Why do we barely talk about Texhnolyze when it's way more deep than Evangelion?
Why do we barely talk about Texhnolyze when it's way more deep than Evangelion?
Because it's pretty good but Eva caught on quicker
Because we talked about it years ago.
Eva on the other hand gets watched more so people make more threads, and there are new movies being made.
Well I think, it's difficult to tell since they come out every decade or so
Because it's a piece of junk.
Because it has serious pacing problems. It's almost obnoxious with how greatly it stretches its scenes out.
kids talk about it a lot on MAL.
They unironically think this garbage is artsy, deep and complex (kek), because it lacks dialogues, everything is dark and grey and everybody behave like a mentally afflicted shitlord. MUH MUTURE ANIMAY.
Pretentious 2deep4u garbage.
I cant be as handsome as Yoshii :(
>more deep
>not deeper
Ich ben ist die baiten?
Posting superior pretentious cyberpunk shit. I like both equally
>I'll never be cool as Yoshii.
Why even live, His deathwas cool as fuck as well.
Ich habe gesündigt
Why is rei so sex?
Perfect body shape, doujin when?
Are there ANY Ergo Proxy doujins? I'd be surprised to find one.
Because on a surface level, there's not much to discuss that hasn't been discussed already, unlike Eva which has plenty of superficial traits that can be reposted for eternity, the most obvious example being waifu wars and general shitposting about it's apparent craziness and position in the industry.
Texhnolyze didn't really affect anything and just sort of gets mentioned every now and then while also attracting obnoxious retards that either don't know why it's good or miss the point of the show entirely. You can still have a decent thread with the right people around though.
But I like anime that has less dialogues on it.
It makes it more atmospheric
Spotted the fullretard.
Because we don't have Technolyze Remastered Blu-Rays yet.
Well, Texhnolyze is not that depressive as anons said.
Only the ending was depressive, literally came out of nowhere.
What a garbage thread. Shame on you, OP. If you actually want a good thread then start one properly.
An ending foretold since the halfway point of the show came out of nowhere?
>MC couldn't protect loli
>Nor couldn't change his fate
>Everyone became full cyborgs or dies
>Humanity ends
>MC ends dying alone while remembering the good times
>no that sad
It's definitely one of my favorites, but it's hard to rewatch. It's a fucking depressing ride.
Are you dumb user?
If this is your very first 'depressing' stuff, then yeah baby, it's true. Otherwise you realize it's just a try hard bullcrap which is just slightly better than ergo proxy.
>it's way more deep than Evangelion?
It's really not at all. More boring and poorly executed though.
I hope you don't hug your mom with those hot opinions.
no waifus no threads
How did she die?
U mad, fanboi?
>way more deep than Evangelion?
m8, even Azumanga Daioh was that
suicide by drowning
Let's not forget about the best secretary.
It's the lack of waifus and slow pacing.
What a coincidence, I finished this just last week. It was alright, I guess it's not talked about that much because there's nothing to talk about and unlike Eva, there's not a legion of people who want to jerk it to the underage girls in it posting pictures of them all the time.
But yeah Ergo Proxy did it better, despite shitting itself near the end.
This show was so fucking boring. Holy shit. There were a few shocker moments here and there, but overall it was a boring story with boring, mostly unlikable characters.
What has he done wrong? What where yoshii's goals again?
Just, what what the message of the show?
It's sad to be dumb, user
Texhnolyze is the end of anime, nothing really comes close.
Yoshi turned out to be a fucking psychopath.
Because Eva is far, far more accessible.
>because it lacks dialogues, everything is dark and grey
There is nothing wrong with this you pretentious fuck.
He wasn't, though.
He was Kano's polar opposite in that he was a humanist who wanted to see humans truly live, as opposed to Kano whose solipsism led to humanity's extinction.
Texhnolyze is my favorite anime
I liked the dub better
>inb4 "so you liked an american guy groaning more than a japanese guy"
I liked the sub because Shinji, Yoshii and Ichise's VAs were really good.
>monologue monologue monologue monologue
>still shot for half a minute
seriously fuck anime that does this, it's not deep it's pretentious and lazy
it's the contents of the monologue and the shot that make it pretentious, not just its presence.
>not just it's presence
if the presence is overbearing and is overused in contrast to you know stuff like dialogue that actually explains what the fuck is going on then it's going to turn out like shit
now technolyze isn't the worst offender here, but relying as much as it did on internal thoughts and feelings of individual characters to carry the story sure as fuck didn't help
you can write a deep and thought provoking story without the need to rely on them either
Because it's not as accessible
It's not discussed because the plot isn't really set up for interesting interpretations unlike eva
It's basically
>guy shows up in town
>blows shit up
>sets up tension between local gangs
>go outside to see where he came from
>everyone outside is a robot and apparently lost the will to live
>come back
>everyone became robots because the elites
>kill the elites
>nothing left now
>sit back and wait to die
what was the message in this?
What made tex amazing was its soundtrack and the backgrounds/landscapes. The story isn't that important, it's the hopeless atmosphere that really got me.
Transhumanism is not the answer.
There is no answer.
>This sexy shirt and little tie
Ergo proxy was shit
Re-l makes my dick hard
If you are an edgy teen, then sure.
What does sex with her feel like?
Her bitch face and cold attitude makes my dick diamonds
>replying with a tumblr meme
Sure as hell, kiddo.
It was a good dub desu, pic related's voice was top tier stuff.
Kano was such a disturbing character
How depressing.
Because it's not actually deep but rather it's equivalent to getting waterboarded
yeah he was until he GOT HIS FUCKING FACE PUNCHED OFF.
because it's shit compared to other good anime Sup Forums never talks about Gankutsuou
b-but i liked both Texhnolyze and Gankutsuo. They're both in my top 10.
I couldn't get any of my friends to watch even more than half an episode because LOLWTFARETHESECOLORS IT LOOSK LIKE CHOWDER
>When Ichise asks his arm and leg to move one last time and it does.
There were so many beautiful and sweet scenes in this show. Not everyone was edgy or mean. I liked Doc, Onishi, and Toyama the most I think.
>This is what my Texhnolyzation should be used for.
>not liking Gakutsuous art work and art direction
Your friends have poor taste.
I have a feeling that Texhnolyze was heavily influenced by Nihei.
because Sup Forums is infested with plebs
I just bought Man of Men and Music Only Music But Music, The OSTs for Texhnolyze the othe day
Ichise becomes Killy
awesome art
>way more deep
OP is a complete idiot that has no understanding of the term depth.
because it's too depressing
at least Evangelion gave me the will to go on
This, this just induces depression
I find it more worthy of praise than Eva. It's depressing, but it has much better direction and characters to me.
Not everything that has a sad ending is bad, you know?
Why? It just means that we have to stop trying to make ourselves into what we're not and live like the humans we are.
Great argument
I would argue that Doc was ultimately right in her intentions of giving man a means to live on with Texhnolyzation and use it for good.
Look at what Onishi and Ichise were able to do with her help. It may not have saved everything, but her intentions were from a good place.
It could have been more successful if the characters included more teenagers.
But it wasn't working because Lux was forced into a class society where only the rich gangsters were able to afford it.
dude Texhnolyze's ending rejects nihilism, its incredibly poignant but it'd be underselling the series if you say it only aims to make you depressed.
Anyone who argues that she did do something wrong has no idea what they're talking about
I find it just as good as Eva direction wise
Even though Eva had budget issues by the last few episodes, Anno did well with what he had
And EoE is still a beautiful masterpiece that assimilates all the themes of the show and goes into one of the best climaxes
Never implied it was bad, I appreciate Texhnolyze for what it is and love the pacing and directiion of the show
I just hated the hopeless feeling the atmosphere emitted, and yes before you imply something I know it was the point
I can still appreciate art and still have have an opinion on why it wouldn't be my first choice
Evangelion just does the, "even if things are hopeless, it's ok, everything is going to be alright in the end" like a mother's embrace.
Texholyze was like a "it doesn't matter what you do or what you try, fate is unavoidable. Your struggles didn't amount to anything and you are alone"
People might not realize this but Texhnolyze isn't that obscure, not on Sup Forums at least.
go to the archives and you'll see it gets mentioned more than even some shows that aired in previous seasons.
She drove the city insane and begged Onishi to kill her. She tried to help though.
The Class killed everyone that was inferior and drove them underground.
Can you explain a little more for my and benefit?