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Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V
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Remember those scary, uncertain days when Ruri was just a name?
>Shun only believes in Yuya because Ruri believes in EGAO
>Yusho passed down EGAO to Sayaka, who passed it on to Ruri, who passed it on to Yuto, who passed it on to Yuya, who passed it on the City.
>Yusho passed down "When you feel like crying, smile" to Yuya
Holy Shit Shinji is such a faggot
Wait why didn't Edo instantly card Yuya?
Since Yuya doesn't have the Academia uniform he would assume that Yuya from XYZ right?
>Gongenzaka didn't force a tie against Kaito when he had the chance
Every thread until he returns.
He probably didn't notice Yuya getting buried. Since Yuya's pretty obviously not carded or captured in the next ep preview, there's good odds that Edo opens the next ep by going "Damn, he got away" or something.
Oh wait shit I misread.
Notice that Edo went "Hey kid you looking for someone maybe I can help" right off the bat. He was clearly planning on getting Yuya to lead him to more XYZ scum to card.
>Edo: This is perfect.
>If you really are Sakaki Yusho’s son, I can use you as bait to lure him out!
Carding Yuya is exactly what he doesn't want to do
I think he's referring to the time between Edo spotting Yuya and him learning about who Yuya is, since we've seen that you don't need to win a duel to card someone he could have sneak attacked Yuya.
>tumblr picture in OP
This general is cancer.
>Edo wearing a robe over a robe and cape
Wheres Serena and Asuka?
>Ruri holding a card
Does this mean she'll duel before this series is over?
A lot of space being taken by Sawatari
I'd bet money that all the Ruris will duel at some point. We might even get a Yuzu vs Ruri duel.
Where is that from?
>Yuzu vs Ruri
Why? They both believe in EGAO
Why does Yuzu only get one image while Rin and Ruri each get 2 and Sawatari gets fucking 10?
I always believed in Ruri and her saint patron, Shun.
buy ruri raptors
One of them will get disillusioned with it
>Ruri no longer believes in EGAO
>Shun and Yuto both proceed to go back to ACADEMIA REEE mode
Academia brainwashing, same one Reiji uses
Yusho had noticed about Leo's scheme before he disappeared.
>instead of building up a force to stop Academia, he runs off to Heartland to teach EGAO, which makes it even easier for Academia to destroy
nice Yusho.
>sawatari has 10 images
>meanwhile yuya only has 6
I think we all know who the true protagonist is.
Yuto is already back in ACADEMIA REEEEEEEEE mode
And Shun will be once he realizes there can only be one Ruri
107 Ebina
108 Ono
Yuya needs better pajamas. Gray is terrible on him.
>Ebina animating semen demons
his jammies are the cutest thing ever
When will these two be put out of their jobbing misery?
When the twins drain them to death.
impossible, jobbers are too limp dick
Shape, maybe, but the color and lack of pattern to go with it.
As much as I don't like Mieru, she does have a point here.
>grey drains your fortunes
>Yuto has grey eyes
Info about Ruri and Rin?
Nothing beyond what you'd expect
Can't wait for Yuzu to lose.
I want to see Ruri's deck.
Ruri and Rin vs. Yuzu and [/spoiler]Asuka[/spoiler] tag duel when?
probably some winged beast type deck
>inb4 she has castel
Nice tag m8
Anyways, here are the rules of Ruri Duel
It'll be 3v1
And whichever Ruri is the 1 in the 3v1 will win
Maybe Harpies for Ruri and Gustos for Rin if they don't do a CAC archetype for them. Harpies are a winged beast deck that like to XYZ a lot and Gustos use Synchros a lot and both themes are fitting for their pilots as Harpies are Winged Beasts and Gustos are Wind.
And yeah I see Ruri with Castel/Zerofyne in her extra deck.
>There is currently no character who primarily uses Psychic, Fish, Sea Serpent, Thunder, Pyro, Reptile, Dinosaur and Wyrm in Arc-V
Was Mieru supposed to be the Rebecca or Ishizu clone?
She'd a fortune-teller that had pretty deep impacts and did lots of foreshadowing in her prime but she ended up being irrelevant for the most part but she's also the secondary love interest for the protagonist
What about Shibireru?
omg babby Yuya is adorable
>Ruri had the only Castel in Heartland at the time of the invasion but refused to use it because EGAO
>yfw Castel archetype
Why are people so obsessed with this guy?
They developed PTSD after getting Castel'd one too many times.
He's ridiculously easy to summon, and as it turns out in today's meta bouncing is the best thing you can do since both the graveyard and banish zone don't mean shit
/dng/ meme.
Castel is the best way to out anything which can't be destroyed but is weak to targetting hence the meme "Castel ;)" in response to a threatening monster card which lacks protection
The meta shift to boss monsters which are basically immune to targeting has made him irrelvant nowadays
Where is the power creep going?
First non-destructable then non-targatable then both and now the start of complete immunity to card effects.
Will they be friend or foe?
Speaking of which, will Barrett's incredibly bullshit traps ever be printed?
>Yuri suddenly appears in Yusho Duel School with ACADEMIA soldiers behind him
>Suddenly out of the shadows
"Great job nanone"
Are they to be trusted?
Just watch the raw. YGO terms are easy to understand.
Ruri is part of Team RR, she is a friend.
Let the true master educate you in the art of GETs.
Hey. Nice 69, Hiiragi.
But I bet that you weren't aiming for that. I'm sure that you were aiming for TRUE REPEATING DIGITS.
Heh. It can't be helped. The pioneer of GETs, Sawatari-sama shall show you how it's done!
>Muh anonymity
>making branch-off chans after Pedochan
>it's a Sawatari jobs twice in a row episode
oh shit
Anyone know what the spoilers are?
you all suck lol
You're all small time
keep trying you fucks
you're not allowed to stop posting until one of you succeeds
>thread turns into dubs cancer
She basically played a somewhat spiritual supportive role with Yuya almost at the end of the arc. She predicted his future and his struggles and was there to sum up one of his issues like having multiple souls and a hidden darkness. She wasn't a bad duelist either that had Yuya on the ropes and was beat my Tsukikage via Action Card spam. Pretty a bit of both and still supports Yuya despite knowing that he'll always care for Yuzu.
Every time
>Entermate Allcover Hippo has spades on it
That we will get a Straight Hippo Flush soon?
Shun vs Kaito
Possibly Yuri vs Yusho or Asuka or Yuzu
Gongenzaka,Sawatari and Sayaka all lose to the demon twins
Shun and Yuya vs the twins
As for manga and card spoilers you'll have to wait until next week.
which are your favorite cards? pic related
I dare you or somebody like you to make this deck and use the ritual counterpart as the boss of it.
I was talking about the spade theme that Yusho and Leo have
I know you can use Dark Doriado with Enchanted Fitting Room, but is there anything you can do with the Ritual Aside from that one Trap Card that needs lots of Attributes?
but the ritual is crap
dark doriado could actually allow you to use the god cards somewhat effectively by her summon effect + the just released true name
I use Dark Doriado in Magician girls. Pendulum effect gives them atk, Monster eff sets up the draws. Timesword as the other scale since he has a great monster effect.
Why is Fusion so weak? Even Yuri jobbed against the king of jobbers.
>Yuri vs Yusho
>Yuri shouts that he'll never forgive Yusho for pumping and dumping his mother