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Magi - 305
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Is the current flashback 2 years ago?
Worst boy is back
Hakuryuu vs Arba rematch?
>learn nip to be able to read raw manga
>all early scans are either in chinese or korean
I feel betrayed.
I only see best boy.
How hard is nip?
Haku is completely outmatched here. I wonder how he'll get out of this one. Mor should have kept this hair, her new look is weird. Also HakuMor fags BTFO.
>Hakumor fags BTFO
Too late
> In flashback showed Hakuryuu and Arba
> They had a battle
> Hakuryu still doesn't appear
Does it mean, that he's dead now?
Nah just in her rape dungeon.
Pretty sure it's mentioned that he's with Aladdin and Morgiana at this point. Meaning he somehow got away from this battle.
I wonder when Judar shows up.
>HakuMor fags BTFO
What? This is two years ago.
Will edge bro's have to come slay this bitch again?
Fuck off with your shitty buzzword
While I agree with you that it's too early, I still don't see where this pairing comes from. The last time they had any romantic interaction was back when he confessed to her. And that was completely one sided on his part. It guess could happen now but that would be bad writing.
I want him to hold my hand
>he wants people to stop calling them edgebros after all this time
>he probably wasn't even here for the threads of their edge adventures
What a fucking faggot.
I don't think anything Ohtaka could do between Haku and Morg would be much more abrupt and poorly-written than Baba deciding he wants Morg for a girlfriend over like 4 pages.
Aladdin looks like he's getting BTFO by BasedBad.
>he probably wasn't even here for the threads of their edge adventures
Fuck off dumbass
>still hating Hakuryuu
I bet you shat blood too when Alibaba was dating a monkey.
Yes, it's not looking too good for Aladin in that pic.
Regardless of how poorly written it was Baba does have affection towards Mor, even if it is superficial. And we know Mor loves him. I agree that if they end up together without anymore development it would be stupid. But pulling HakuMor out of nowhere would be worse.
Baba has fish princess. don't forget that fact
>Retarded Shipperfags think the know what's good and bad writing
They have no romantic scenes at all
It's simple for them:
My ship is sailing -> good writing
My ship is sinking -> bad writing
>I still don't see where this pairing comes from
kek. You must be blind.
Show me a page where they show romantic interest in each other.
Garda is sexier than Mor.
>Baba does have affection towards Mor
And Morg doesn't consider Haku a good friend like Baba did her? Come on, they're close no matter how you slice it, and so far there's nothing that even implies she holds killing Baba against him. And it's dumb that Ohtaka would pull anything out of nowhere, but so far she hasn't done it with Hakumor. You can't claim something is bad writing when it hasn't even been written.
Every fucking thread they see a chapter or spoilers and only talk about whatever supports their shitty ship and then think they can talk about bad/good writing?
Shit, I was not expecting Hakuryuu vs Arba Round 2 so soon.
Time for Incest!
Can you shipperfags fuck off back to tumblr? Every Magi thread turns into a war between you autists. At first it wasn't bad but now 75% of these threads are you arguing about what fictional characters are ending up together.
So what is Sinbad saying? I know there some gooks here.
At least nobody posted THAT image yet.
I recently just read the manga. How faithful is the anime? I saw S1 back when it aired and remember seeing lots of people complaining about it, so I didn't pick up S2 and chose to read the manga instead. But when I actually read it, I seemed pretty accurate to my memory of the anime.
Also, in that subject, is the Sinbad anime going well? Might as well pick it up instead of the manga if it's good.
Everything was explained here
>At least nobody posted THAT image yet.
You got me curious now, user.
Rolling for fish.
The first half of the first season is faithful, while the second season skips a lot of stuff, rewrites an entire arc and ends with a literal fanfiction.
Then in the second season they decided to be faithful to the source material again.
Reminder that who's true form is a furry abomination with oversized teeth.
Wait, I fucked up
>while the second season
second half of the first season*
Sadly this is pretty much every thread on Sup Forums now.
OMG. It's not that it's been shown they both have interest in each others. But Hakuryuu does love her. Nothing would be out of nowhere delusional Alimorfag
I think A1 shit up the ending with alibaba's scene, I watched both season but I dont expect the anime to be perfect anyway, not much complaints from me. Sinbad manga is just him being OP but still nice to read.
Didn't S1 end with Alibaba's second dungeon conquest?
Eh so what i take it as that Aladdin doesn't know himself what to do then or have an alternative.
Wasn't his shadow seen in chapter 299 along with Yamato, Mor and Aladdin? He's fine.
Actually I prefer season one ending anime to manga. They did great job.
Hakuryuu conquest it not baba.
shit sinbads looking more sinful each chapter
I'm thinking the samurai guy might come to his aid during this battle.
>more smug arba
can someone just knock this bitch out already?
did he finally crack?
spoiler traduction
Man, Sinbad sure is megalomaniac.
>hating smug arba
if you don't want her to fuck the everliving magoi out of you, you've missed the point
Speaking and kana is not that hard, but learning kanji is what makes it a bitch.
>Hating smug Arba
True best girl
Well what can you do? Some fag keeps saying your plan sucks after you spent years on it and then he doesn't even offer an alternative then runs away.
It's not Aladdin's fault his plan sucks.
for someone who wants to help the world he doesnt do a very good job at it
It's not his fault that no one else is doing shit and magi's are lazy fucks.
This is dumb.
Sinbad has already succeeded in creating a peaceful world of neoliberal capitalism with no war and raised living standards.
What does he need Solomon's wisdom for?
what does he need to change the rules of the flow of rukh for?
Sinbad's goals have already been achieved.
this "hurr durr I need to decide the flow of fate because I'm special" thing is so contrary to goals and rule as a king thus far.
It's an unnatural and unconvincing way of making him a bad guy
He have peace , now he want more than peace . He want eternal peace
>What does he need Solomon's wisdom for?
He's a greedy asshole.
>helping taking care Aladdin
>fights for Aladdin and morg
>slowly starts to bond and get closer to morg while Ali sleeps
>ali NTR in coming
final fantasy tier writing
For fuck sake , you don't remeber when alibaba back after he ded , it look like FF7
>because I'm special
Thats his failing in my opinion, he is special but apparently he thinks he needs to be the hot shit forever.
The Streets said it best:
>You're fit, but my gosh, don't you know it
If you think this peace will last forever as it is then you are severly retarded.
Knock up, user.
The term you're looking for is knock up.
Exactly. Sinbad knows that the peace he established will only be around for as long as he is. That's why he want Solomon's Wisdom, to make sure it lasts forever. There's obviously some massive flaw in this plan, but we'll just have to wait and find out.
Yes , some idea can be outdated
Is the author attempting to say that having a world with a perpetual war cycle where every few generations a nation attempts to pillage, rape and conquer the whole world like Kou did is better than having an interconnected world based on trade and capitalism with no full scale , international wars?
This has been a recurring weakness in magi's writing
Quite often Alladdin only ever offers platitudes like "if it's your fate for your family to be brutally murdered then no big deal, don't hate on fate man"
or "hey if every few generations there is a world war, don't worry , it's ok for there to be some mistakes, lol"
And now they're going to link Sinbad trying to improve the situation with apocalyptic consequences and megalomania. and the author will be like "see?! Because he tried to raise living standards and successfully removed war, he's an evil megalomaniac who will infact cause the apocalypse".
what about it is not self-perpetuating?
And even if a war did happen, it's still an improvement on the previous world because living standards have been raised so much by improvements in technology that far fewer people suffer compared with the old world.
The author is going to have to contrive some real nonsense in order to try and show that this world is infact worse than the pre-timeskip world.
>Is the author attempting to say that having a world with a perpetual war cycle where every few generations a nation attempts to pillage, rape and conquer the whole world like Kou did is better than having an interconnected world based on trade and capitalism with no full scale , international wars?
No? Where did you get that? Ohtaka tries to tell the story of Magi from multiple perspectives and let you make your own conclusions. That's why we were told for years that Kou is an evil piece of shit, but then we see things from Kouen and Koumei's perspective during the return to Balbadd. It's why Mogamett was clearly cruel and vindictive in his hatred for humans, but you can sympathize with him and understand why he is the way he is once he tells his side of the story.
I'm not saying this kind of storytelling works 100% of the time. Sometimes Ohtaka stumbles with it. But this is clearly the intention.
I kind of agree with you.
Mainly, in that Aladdin defending the current system is always the weakest part of Magi. Sinbad is also fully right in saying Solomon half-assed this shit.
If it wasn't Sinbad who cannot help but be shady as fuck no matter what trying to rewrite reality, then it'd honestly be an interesting alternative.
>"if it's your fate for your family to be brutally murdered then no big deal, don't hate on fate man"
Do you even read the series? That was his opinion when he was just a naive child who knew nothing about the world. Since then he's clearly matured enough to know you can't leave everything to "fate" and make your own decisions.
Hell, in this chapter he pretty much says the exact opposite of that.
The problem here is that Aladdin, as a Shounen MC, will always be the shining beacon of morality and righteousness. In the end, he will always be proven right, because he's the hero, and that's what the plot demands. If Sinbad or anyone else brings forth an argument; no matter how good the points they make are, no matter how valid the argument is, all Aladdin has to do is say "No that's wrong", and that's it. It's wrong, because it's from the hero's perspective instead of the villain's.
>The problem here is that Aladdin, as a Shounen MC, will always be the shining beacon of morality and righteousness. In the end, he will always be proven right
Are you faggots even reading this series?
>Aladdin yells at Hakuryuu and he falls out of depravity anyway lmao
W-what happened to my qt shota? Who is this disgusting imposter?
>being this retarded
i thought when Aladdin yells Hakuryuu , he almost execute Kouen
Your Aladdin love is too weak user. Love him no matter how he looks like
>Greentexting and meme image
Nice argument
He almost did, but decided against it after the confrontation
Reminder that what Aladdin said in this chapter go against everything he used to say in the beginning of the series.
You seem to think that the series tries to portray him as always right, with everything he doesn't agree with being wrong, when it's more like he learns to see things from different perspectives and in the end decides to follow what's actually right, instead of stubbornly clinging to his previous opinions.
then why do you say aladdin yell out of depravity when it prove opposite
>Nice argument
You get what you give
holy shit how bad does she want good boy sin to look. Whats with Aladdin saying people dont wanna live under sinbad. doesnt sinbad just want a more perfect ruhk system then the shit solomon put up
Solomon a shit
Magi's a shit
Doesn't Sinbad pretty much want to make the same shit Solomon did (create a world where everyone's fates are decided by him)?
He questioned his belief about the rukh for a brief period before and during the Civil War, and yes, he was conflicted about it in his talk with Kouen, but concluded that falling into Depravity is still a bad thing. He might not have clinged to this opinion throughout the whole time until it was proven right, but that opinion was still vindicated by the end of the arc.
>then why do you say Aladdin yell out of depravity when it prove opposite
What? Aladdin clearly had an influence on Hakuryuu at the conclusion of the war.