What did Sup Forums think of Shuffle?

What did Sup Forums think of Shuffle?

I can't remember if I watched it or not

Asa end would have been alright if it didn't come out of fucking nowhere.

I loved how Rin was slightly different as a harem MC compared to what I've seen at time. I also loved how Kaede turned pure yandere towards the end.

Best grill won

bets grilll never wins, if the gril wins she's not best gril

Read the VN

Had a really good ending/unexpected

>Read the VN
>no sensei route
>no heterochromia retard route, no maa maa blond route.

It was fun.

Probably the only harem anime that ended with the main character going with the best girl.

Best girl won for once.





I definitely watched it, how could I forget seeing Mayumi's pussy?

>No Mayumi route
>No Nadeshiko route
>No Kareha route

I really wish Essence+ for Mayumi.

best girl won

Wish anime adaptations had more balls to give us side heroine endings.

That being said, is there an adaptation where a character with no route in the VN won?

Walkure Romance?


I loved Shuffle!, but the VN was boring as fuck. After the energy and fun of the anime, and waiting years for it to be translated, I was disappointed.

Fucking still love the show. MC isn't amazing, but great voice and reactions. Kaede's backstory, Asa's mom and Primula's origin, the fact the MC goes out of his way to change and even picks a girl, and even MC dating a girl that isn't the end goal were all interesting points.

If harem anime were represented by idiots, I'd consider Shuffle! the king of idiots.

I know I watched it, but I don't remember it

Oh yeah. Green won didn't he, because MC felt sorry for her since she was sick or something?
Felt like that came out of nowhere. Like he suddenly just decided to choose her.

Good harem anime is dead.


>good harem anime
user, that is an oxymoron.

>I'm dying because I don't want to use my powers to heal myself because if I use my powers then that would make me less human in the eyes of my boyfriend even though my boyfriend hangs out with all these devil girls and finds them normal but I want to appear as a normal human being anyway even to the point of dying even though that's not what my boyfriend wants at all just because oh wait I am actually dying why am I dying it's all my moms fault fuck the wooooooorld

Asa in a nutshell.

I liked the anime, I liked Asa, but I hated the forced drama surrounding her extremely avoidable dilemma.


It was one of the first Harem's I watched so it gave me expectations that others would end conclusively.

Best grill won

It was extremely forgettable.

I see something that doesn't exactly belong to a christian board

You fool, pubic hair is God's mandate.