some punk teenager reading pulp trash all day and having the gall to present to others his opinions about 'good' writing.
lol he's such a goof xD
Can't wait till this annoying faggot starts suffering
I can probably give you a list of books that I've read over the course of this year if you'd like.
that would be where you present why he's wrong with your opinion and provide examples for him to look into and not just berate him.
>In Search Of Lost Time: Entire Series
My nigger. Marcel Proust is a based author.
One should never have to justify themselves for calling someone a shiteating fucktard.
>10 minutes of MC reflecting upon his previous deaths and thought processes
With how the WN is, if they adapted it fully this would have been true for almost every episode.
Schweser Notes for CFA Level III Book 5
Schweser Notes for CFA Level III Book 4
Schweser Notes for CFA Level III Book 3
>Learning strategies
What for?
? There's no point reading the actual CFA texts if you can just read the notes. That's how I passed I and II.
Are you fucking kidding me?
Haha, all highest score band so far, seems to work
cotd: Disclaimer: Past results are not indicative of future results
Not him, but I get the overwhelming sense that you think "writing" means "prose" and nothing else, just like every delusional /lit/faggot who thinks reading makes him smart despite being complete unable to form an objective analysis of anything.
that only holds for an unregressed sample, and even an unregressed sample is indicative of future regression
Not when half of the exam format is completely different from Level II, among other things such as increase life commitments. Which is why 55% of Level II candidates fail after passing level II.
>Subaru was a man who went his own way
>received magic and half-elf waifu
Being average really isn't that hard.
I can take this guy seriously, he reminds me so much of Taniguchi
38% of candidates passing the Level I, 42% passing Level II, and 52% passing Level III exam in June 2012
>Young and Freedman 13th Edition
>Mathematical Physics: A Modern Introduction to Its Foundations
>The Space Environment: Implications for Spacecraft Design by Tribble
>Young and Freedman 13th Edition
You a Physics Maj or in Aerospace Engineering?
Physics Maj.
Kill me, please.
He's based tho
Well shit, I wish you luck then. Also, nice get.
While I can respect the people that go for this stuff, I don't know how in the world someone could stick with this.
*level III candidates fail after passing level II
You stick through all of the suffering and despair just to see if you can get a happy ending. I stuck with it in hope of one day I can change the world for the better and have my work get recognized.
Isn't Higurashi Groundhog Day themed?
So kinda like the MC in Re:Zero?
Exactly like Re:Zero.
I just gave up and forgot the suffering. And a lot of other things.
>mfw I struggle with basic math
>mfw this
It's called studying.
I'm 24 now and I don't remember any calculus or even algebra I did in high school. I think the point where I'd stop failing tests is probably 5th grade math, I don't have confidence in my ability to pass 6th grade math.
holy shit, I literally just learned my times tables. fuck you, I bet you're either white, or Asian.
Jesus Christ.
Hard work and willpower will get you places user. People who say its talent don't know shit.
What gibberish is this? I have no idea how to read this
You need to know what the values represent and the mathematical and scientific terminology first in order to read it.
>exactly like re:zero
I dunno man, this shit looks a lot easier to understand for me.
What if you don't know the place you want to go?
Talent is definitely a thing, though.
Plus, the ability to work hard is a talent, too.
If you're in a university Physics program, you should already be smart enough to know that determinism is correct. Talking about people in terms of what they've individually had the free will to accomplish is pointless.
Then it doesn't matter what you do, you'll reach there anyways
Well I always have CERN as my back-up plan.
Please don't form a dystopia or start WW3
That one actually doesn't seem too bad if you can get the acceleration speed, expansion speed and size of the universe at target time.
I just know where I don't want to go. And that's a lot of places.
You don't want to know, user.
See this is where its fucked. Your only value is t. Also yes, it is a legit textbook question and the answer is by a factor of 1100 if I did my math right.
>Your only value is t.
I like physics but someone is really trying to stop me.
You never know.
Don't be like that user, physics is fun.
Only on late night Sup Forums threads we get this kind of shit. Jesus Christ.
That's morning euro Sup Forums for you
>physics is fun.
But math isn't. No matter how many math teachers lie through their teeth to me.
That's how a lot of things seem. Though the applications can be interesting, the work involved is never enjoyable.
Look what you started
Are you happy now? Because I feel really intellectually inferior as of this moment.
>tfw finally find an MC you can self-insert as
Feels somewhat refreshing for once. He's not too beta, not too alpha and not too edgy.
I can't wait to see what kind of backstory Subaru has and why he's so damn optimistic despite all the shit that's happening to him.
Yeah, math isn't fun at all. But solving problems is, for me at least.
If you had the power to come back to a certain starting point, and always acted gloomy you would be the biggest fuck in existence
Unless you are hitting Steins;Gate level of repeating a time loop multiple times to try and save someone who is always going to die. I am pretty sure that happens in this series and that's when suffering hits.
Be like Subaru, force yourself through bad endings to get to a good one.
Actually, what I'm doing isn't that hard you just need to work at it.
I still remembered I was nearly orgasm when I got my first diffferential equation right.
Because he's still in denial about how much of a curse his superpower is. While its nice to have a reset power, it would be real shitty if the situation could not be changed. Plus the pain you'd have to endure mentally, it would be insane.
>CERN as backup plan
shit, mate, what's your main plan, creating your own country?
i had internship in CERN in plans, but royally fucked up with few courses, got held back some years, and sorta gave up on that.