Weekly Dose

its has been some time since the last check..







>its has been some time since the last check.
A weird rash has appeared doc.

Thanks, Doc. But I don't know if this was a full dose.

Grazie, Dottore.

But I guess I need something stronger today, it's been a while since the last one and I don't think this is going to cut it.

Thanks, Doc.

It's ain't a full dose until I see the nutritional guide.

need to chrosscheck the nutrifacts guide

thanks doc

Thanks, doc.

>you should ask yamcha that.
Gets me everytime.

Thanks, Doc.

Thanks, doc.

Arigato, sensei.

Thanks, Doc. You put my worries to ease.

Thanks, Doc.

thanks doc

Kiitos, tohtori.

Thanks Doc.

Thanks doc

thanks doc

Thanks doc

Thanks, doc


It's been half a year, thanks doc

Efxaristw giatre

Sorry about that Doc, something came up