Anybody else hating Subaru's autism?
I know it's a light novel adaptation, obviously, I just feel that it strikes a really annoying contrast considering some of the dark shit that goes on. And in a way that's good – seeing Subaru be autistic one moment and get gored like a swine the next is shocking in a good way – but at the same time, most of his interactions are dominated but this pesky behaviour. It just makes me long for the more heavy stuff, and repellent to his light-hearted antics.
His interactions with Emilia, in-particular, are some really offputtingly cringeworthy generic-MC-tier bullshit.
I know you could counter this, by saying he's more familiar with her than she is with him for obvious reasons. Or even that the way he acts is a coping mechanism, but I still think of it as the downside of the show; what I have to, to an extent, endure to get to the meat.
Though, the show's nailing a pretty unique premise well. So I'm hoping at some point it's revealed to truly be a straight-up coping mechanism, and after a string of brutal, unavoidable deaths, we get punished Subaru being harrowed as fuck.
All of this is said as someone who has no prior knowledge of the LNs, so apologies if I stated the obvious/missed the point a little. But, thoughts?
Anybody else hating Subaru's autism?
You need to calm down your autism and get the fuck out.
That's what I think.
>and after a string of brutal, unavoidable deaths, we get punished Subaru being harrowed as fuck.
Protip: Next episode.
I find him obnoxious and annoying, but I don't dislike him for being dumb.
>I dont know what Autism is LOL im so smart
If you hating him now and like what happens next week, I think youre good user. If not, I think youre better off dropping this.
It should be obvious to you that he's just pretending to be retarded for himself. See pict related. The music even stopped playing for that bit.
Also did anyone think Emilia's laugh in this scene was pretty forced?
Funnily enough, I genuinely laughed at Subaru's antics with Puck.
Yeah he is a shitty MC. The author can't keep his MC constant because he needs him to move the plot.
I have to agree. At first I like his attitude but now he is just fucking annoying. Gets killed repeatedly and his happy go lucky way of doing things is iratating. Also the supporting cast isn't very like able especially the maids. Honestly the user who said the only interesting thing that happens is the last 3 minutes was the on the money. Nothing else happened and it the usually mc faggotry.
>thinks this is autistic by Sup Forums standards
breh you havent seen shit
I really don't think you know what that word means.
>ITT: real autists that get offended when the word autistic is used as an insult
You didn't even really use it as an insult like everyone does. You just used it completely out of context you retarded newfag.
>You didn't even really use it as an insult
>implying i am OP
Take your pills sperg.
>complaining about Subaru being autistic
>he's way more extroverted than most of Sup Forums
user are you ESL or baiting?
but he is clearly not autistic he has an out going personality, a little stupid and annoying at times but he acts ok for his age
The only thing I hate about this anime is the effort they put on not moving the plot onwards, each 2 episodes could be 1.
>The only thing I hate about this anime is the effort they put on not moving the plot onwards, each 2 episodes could be 1.
Most people are complaining that it's skipping ahead too quickly, and then there's you.
LN fags vs anime-only fags
Anime-only here. I'm simply loving it so far though.
>people getting buttmad about the use of the word 'Autism'
He's clearly just using it in the meme "guy acting retarded as fuck" context.
You know, like it has been used on Sup Forums for years, you fucking autists.
Also, OP, I get you, and I think it's a mix of the general comedic style and a coping mechanism.
Either way this show's the bomb and my Sundays with it and boku no hero are based
Shit getting ridiculous here now with the word I thought they were just trolling.
Thats not even how he used it. The MC isn't acting retarded as fuck. He just threw that word in there because he love le ebin memez on 4chins.
By this I meant the autists that get buttmad at op.
>He just threw that word in there because he love le ebin memez on 4chins.
You need to take a sabbatical.
>The MC isn't acting retarded as fuck.
He is at least watch the show.
>complaining about autism
>about an extroverted normal person in a horrible situation who is trying their best to retain sanity
>can't even detect all the clear times MC is just putting on his best face even though it's not that subtle
You want to look for autism OP they place you need to start is your nearest mirror, not this show. You should consider a dictionary too since you apparently don't actually speak English very well since, protip, there so far have been no autistic characters.
>The MC isn't acting retarded as fuck
It took him 3 deaths to realize he was in a groundhog loop. It took him 3 deaths to realize he didn't die in his sleep from natural causes. All these fucking times he reset, he still keeps assuming people would remember things that happened before he died.
He's at the very least dense as fuck. On top of this, he's all "M'lady" tier cringy
There is another thread, breh.
>two weeks ago Sup Forums was bitching that the show was too edgy
>now they're bitching it's not edgy enough
You know what that means autism
I can't believe how mentally retarded people like you are.
>It took him 3 deaths to realize he didn't die in his sleep from natural causes.
WTF are you talking about, you are literally making shit up out of whole cloth. He realized it instantly that he looped in the mansion because he'd been killed, that's why he stayed up to find out what happened. He got cursed, then still crawled his way out and was directly killed in loop #2. He then found the identity of that attacker (though not the curse) in #3. He never ever thought he "died in his sleep from natural causes" holy shit.
>All these fucking times he reset, he still keeps assuming people would remember things that happened before he died.
No, he doesn't. The only times he's confused are when he doesn't realize he's in a loop, but even then he catches on quick. The instant he figures out the looping he's never confused by this again, in fact part of the entire core pathos of the situation which is emphasized over and over again is how painful it is to be the only one who remembers, how soul sucking it is to have to begin over and over again and how it's impossible to "meet for the first time" more then once. How could you fail to get that, this shit is not subtle.
He only died 4 times so far in the anime though. Twice in Rom's place, twice in Roswal's mansion. At least watch the show first, you fucking faggot.
>Unique premise
>Unique premise
>Unique premise
I didn't just see that right?
Please tell me OP is not some newfag?
He has died five times.
Twice at Rom's, once being stabbed in the alleyway, twice in Roswal's.
Subaru literally said himself this past episode that it took him four lives to get out of the capital.
At least watch the show you fucking faggot :^)
Name three series where the MC is repeatedly murdered in brutal manners whereupon he is sent back in time and revived.
There is not one good character in this entire show and that is a problem. Like the thief won't be seen again and the old man as well. As of now we have the princess, the maids and the lord of the castle plus the mc. Who in that group of people is getting characterization'? No one. We get loops to reset any change and thus we keep doing this until the mc is out of the loop.
Also would it kill the mc to give a shit about missing his parents and old life?
>WTF are you talking about, you are literally making shit up out of whole cloth.
He literally said after the second time he got killed that "well I got attacked by someone, so I guess I can rule out natural causes". Pay some fucking attention
>but even then he catches on quick.
Are we even watching the same fucking show you ignorant fuck
He's slow as fuck to realize ANYTHING is wrong. It takes him fucking ages to take a hint when any normal person would have been suspicious
He's painful as fuck to watch because he's soooooooooooo fucking oblivious to everything going on around him.
Loops have been done, what makes it more unique is that it really is a curse, not a super power. He doesn't get any special skills or strength, there is no hidden massive magic potential (he's got no good element and what minimal he does have sucks), nada. He's reasonably in shape, but that's not at all unusual in Japan (maybe that's something Amerifats have trouble relating too, that an entire population could on average be in decent shape), etc. He doesn't have any massive hidden trauma or family with secret powers or whatever, author did give him some depth and backstory but it's not super. And as far as his looping, he can't control when the save point shifts either, he can't count on it being static which limits his ability to really try to change things, he can't predict where it'll restart until it does, and he can't even tell anyone about it which makes it even harder to build up anything each time.
In most loops there's some sort of significant self-improvement or change that happens which helps the MC escape. Not this time, he just has to suffer until he figures some sort of path out, if one exists. Because it's perfectly possible he could end up in a situation where there is no good solution at all for a normal human. He can't even just decide to end it all, it's not under his control. He HAS to keep going.
I don't understand why he requests the most basic things despite being asked he can wish for anything.
I don't really mind them moving past characters, and focusing on different ones as the show progresses. It'll just be nice if they ever do come back.
Can't wait for based old man Rom to get back to clubbing niggas.
An awful lot of words without a single answer.
Why are we becoming Sup Forums?
Fuck off with your buzzwords
He is a retard. After getting killed twice did he say he wants to be guest who is fed and has a place to stay for a while.
You don't get it dude.
Groundhog day stories have been done
And 'transported to fantasy world' stories have been done
But no-one has ever combined the two like this
>He literally said after the second time he got killed that "well I got attacked by someone, so I guess I can rule out natural causes". Pay some fucking attention
Oh boy, goal post shifting. You wrote
>It took him 3 deaths to realize he didn't die in his sleep from natural causes.
which since you now say "second time" obviously you realize was you being retarded.
Also, he NEVER thought "natural causes" he just didn't know how it had been done, which is perfectly reasonable since he was unconscious for it and had zero information to work with. The instant he had more info (staying up second loop) he deduced that his first murder had been due to the "debilitation" in his sleep (he doesn't know about curses exactly yet, he gets that info next, but magic or poison is not hard to guess), and that this time he was finished off physically.
Too bad you can't get killed and loop user, then you could have stopped yourself from writing something so stupid in the first place :^)
I feel like this show is stretched out a little more than I'd like.
These character interactions sometimes feel like filler, especially since these characters won't have any memory of these encounters. I'm sure in the future it bothers him, but it's taking it's sweet time.
What? I'm not the user you were replying to, I was agreeing with you that it's got a more unique premise.
user, in a story like this you have to have SoL interactions between the characters or the whole thing will feel pointless. The same thing happens with Steins;Gate too. The plot only starts after 12 episodes in.
No I'm saying the whole stuck in a loop thing that he can't do anything about unless he does something else has been done a lot.
Psyche Mata Shitemo
Even boku dake pretty much had this but him being able to leap himself.
The getting brutally killed is just an extra to it and even then Hakomari did that worse.
>shitty tripfaggot
>I don't understand
What a shock.
If anything the threads make clear it's the opposite, in the novel he's a lot more introspective and spends significant time reflecting on what's happened, he's got a lot more depth in general. Almost all of that is cut from the anime to make it tighter and faster, and viewers are supposed to read between the lines more. Which Sup Forums shows isn't actually something a lot of viewers are capable of.
Did you even watch the fucking show?
His reason for asking for a place to work was to attain a livelihood.
Look how people looked at him when he was freeloading.
The only reason why he asked for being a guest was so that he could leave.
I'd say he is a lot brighter this time around being a freeloader guest.
That is retarded. Mc knows after each death it will reset to before he took the job, therefore nullifying any earnings he made.
This is the problem with the show. Any progression in any direction gets reset by these time resets. Fuck is the point of this show anyway? How is any tension supposed to happen when the mc can just go back unscathed and have his memory as well?
How would you react to his situation then, user?
I bet you'll shit your pants every time you die or even give up figuring it out why you died in the first place due to your shitty will power.
MC has more balls, patience and brains then your worthless neckbear you'll ever have.
What should he ask for then? He has no clue about that world at all.
Yes, because he does absolutely nothing with the info gained from the previous timeline.
Did you see the last episode?
He's absolutely losing it.
Why doesn't he just leave the mansion and fuck off to another City?
He should know by now in all these occasions they came after him only.
How will he get there with no money?
Ask for reward/travel money?
This is my current facial structure upon reading your contribution.
How will he get there with no directions?
How will he get there with no prior knowledge of the land's cultures?
What will he even do if he arrives in a new city?
How could he possibly be satisfied by leaving when it's his personal desires that keep him rooted to Emilia's side?
If you really want to be petty about it, what IS unique, nowadays? Basically nothing.
It's still a very distinct setting and plot that sets it apart from a lot of other stuff.
Okay he goes to another city and then what? He is broke and doesn't know anyone there.
Exactly. Asking for work was a genuinely smart thing to do, particularly since he thought the looping shit was over and done with. He's a normalfag stuck in another world, he's got zero resources, not much useful skill, no special abilities or potential, and he's young so he has decades to think about. Through effort/luck he is in the mansion of a top tier mage/noble who is positively disposed temporarily. He chose an option that means:
- He builds up some positive relationships with a number of rich, powerful people who will in turn look after him.
- He gets a chance to slowly learn about the world with people who aren't out to fuck him (he thinks), and he gets some decent job learning eventually (butler to a magi/noble is going to be a high learning position for that kind of society for a normal person).
- He does it all in a place that should in principle be amongst the safest.
It's a totally decent choice for someone thinking long term and has a normal decent work ethic which he does. He's starting from zero, so even if just asked for tons of money now what? Odds are he'd have it all stolen from him or be killed for it. He doesn't even know what he doesn't know yet. If he's a super dick, then they'll be looking to get rid of him as quickly as possible and certainly won't go out of their way to help any farther. Would it even be possible for him to necessarily find somewhere else with the kind of ultra tier healing he can get there?
Normally it'd be a really excellent, unusually realistic choice. He's got some bad luck in the situation is all.
I really detest the retarded grinning he always does in front of Emilia.
And then he dies resetting everything which will happen. So what was the point of that? The only point is that the deaths are there to induce suffering and nothing more. Mc will eventually after numerous trial and error get out of the loop to be in another loop after that. The whole show is just that loops and nothing more. Progression is what this show lacks.
I guess you're just too retarded for this show.
>That is retarded. Mc knows after each death it will reset to before he took the job, therefore nullifying any earnings he made.
When he first took the job he didn't know this was going to be a theme. He thought that he'd already had his suffering multi-death groundhog loop and had successfully broken out of it, and now he was thinking about his future. That's why he put so much effort into everything, and why he was so devastated when it was all taken away. He tries again, but then realizes that he can't really get the same thing back and is also facing a situation that can't be resolved easily at all, even worse possibly then the previous one. And that this shit is going to be ongoing and horrible.
>This is the problem with the show.
You're just dumb. Go watch something else.
>Fuck is the point of this show anyway?
A normal person trying to solve a mystery and figure out a way to get through it. How dumb to you have to be to miss this obvious, obvious theme.
>How is any tension supposed to happen when the mc can just go back unscathed and have his memory as well?
Because he's losing a lot each time, and he doesn't somehow get to train up powers or gather weapons or whatever. Knowing something doesn't mean necessarily being able to do something about it, and in fact that makes it even worse. Remember, he can't even share all his knowledge and experience with anyone else. He's under ever more psychological pressure, which twists him, which in turn twists his interactions with others which makes things worse. There is tension in when/how he'll figure something out, and how high the cost will be. Duh.
It'd be nice if I could believe you were only pretending to be retarded but it's clear you aren't. Luckily there are endless anime that are just ultra simple SoL or shonen or whatever, so you can watch something that matches your IQ instead. Off you go.
If you want to get technical about it, everything is unique regardless of how similar it may be to other things.
That dragon dildo on your desk is unique, despite the fact that there are several more nearby. You yourself are unique, despite being one out of countless other anonymous fagets.
Obviously when you are writing a book, or a show, or creating a game, you want to be as original as you can. You need to make the best of what you have with all the concepts that are at your disposal. Is it really your fault when so many of the common ones fit together and are utilized by so many others? That's the great challenge, making more with less. I consider this unique in that (A) the MC must die to rewind time, (B) the power or curse itself is beyond his control, and (C) the way he must handle it all as a hikkineet teenager. He's pretty self-confident and funny, and rather than use self-deprecating humor he prefers to be a cocky little shit and stand out as much as possible. He takes things in stride so easily that it's almost scary.
I have to say my favorite relationship is the one between him and Puck. The scenes where they dick around with one another never fail to make me laugh.
He wanted to work for his living initially because, as he outright stated himself, he likes seeing his efforts go rewarded. He didn't want to freeload.
>Progression is what this show lacks.
He has shown very blatant progression, by taking different paths each time, to the point where on life 3, he opted into the role of a guest.
If you're too dumb to notice it, just say so, senpai. We won't judge you.
The thing that I don't get is why going the guest route sets him up for Ram. Is it because Ram is more likely to enjoy being around slackers due to being a "ditz" herself? Compared to Rem who's the skilled efficient type who sounds more like she would like a person who can do something. This whole shit makes me feel like the killer isn't the same depending on which route he takes, and that the maid he didn't get to have a "heart-to-heart" with is the one that kills him for some yet unknown reason.
You're stupid as fuck. clearly said "he thought the looping shit was over and done with". He did it again the second time to recreate the same loop and see what went wrong (which failed). He chose to be a guest on the third to have an excuse to go away. It's not fucking hard to understand, you low-IQ society reject.
Don't reply to retards if you can help it, user.
Any person with one iota of sense could see the dog biting him was the catalyst for everything.
Mc is just an idiot but hey let us get through a couple of more deaths before this fool realizes it.
I am missing an iota. Could you spoonfeed me the short version?
>Any person with one iota of sense could see the dog biting him was the catalyst for everything.
I don't spoon feed.
He could just ask before leaving what the areas are like and for some map. Then join some guild or do some other random shit like when first even came in the world and the reward money should do him good until he finds some way to earn money.
That chick won't be clogged up there forvever so he may see her again.
I think one beat that hasn't been brought up yet are the direct effects previous timelines have on the subsequent ones.
Remember how the shopkeeper responded differently to him in one of his re-dos, because he felt empathy as someone had recently found his lost daughter, or something along those lines?
In the first loop, he had to go out and find her/ In that one, it has already happened.
Unless I misunderstood that, it shows pretty clearly that there's some bleed effect.
Also, all this stuff about him being retarded, the one way in which he is is not taking advantage of Beatrice since she's clearly above the loop due to spending time in another dimensional plane (library).
>The thing that I don't get is why going the guest route sets him up for Ram.
I'm not sure what you mean by this. I don't think it "set him up for Ram", it change his interaction with her somewhat but that would have happened anyway. The biggest factor had nothing to do with guest status but rather one of the only carried over changes to his own skill, namely his growing ability to read basic children's stuff. That's what led to the fairy tale exchange. It's conceivable that it would have happened anyway if he'd been studying while working, though I suppose his guest status let him study MORE so maybe he was able to get up to speed on language a bit quicker.
He wants to know if the other people in the mansion are going to be targeted. That's the reason he chose to watch over the mansion from the mountain. He actually cares about the people in there. His goal isn't to get away and even if he did, he would end up in his bed again I'm pretty sure.
No way something like that don't exist in this setting.
I know this is blatant shitposting, but today I just have to reply. Commit the act of self-murder, preferably something that allows you to reflect on your stupidity, like drinking bleach or drowning.
>she's clearly above the loop
I do my best not to whine and complain since I have other autists here to do it for me, but this one really irks me. He has this huge advantage, so why not confide in her? Maybe she'll be amused enough by his situation to help out.
>she's clearly above the loop due to spending time in another dimensional plane
I see people writing this a lot but you guys are clearly mistaken. She always says that "it's the second time she sees him today" because she saw him, DRAINED HIS MANA, he collapsed and the checkpoint was created. THAT's why she always says "that's the second time I see you today".
There's no "bleed effect" in the way I think you're suggesting, but there is a butterfly effect that is realistic. The thing is that none of us could ever actually respond in the same way during a loop situation each time. Our memories would change how we looked at things, which would change our body language, speech, approach etc., and in turn others would change their responses, and it'd ripple rapidly. You can't have your "first time" multiple times.
That's part of the suffering for him and explicitly touched upon. He can't get that super positive first time in the mansion back, they notice on subsequent loops that he's better then he "should be", which is obviously suspicious.
To the extent there is "bleed" it might be if the witch stink gets worse ever revival, but most people can't notice that.
>He could just ask before leaving what the areas are like and for some map. Then join some guild or do some other random shit like when first even came in the world and the reward money should do him good until he finds some way to earn money.
Fucking what. Have you ever so much as done any real hiking yourself navigating with just a map?
I doubt Ram sympathized with him for being a slacker, because she's very self-aware of her own inferiority to her sister.
I think she's just the much more open and friendly of the two. She would have grown more fond of him regardless of the situation, if anything him being a guest hindered their personal progress.
Shit, you're right. Well, thanks for tying that up. Now it won't bug me anymore.
>witch stink gets worse ever revival
Also, don't start applying real-world rules to 2Dland, user. You need to take into account that he'd have the plot handle the complicated stuff for him.
Play in traffic and do your parents a favour.
Emilia still saved his daughter so he's in a good mood and stops being a dick.
That would make much more sense. And if it is the case, it's something I feel the show has done a poor job of underlining, actually.
I thought that may be the case myself, but dismissed it because I didn't feel him getting KO'd by a mana-drain would warrant a checkpoint, when usually the only other thing that does is death or progression.
This god damn it. It's made super obvious that no, she absolutely doesn't retain any memory of him. The only thing he doesn't realize at first is that she is the one who actually healed him.
>I do my best not to whine and complain since I have other autists here to do it for me, but this one really irks me. He has this huge advantage, so why not confide in her? Maybe she'll be amused enough by his situation to help out.
If he tries the witch fucks him. This too is explicitly covered, although the anime hasn't reached it yet (next ep). He is directly prevented from confiding though, this is not a plot hole. It's part of why people call it a curse, not a super power, and why it irks some of the rest of us to see you keep trying to stuff the MC and story into a typical mold and then get confused when it doesn't work.
Don't you get it? He can literally ask for all the information he needs for travel off the people.
Even so it's pretty obvious now they're only coming for him and people in the mansion are way more capable than him anyways.
The point is, getting a checkpoint is random and he doesn't know when will it happen. Getting knocked by Beatrice doesn't give him checkpoint, it's just a coincidence.
>when usually the only other thing that does is death or progression.
Death doesn't create the checkpoint, it pulls him back to said checkpoint. The checkpoint has to be there first in order to come back to it once dead. Subaru has obviously (I'm an animefag only) not control whatsoever over his curse and those checkpoints are created haphazardly. So far, it's only the second checkpoint (the first being his arrival in the fantasy world, in front of the shopkeeper stand).
I swear to fucking God, we should get someone to make a route chart of Subaru's failures and progress.
Yes, but in the first timeline she saved his daughter with Subaru, well after Subaru's initial conversation with the shop-keep.
In the second (or third, can't remember exactly), he brought up that someone had saved his daughter during that initial conversation.
Which leads me to believe there's some degree of bleed that alters the chronological sequence of events in subsequent timelines based upon his actions in the previous ones. Kind of like a time-hopping reward scheme, as it embodied itself in that circumstance.