RAILDEX NT16 - Light Novel - Speculation/Theories
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why is that anorexic whore still alive?
Mikoto was never ever same path again with Touma
Misaka loses it and fucks up irreversibly.
Fuck off.
implying she can kill Othinus with
Even Sphinx can kill Othinus now.
Yes, because I hate Othinus (kind my ass) and I want Touma's PTSD to be treated seriously
If Boo Boo in July dengekibunko.jp
HO12 in Agust then NT16 will be in next September
Biribiri crossing the line into possibly killing strong opponents doesn't necessarily translate into a willingness to kill helpless fairies. Even Accel at his worst wouldn't do something like that.
If you want Mikoto to end up being killed by Touma himself using his dragons and bare hands, go ahead.
>Even Accel at his worst wouldn't do something like that.
>Episode where Accel encounters index and Touma encounters miniMisaka
>explicitly stated if it was pre LO Accel he would kill index for being annoying.
Its a Frenda flashback volume that sets up for Yuiitsu fucking shit up with Takitsubo
Misaka vs Styil
The sweet release of death when?
Reminder that Kamisato was literally never wrong.
Get in the car
Stop abducting children, Komoe.
This... Is actually true
>Accel he would kill index for being annoying.
>Mfw he didn't do it
Fuck that little shit and should fuck off and live with Birdway. Bitch ain't even taking funds off the church, dumb freeloader.
The only girl who deserves to be killed is Birdway.
I want to eviscerate her and feed her corpse to Patricia. Or maybe feed Patricia to her before snapping her neck.
Mikoto is cute but she needs a punch to the face
Why do people give so much shit about this series?
All girls need that.
Because people actually like it?
Surprise surprise. People actually like things you don't like.
Now the question is.
Them liking it, is it going to affect your life?
>Two main seasons and two spinoff seasons
>LN that's been running since 2004 and is still doing well
>Manga adaptation of the LN and two spinoff manga
Gee user I don't know. Assuming you're a secondary try reading volumes 14-15 which are right after the anime ended, the craziness that goes on from that point forwards might get hooked and you'll quickly understand why this is still getting daily threads. Volume 15 specifically if you like Accelerator.
I'm not even Othinusfag, but that makes me want to protect her for some reason.
You don't need a reason to save others, user.
Aleister reveals that he has two children.
You mean a hug, she did nothing wrong
>Mikoto will never jam her finger in your ass and give you a prostate orgasm with electricity
The only one that has done nothing wrong in this series is Frenda.
>do you still love me
Touma never loved you you fucking delusional cunt.
Here's some crazy speculation for you. Mikoto accidentally zaps Touma into a coma in a fit of rage and a tag team of GUTS and Birdway come to clean up the mess left by her, Yuiitsu, and the Kamisato faction.
The volume will be battle royale/baggage city style. I'm inclined to add Item because what Hamazura said in NT15 seems to conflict with Kamisato's ideas so the former giving the latter a piece of his mind in an encounter isn't far-fetched.
What came out in May though?
>kills people for money to buy a swimsuits
>has done nothing wrong
Virtual ON crossover
Prologue and first chapter was translated
That's their fault for being born to get killed by her.
Othinus is cute but she needs a punch to the face
How long is the crossover going to be? Less than the average volume I'm guessing?
I would gladly punch her face with my dick
Nope, Mikoto needs a hug and love
Mikoto needs her dad to set her straight.
How could anyone drink anything she brings? It's probably infected with whatever diseases whores like her have.
She's just a random bunny
Frenda should have been sucking dicks and getting her ass used like an onahole rather than killing for money
No, Frenda is too pure to stoop that low. That job is reserved for the slut in the dress.
I want to bash Leivinia's skull in!
For what purpose?
She's the least likable bitch in the entire series and deserves to suffer.
Hurting Patricia is just a way to torture her psychologically.
Mikoto is flat! FLAT!
Actually Birdway is pretty likeable. You just get off to blonde lolis getting hurt, don't you user?
I get off to blondes getting hurt in general, they're all disgusting.
>Implying Mikoto wouldn't like a punch from Touma
Mikoto tries using magic without AAA and explodes in blood, Touma finds her bleeding to death in some dark alley
Ah, so it's the thing that just got announced recently, right?
>Accel can just vector his blood until he gets medical attention
>Kakine is made out of dark matter anyway so it doesn't matter
Mikoto has no way to stop herself from getting ripped apart from magic, does she? She needs to burn out an arm or a leg then she can join the level 5 cripple club.
Maybe she can connect with electronics to mitigate the damage
She should just blow off a limb or two and get some military grade cybernetics instead. it'd be perfect for her. Her weakest point is her frail human body after all.
>yfw this is why Railgun is getting into cyborgs now
I like Othinus and I want the PTSD to be taken seriously. If it turns out Othinus is faking and she's manipulating Touma to be her perfect man or something that just makes her even better
>Umidori was relegated to bully bait for eternity
>Rensa 29 didn't get the time she deserved
As one who enjoys cyborgs I hope Kuriba doesn't get shafted by kamachi.
So what really happened to her in NT15 and how will that affect her in the future?
She's one foot down the rabbit hole. And if we can trust what Salome says she's gonna put the other one in soon.
I would put something in her rabbit hole.
but the PTSD is being taken as seriously as possible. how the fuck do you expect a kid to remember a billion years of hell?
This is the only one he remembers now
If Othinus becomes an antagonist again, It'll be very wonderful. After all, I'd rather her that way than being humillated by her current role which is very boring.
Reminder that rakko is dead and there is nothing you can do about it.
I just like seeing characters crack under pressure, cracking under sexual pressure from a young girl is fine too.
Why would you make a thread with this shitty facebook-tier picture?
Because there are facebook-tier posters here, I thought it's been obvious for a while.
Othinus current role is extremely entertaining though
About what? Her role is basically the same as Index, It's like Japanese fans said before, Kamachi combines some aspects from past characters to create new characters with more colorful clothes on them. And I said this as Othinusfan whose only purpose is save her character, she lost all glitz when she becomes into comedy relief unlike when her role was to be practically an antagonist
Her interactions with Touma are not only much more entertaining than Index ever had, but they're also completely different from what Index used to have. I'm not really seeing what you mean other than being a freeloader.
Am I going crazy or are the covers for Blood Sign 4 and 5 the exact same?
>implying Komoe isn't a Kihara
>implying Komoe isn't one of the few good Kiharas who hates all the experiments going on
>implying Komoe isn't working with Aogami (who is also a Kihara and the number 6 level 5) to save kids, skillouts, and child errors before they can be used as experiments by their messed up family
They probably don't actually have the cover yet since it's not out til next month, which is kind of odd thinking on it they usually have one by this time before release. It might just be an error. Looking at it there is no text on the Vol 5 image though.
And? I'm not even talking about interactions. My point is about her purpose on the story which isn't nothing new, I don't give a fuck about the fucking shipping which only denigrate her character much more
I don't give a fuck about shipping either, that's stupid. Othinus just had a whole 3 volumes arc to herself a few volumes ago, then we had 2 fillers and the focus shifted to Mikoto and Kamisato. Doesn't seem that big of a deal to me, it's not like Index is known for keeping its characters relevant all the time. If anything it's closer to the opposite.
We're talking about 2 years ago, I hope Othinus' shipping dies. That's the problem when you has many characters and not knowing what to do with them.
I mean "have" fuck
>introduce nice new character that would work wonders for long term
>kill her off-screen after she survives an explosion that should have been fatal
Don't even know why I'm still reading this shit. Mikoto+Misaki is fun but the supporting cast of mikoto's friends and kongou's group is boring as fuck now. And at this point in time Touma, Item, and GUTS are all busy so they can't salvage this arc when it inevitably goes to shit.
how do people even steep to delusions this low?
Boredom, honestly.
Isn't there like 5000 Kiharas?
How is it that people take everything they read seriously? I'm tired of seeing stupid posts like this every time someone makes posts a harmless idea.
Nuit Mikoto vs Demon King Touma when?
I'd rather Index full pen mode, Demon King Touma & Nuit Mikoto vs all
>vs all
They lose due to shiageluck.
But Mikotoarmor can negate Shiageluck
Mikotoarmor is already starting to break though
Touma's plot armor didn't help him when Shiageluck knocked him out. It's all Touma's fault for breaking Shiage's illusion and creating Shiageluck in the first place.
Aleister should have a word with him.
Touma's plot armor is more powerful than those 2 combined Yeah, I rewrite it
>implying Demon King Touma vs Pendex isn't going to be the final battle
>Touma gets severely injured and ends up in a tube upside down
>Timeskip to a college-aged Index in England thinking about what to do now