Will political correctness one day conquer anime and manga? It already conquered books, movies, comics and video games.
Will political correctness one day conquer anime and manga? It already conquered books, movies, comics and video games
That's great.
How new are you?
america is NOT the whole world.
No one can answer that, it totally depends on whether or not Cultural Marxism settles down in Japan.
Is not like anime is politically incorrect to begin with.
>Cultural Marxism
Is this what you do when someone expresses an opinion you don't like?
how can you even ask that when super lovers is airing this season?
It's a Sup Forums thread.
I'll conquer your butthole bitchboi
can't see it happening any time soon, japs are more homophobic and sexist then niggers
>not wanting a market where Ikuhara can make as many series as he wants
>more homophobic
They're not.
It's already starting here so who the fuck knows?
Ikuhara is the opposite of PC. Despite his strong womyn and lesbians there's a lot of content that the modern PC crowd are repulsed by Unless they actually liked Touga and Akio, in which case they're all hypocritical whores
oh fuck
Utena is considered the most "feminist" anime ever created, so no, not really.
>implying it wasn't the case since fucking episode 1.
I can't imagine why.
Just because a bunch of yaoi and yuri porn exist doesn't mean they're not homophobic
Im really sick of this sjw bullshit.
>boys can be girls too
I see right through you, Watari
Bullying fags happens anywhere. Feudal Japan already had relationships between men and younger boys that were seen as legitimate. You underestimate the homoeroticism in Japanese culture, by which I don't mean to say that the Japanese are especially gay but that the picture of a strong Japanese homophobic society is entirely wrong.
They'll bully kids to suicide for reasons as simple as a missing button on their school uniform. The real issue is the school system that puts immense amounts of stress on the children through insane rules (such as only allowing students to have particular hair lengths, and teachers searching through the private belongings of the students on a whim to steal whatever they don't approve of) and constant meaningless busywork (forcing them to clean the building, take care of animals and so on) piled upon incredibly fast-paced and competitive classes where test results are displayed to everyone, and the only way to avoid public shame is going to cram school until late at night.
In an environment like that where you're not even allowed to have any free time for relieving stress, it's no wonder that the children latch onto any little difference and bully their classmates as a game they can play even at school.
Life can be good once in a while.
Asia is fucking wild. Some Korean user explained the school timetable in Worst Korea and it was pretty much 'We're taking your life away from you. No need to give an answer, it wasn't a question.'
Yes, because with this amazon investing anime thing and others, western market and western standards became a important thing. You the western consumers of licensed anime is the main reason of death of anime in the future
What a huge load of bullshit
Every single sentence of your post is wrong
Kill yourself
>the picture of a strong Japanese homophobic society is entirely wrong.
That doesn't really say anything about the teens getting bullied for being LGBT
They're not bullying them to relieve stress. That doesn't even explain why teachers do it too. Also both can be serious issues, so I don't see why you're trying to minimize one of them as if it's not a big deal.
The system itself isn't bad.
The problem is the fact that Japan is essentially forcing people into unity and collectivism while also having a huge emphasis on individualism when it comes to emotions and general off work life. Instead of forcing it you should be creating things that enable the need and interest in unity. National Socialist Germany did this extremely well and Japan already has things like clubs in schools. Japanese people need to feel less pressure from the general society and instead create the desire for this unity, togetherness and willingness to share certain things in order to bring people closer together without forcing it so much that the society can barely breath.
No, if you open your eyes you'll see that this goes from promoted, to accepted and vilified. It happens in all nations/countries and has a huge range.
No, the japs don't care.
What are you even talking about?
But if Japan has a history of homoeroticism, why would they need to go through that? Shouldn't they already be fine with gay people existing?
They are.
I never get tired of reading this.
They're clearly not, otherwise gay teens wouldn't be getting bullied
>That doesn't even explain why teachers do it too.
Do you realize how stressful Japanese workplaces are? That, and them wanting to keep the class orderly. Considering how even straight couples making it clear they like eachother at school is seen as "inappropriate conduct", it's no wonder they don't care for sexual aberrations and special snowflakes.
Why are you so adamant on blaming it on stress and not the idea that people actually still hate gay people?
I wonder how ignorant you are? Does the entire nation bully faggots? No.
Again, if you'd open your eyes you'd see that faggots get bullied in schools all over the planet. They're easy to pick on and usually totally obnoxious.
Go back to your containment board retard
What a masterpiece.
Because that's what Japanese bullying is like, Tumblr. You have no reason to talk about being gay at school, just as you wouldn't talk about how you're into anal vore.
I don't see why you're trying to defend the whole country now. Also, letting happen and not doing anything about it does show how much they actually care, which doesn't seem to be a whole lot. But keep believing you're weird fantasy of how perfect Japan is, I guess.
Holy shit, this pic says it all.
>how dare those stupid japs not accept my special snowflake identity?!
>political correctness
maybe stop being a mainstream normie and start watching indie films.
Bullying is part of japan pop industry. Bullying produce beta virgins otaku who spend all money on BD and other stuff.
>I don't see why you're trying to defend the whole country now
I don't see why you're trying to throw the entire country into one pot because of bullying that happens everywhere.
>But keep believing you're weird fantasy of how perfect Japan is, I guess.
See this is literally you making shit up. I never said that but keep believing your weird fantasy of how homophobe all Japs are.
Gays teens get bullied in the US and the Netherlands and Spain too. Doesn't negate the fact that they're some of the most gay-friendly nations in the world since the population at large is indifferent at worst.
Only if the PCunts in japan can get replacement theory to work.
Speaking of containment boards.
They don't care about any kind of bullying. Also, shit like bullying fags in school happens even in the most PC countries. Stop forcing this gay agenda, tumblr.
>i know absolutely nothing about japan but am determined to see it as a homophobic nation
>The so-called sexual violence in manga and video games is a made-up thing and as such does not threaten the rights of actual people; therefore, it is meaningless in protecting the rights of women
And this is way I love nips
Yes. Yes they do.
> test results are displayed to everyone
Wait you mean that's not the case in America?
Here in east europe they're also made public and nobody really cares. Even when some teachers handed tests individually, everyone still shared their grades with each other and made them public.
I mean if someone is fucking dumb it's not like you need grades to figure it out.
I didn't want to reply to a tripfag but
>loli incest
>incest loli
The lost goes on.
>grades reflect intelligence
Also, of course kids will share them. I'll not say that public grades are a bad thing because I can't judge that, but either way kids would share them regardless of if it's psychologically harmful or not - that's the kind of environment a school is.
>Wait you mean that's not the case in America?
Not really, but people usually share them with their friends anyway
They don't want any kids to feel bad that they got a D while everyone else got an A.
I'm not saying test results need to be completely secret, but ranking every single student of the school on a huge billboard for all to see is going a bit far.
Hey, did you know? In South America there are Neo-nazi groups, that means that South America is Pro-nazi
If you're in school and can neither learn for a test, nor cheat properly then yeah you're dumb.
If you don't care about school then don't waste your time by attending and getting subpar grades, get a job instead, that's also a sign of intelligence and a choice I can respect. But if you still choose to go to school while getting only "passing grades" or worse, repeating the year several times, then I don't see how you can claim otherwise.
You are mixing several different kinds of abilities there and without regard for what exactly they constitute or how they are measured.
I don't care to write a lengthy response to you though.
You may be autistic in the original sense of the word, bud.
What is the difference between loli incest and incest look loli? Loli incest is fucking your loli sister, maybe incest loli is your daughter born from incest with your loli sister?
It works like
>bitch that hardworking studio head is a shit
>get public on your side
>he gets fired and replaced with someone you agree with
>repeat until everyone submits
Probably because you can't.
I'm mixing several different kinds of abilities because that's what intelligence is. It's not just one ability, it's several capabilities. Pattern recognition, logical reasoning, clustered thinking, etc.
If you can't finish something as basic as middle or highschool (either through learning or cheating) then you simply lack intelligence in a lot of those departments. Note the use of "can't" and not, "don't". You can be intelligence and choose to drop out of school, or choose to never attend it in the first place.
>You can be intelligence and choose to drop out of school, or choose to never attend it in the first place.
And then you have the morons who work 5 hours a day outside of school to get passing grades.
And then your whole theory of grades representing intelligence collapses.
Pretty sure school is a mandatory thing in quite a few places.
Not understanding jokes is a literal sign of autism ;^)
Don't use emoticons on Sup Forums.
You don't even want to know about double incest lolis
He can't do that now? I love Sekuhara but there's no point in gutting the industry of so much of its hilarious, trashy charm just so that he gets a little more focus.
Can't say I've never seen a loli that was pregnant with twins.
Holy shit Japan when did you stop being super beta?
> Signed: A woman
Oh I guess that explains it
>And then your whole theory of grades representing intelligence collapses.
Well that's because you made your own strawman argument to attack instead of taking what I said at face value. I never claimed someone with 90 points in a test is more intelligent than someone with 80 points or anything like that. I claimed that you don't need grades to figure out if someone is stupid.
Someone who gets high grades isn't necessarily intelligent, but someone who always gets bad grades while still choosing to attend school is most likely dumb.
And please no more of those "working at 4 part-time jobs while taking care of their siblings and attending school simultaneously" examples, no discussion ever got anywhere by focusing on rare exceptions.
>Well that's because you made your own strawman argument to attack instead of taking what I said at face value.
No, I took the implication of what you said and rejected it. You argued against that, so you accepted that implication as part of your statement.
>someone who always gets bad grades while still choosing to attend school is most likely dumb.
The truth is, school is easier than work.
Staying in school with bad grades may not be the responsible choice (though even a bad diploma is better than no diploma at all), but it's the choice of somebody who doesn't want to work yet.
If you equate diligence with intelligence, then you are wrong.
None of these are politically incorrect IN JAPAN.
Western media is affected by western polical correctness. You never see the emperor or wwii war crimes in anime or manga, that's because it's not politically correct to do it. Lolis are fine.
The anime market is so heavily reliant on pervert otaku, I'm not worried about political correctness. The downside is they're terrible plebs, though.
The manga market's more diverse so if Japan gets hit by the SJW, I imagine that'll be affected first, but even then I'm sure your loli raep doujins are safe.
>user argues X
>why do you argue X?
Why is this thread still up?
>merely pretending
Riddle me this, then. What's the point of repeating the joke he made?
Why shouldn't people hate those degenerate bug chasers?
>It already conquered books, movies, comics and video games.
Sure, it did.
fuck off
>None of these are politically incorrect IN JAPAN.
Are you kidding me? Go ask random Japanese people on the street what they think about incest and loli hentai and see what they reply.
But those anime are almost always about cousins or not-blood-related.
>loli hentai
>airing on TV
Late night anime is not representative of the Japanese views as they're targeted towards otakus. The man on the street would be disgusted by Yosuga No Sora and Kodomo no Jikan, not that all otaku like them.
A man on the street would be disgusted by two guys kissing.
>he actually consumes American media
No one gives a shit about PC outside of like 8 western countries, and even that is ending as we speak. Asian countries are the most nationalistic in the planet regardless, and Japan is one of the most nationalistic Asian countries.
Yes. And?