Sup Forums approved clothing?
Sup Forums approved clothing?
you approve of that cancer?
Luv it
Turtlenecks are always stylish.
Normal, not attention whore clothes. Be fashionable with simplicity. Unless you go to an anime convention. The were something funny and certainly not the garbage in the OP.
Oh and by anime convention, of course I mean one in Japan. Otherwise just kill yourself to be honest.
Your clothes must be made from Dakimakura covers, otherwise you just look like the basic weaboo.
>Sup Forums approved clothing?
No such thing, really.
None, keep your 3DPD blogshit away.
Training to beat Gu Saitama? Fucking terrible shirt only wearable at cons and triggers my OCD.
There is very little f/a/ clothing of any value. If a normie caught you wearing 99% of Hot Topic anime shit you'd get beaten to death and the cafepress shit like OP's shop always looks like it was designed by a 4 year old who just discovered mspaint.
I want these so fucking bad, they're impossible to find anymore though.
Normal people usually don't care about what's on a person's shirt unless it has obscene stuff on it.
Hide your powerlevel faggots.
I have this shirt.
How haven't I seen this before? They're pretty great.
It's subtle and funny.
Full out anime core or bust.
Lack of lurking, most likely.
The "I don't want to be approached" look taken so far it backfires into the "I am going to approached by the police" look.
>put these on
>end up in a car accident
>unconscious but no serious injuries
>hospital staff undresses me
>wake up
>don't know who of the staff knows and who doesn't
>every look coming my way is interpreted as mocking
this would be my luck
I would rather wear this and just embrace it, than this trying to do the whole "insider joke" shtick which people either see through or misinterpret to mean something worse anyway.
>have a prejudice doctor who doesn't want to operate on you because of your "homo pants"
that's why you've got to be hot as fuck to wear these and get away with it
At which point they assume you are just wearing them for shits and giggles and tear them apart with scissors to remove them faster.
You can't win.
I think the most I would be willing to wear is the NERV logo on an item of clothing. Even then it would have to be without the text "God is in heaven. All is right with the world", it would have to be just the halfhalf NERV/Leaf logo
I wear loli at my house, ecchi at my college, hentai at my part-time job, waifu during free days or just at the club.
Are you 12?
Where do people even get these?
Ancient Japanese Secret
The trick is to not buy them though.
I bought the Commie t-shirt last year
I want this
You'd have to be decently big to pull if off though.