Tfw Muslims are getting slayed in Burma

>tfw Muslims are getting slayed in Burma
>tfw it is all Portugal's fault
>tfw nobody knows about it
>tfw everybody thinks were are innocent, just like we never traded slaves the most and did not fight our colonies against their independence for about 15 years


Other urls found in this thread:

>it is all Portugal's fault
How so?

shhh, don't let the gajos know


We raided Muslim Bengali villages, took some Muslims are slaves, pierced their hands, and took them to some settlements in Burma.

Then we went away and let them stay there

Perks of being non-white, my non-white brother.

Wow, that's one long-term troll

I wanna fuck some smooth, round faced Bengali girls.

We already knew this would happen in the 1500s. We have mastered future telling and numeral magic after Vasco da Gama was shown by Venus the Machine of the World

Read Fernando Pessoa's Message. It explains everything

We dindu nada

We'll do whatever you want, greatest oldest ally.

>plant few muslims in burma
>500 years later harvest thousands of muslims

Most of the problem is the Eternal Anglo's fault. We didn't do nothing.

Anyone who is interested in raging, go to the kikebook page of The Guardian and read the comments under the article.

There's people literally saying Buddhists are warmongering racist bigots, since they kill islamists. White people. And there's people who respond to anyone saying Islam has been killing people by asking "Where's the proof!?"

Most of it is legitimately rage-inducing.

If Islam had a temperament closer to early gnosticism and Christianity martyrdom they would conquer the West faster than Rome fell.

However I am starting to see those inbred are so retarded their jihad spontaneously erupt wherever they go.

If something like Buddhism which is incredibly similar to Christianity in many aspects starts to get bad mouthed it will be hilarious.

I am really starting to believe Islam was put in the middle of the two Faiths as a ultimate test.

Islam is made up of retards. Actual retards. It requires poverty, lack of education and basically slavery to function. The faith itself feeds off of that.

You can't conquer the world with rabble like muslims. You can just enrich yourself. They will be exterminated as soon as they have outlived their usefulness.

Tommorow I'll make an upgraded version

It will take a while.

But all commodity Empires fall very fast, once the oil starts getting expensive to extract, all those satanic fucks in the middle of the desert will not know where to turn. That kind scares me.

Well you're not white so you are allowed to get away with shit like this.

If you think it's all about oil...

They are a tool in the hands of the international elite, it will feed them as long as the tool is necessary. When its outlived its usefulness, they can be bombed to oblivion and their oil taken, if necessary. Removing dependency on oil will just make them weaker and easier, not vulnerable, which they were in the first place. The fuck does the middle east have to defend itself with?

I know its not only about the oil, but the money comes from there.

The wealth is incredible, and when the time to strike them comes and take the rest I wonder what the excuse will be. Maybe civil war in Europe will trigger it.

The elites are evil as fuck but I cant deny their brilliance.

Yes, portugese are blacks

>once the oil starts getting expensive to extract,
They already invest part of it in investment funds, to not rely on them to colapse.

of oil revenue

It will collapse anyway, since China has a pretty big headstart on them.

Also they more than half seem to waste it on wine and bitches and Lamborghinis.

Meme investments. They've spent billions on tourism that will NEVER even compare to their investment. And tourism will live or die regardless of the investment in it, by the general economy. It cannot prop it up.

The investment funds are also a total meme, airlines? Buildings? Lel.

Portugal is the Greece of Europe.


Nevertheless, the sandniggas will try to diversify their economy.

O futuro é do homem negro vcs tugas de merda nao duram mt mais, o vosso governo chupa as bolas do meu pais de angola e ja temos um exercito de 1 milhao em Lisboa. é só uma questao de tempo ate eu e os meus manos decidirmos que ja nao valem a pena

Yeah, also think of it this way.

They have such immense wealth they could create projects that would dwarf, complete obscure China investment on infrastructure, I dont particurly like China, since modern China after Mao is far from Wushia China, but FUCK.

They could fucking build arcologies, have a space program, military, you fucking name it. But no, they have tall buildings, built by foreign experts of course.

Not trying to be muh Western Civ", but Europe and the "West" has always been poor, what we have and endures like Roman concrete through ages is a stubborn and hardy people whose ideals of property, small government and freedom make me hope there is some hope for us.

aiii manoooo da um abraço meu negro

> Um preto no Sup Forums

Sim e amanha o love on top vai virar um programa de poesia improvisada.

> ja temos um exercito de 1 milhao em Lisboa. é só uma questao de tempo ate eu e os meus manos decidirmos que ja nao valem a pena
BBC T*rkposting

Vens da Buraca?

By the way, there was an Angolan with Portuguese nationality showing his passport in the other board.

Eheheh...pretos sempre serão colonizados por alguem superior. Ou brancos ou amarelos ou judeus.

Kual é o teu prublema com us neggas?

>they have tall buildings, built by foreign experts of course

Notice how all their buildings are very tall and very white?

Yeh, they're compensating and dreaming of the big white dick.

In this day and age it's a good thing to be "not white". Just play along and try to get the profits.

So tenho problemas quando eles são bio-armas importadas pelos Judeus. De resto, se estiverem em Africa a serem colonizados-supervisionados por povos superiores, não tenho problema nenhum.

I googled that Saudi vision document and its banned from IPs from my country fucking lel.

I guarantee slavery is included. But I read around, it's fucking ridiculous. Its some 30 year old crown prince thats doing the whole thing and it totally stinks of some rich kid's ridiculous plans, the only real thing is they're gonna remodel "islamic history" sites and make an islamic museum for tourism.

It's utter bullshit, won't work one bit.

>using muslums as literal timebombs to start a racial genocide against them, again in the future
Kek. Whypeepo have mastered the art of war.

Didn't they also stop the Turks from conquering East Africa in the 1500s


Peles de esporra continuem come sse racismo. ja comi 4 tugas e cheguei ca em agosto, acabou para vcs

Deicha us neggas em pazzzzzzz mermão. Um berdianu komeu t a dama foi?

Damn it Alberto.

Eu conheço o tipo de gajas que vai com pretos. Estás muito bem servido.

estes brancos sao uns homosexuais do crl temos de foder umas brancas nigga

Para fazer mulatos?

Entao e o futuro da raça negra?

claro pois os negros sao superiores
Thread theme

Mas mulatos nao sao negros. São beige.

LOL! Até os pretos sabem que são pretos...

Stay mad, homo nigger.

lol brasileiro sub-humano

Deus do céu esse gajo é feio que dói.


és redpillado maninho

fodemos gajas brancas e pretas tambem, aumentamos a raça negra e acabamos com os esporras. temos bilioes de irmaos em africa

este é o meu jam LISBOA REPRESENt

AHAAHAHAHAHAH Até os brancquelas desistiram

nao, sou preto nao mulato. sou de uma classe superior

>este é o meu jam LISBOA REPRESENt
É preto é. Não te enganes numa coisa porém, pode parecer que não mas os portugueses são pretos com cabelo liso.

The only mistake Albertos did was not genociding the black portion of Brazil, other than that they're based in my book

estes brancos é que sao os niggers



Queres dizer mil milhoes certo? Com esse intelecto vais longe com os teus bilioes de infectados com sida.

Ao menos posta pretas decentes que passaram centenas de horas a tentar alisar o cabelo caralho.

Brazil would be a true power by now.

To say billions, it can only be the Luso-Brazilian shitposting

Bibó oh Norte!

Wtf i love nigresses now

we are worse than jews jasus..

That's bad, in both way's,whites hould preserve their heritage. portuguese, english, germans or french


Eu percebo. Eu se fosse preto queria que os meus filhos fossem mais brancos.

O complexo de inferioridade dos pretos é racional e justificado vamos ser sinceros.

Já notas-te que os pretos detestam pretas?

as pretas parecem homens

Eles preferem andar com travestis brasileiros do que andar com gajas da própria raça.

>pode parecer que não mas os portugueses são pretos com cabelo liso
nao te esquivas assim tao facil esporra do crlh


ja temos uns irmaos no porto, sera nosso daqui a uma geraçao

tuga racista d merda

a mulher branca é perfeita para a minha pixa grande rica em melanina

soon alberto

De novo, os pretos sabem que são pretos, só os brancos é que parecem não saber que os pretos são pretos, diz-se que os Judeus são os responsáveis.

Mas a situação vai mudar á medida que mais brancos tem contacto directo com pretos...

Cala-me essa boca nojenta seu otário do caralho. Pretos (escumalha) deviam ser todos aniquilados em praça pública. Olha para esta imagem e lembra-te que se tu e os teus continuarem a portarem-se como os macacos sem cérebro que são e sempre foram, isto vai ser o vosso fim, novamente.

Este gajo nem tenta. Mata-te moço. Devias estar a dormir e estás aqui a fingir-te de preto.

its too ez

Os pretos não sabem escrever. É óbvio que o gajo está a fingir.


Estava-me a rir um bocado, mas é só uma questão de tempo até arranjarem net na cova da moura.

por acaso vi uma preta mesmo boa hoje

still prefiro as branquinhas .. btw namorei com uma zuca quando era mais novito .. jajus que eu trai a raca branca sorryl D.

E desde quando é que os pretos se tratam por irmãos? Eles querem-se matar uns aos outros.

>>tfw everybody thinks were are innocent, just like we never traded slaves the most and did not fight our colonies against their independence for about 15 years

India kicked your ass, and you surrendered almost immediately like the Moorish rape-cattle you are.

Iberic union when?

Devias era dedicar-te a trollar nos comentários no Público, todos os sábados. Nada de demasiado óbvio para os comentários serem aceites, mas suficientemente incendiário para servir de bait.

Há aqui uma agenda clara

so do descendente do norte caralho nao tenho sangue mouro em mim


nunca seu degenerado do caralho

Only thing that matters is our 2 nations to get rid of the Jewish-Masonic-BlackmailedPedophile power structure.

At this point any long term plans and wishes don't mean much.

Acalma-te que daqui a um bocado vais dormir


Foda-se...é só pretos aquilo, pretos aqueloutro. Dá para ver pelo percurso académico que é uma agente do (((Globalism)))

como e que vo dormir se a merda dos pretos do meu bairro metem musica alta e nem posso dormir?

45k vs 5k.
He was refering to this -
Btw Salazar wanted to fight to death and make a last stand. The other guys went with winds of change and fight another battle in Africa before getting jailed.

Yes, we would force conscript 1 million troops from mainland to fight indian state. Like we did in Indian semi-enclaves in '54.
Enjoy 15% Muslim pop and rising.

Não há muitos pretos no norte. Isto é tudo lisboetadas

Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo, 1st Marquis of Pombal

Was he a shit?