Find a flaw

Find a flaw.

Should have been 5'4''

Didn't she get raped by Brazilians?

Also, what the fuck is post rock?

Used goods.

She's not pure.

Literally used goods.

Nao a shit.
A music genre you dumbass.
Just google it.

Annoying shit no fun allowed character

Her show is complete shit.
Yusa or whatever the fuck the idol's name was, was not only prettier, but she also had a godly body to boot.

But Yusarin was also a retard.

But that's her height.

Yes, but she wasn't an autistic cunt like Nao
>muh brother
>muh impecuniousness
>muh post-rock

Yusa made the show bearable, while watching Nao was like watching a show about that obese bitch that dressed in black and wore anime shirts live out her fantasy

But Nao's flaws just make her even more perfect. She is stlill a good girl. It's like you can't bear characters that actually feel like characters. The fact you like Yusa says everything.

She has no toenails.

The fact that you like Nao is indicative of how utterly pathetic, sad, and lonely you are.

See? Conjecture is easy, you stupid son of a bitch.

She's a mere prototype, here's the final perfect product.

Ironically the band in the show doesn't even play post rock

She is annoying

No tits no hips

Would I have liked this show if I was still a pretentious teenager and liked "post rock"?


Yes, that sounded like alt-rock to me.
Maeda just used the name of a popular genre without knowing what it sounds like.