UW Eau Claire college Democrats are holding a rally in Phoenix Park where the NSM was supposed to rally, we need people in Wisconsin or Minnesota to attend this on September 16th ( This Saturday)

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Don't let this die REEEE


why, won't they just riot by themselves and attack random people?

>people in Wisconsin
I fucking wish

See you there lads

There are a lot of anons here,

>its all women



Sorry senpai I'm heading up by Rhinelander for the weekend to fish

Protests are for lefties. Let them whine about whatever is irritating their bowels this month. I have a theory similar to that of 'if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it' only here it's, "If there isn't a right-winger at the protest then . ."

>giving the public square to your enemy

Do I have to show up in person or can I just post angry rants on Sup Forums about (((((((((((them)))))))))? I can't walk much anymore because my superior genes were tricked by the fast food Jew to become overweight.


Can you answer my question? Is it wheelchair accessible? Also is there a McDonalds nearby?

nice digits

you sound like youre there for the (((college democrats)))

EC faggot here:
Why didn't I heard a thing about this?

I want to fight the libtards, dude! They were turned gay by the frogs they ate from the rivers and were then brainwashed by rap music to become trannies who love multiculturalism! I've already practiced putting ((())) around names of people I'm not smart enough to debate!

the MSM didnt cover it much, I was listening to a country station and they played 30 seconds of this story, and that was it. Don't worry user but be there

WRDN or B95?

It was either 100.1 WDDC Portage or 101.9 WDEZ Stevens Point

I'm about 2 hours from EC

If anyone is driving from Madison, Wisconsin to go I'll be there, I just need a ride.

t. College Student.

I can get 2 other dudes to come with on this alone. See you there

You're retarded please stop no one's buying this

Dude I just want to be cool. You're just saying that because you're a kike.

No one driving from Madison?
I'll even pay for gas...

Id pick you up but Id have to drive an hour south and then drive 3 hours north, pray a Madison user sees this thread

>Connect with Faceberg to join this totally legit neo-nazi rally!

I think that may be a little less than a good idea,

Can do. Monitoring this thread.

Actually after reading this entire thread, everyone in support of this sounds fake and like a FBI/CIA/DHS shill. Fuck off, stop wasting my tax dollars on this bullshit, we're good boys who won't do nothing.

I'm in Milwaukee. Will drive beautiful female college anons in my fancy BMW in return for road-head and sex.

Its organized by the College Democrats, the NSM was supposed to rally there until they backed off, but the Dems are holding a rally still. They wont be able to call a victory with us around.

I'm not female and I dunno about head but I got cash. Pick me up and we'll have a jolly time m8.

t. Madison user.

Bring some women with elliot

so sick I have been wanting to skullfuck inbred nazi cucks since you fgits bailed on the SF rally. See you fucks there

Heil hitler

yes hail an possibly Jewish (and there is nothing wrong with that) moron who couldn't overcome mustard gas poisoning during WW1 that was ultimately defeated by a bunch uncoordinated Russians. The shit you beta cunts worship is beyong laughable. OH NO MUH SUPEREAR RACE IZ IN DANGER

Cant wait user

What kind of salt mine did you crawl from and is there more?

Great Lakes AntiCom will serve and protect

the saltiest and nastiest of them all user

Damn you're poison.
No wonder people steer clear of you.

More poisonous than you understand. I work for a v liberal tech company in an American Sanctuary city and I actively donate to all the cliche liberal organizations out here. I like seeing white christians mad. Between my partner and I, we probably donate more to these groups than you make in a year. The best part? I'm not even an American and I am only here because I have a highly specialized skill set! And I'm not even talking about making your mum cum! You know that America has been collapsing since 9/11/01 and the only people who do not see it are you fucking morons, right? You could not even elect your own patsy this election? The fucking russians did it for you! Looks like once again the russians beat the nazis

Got a higher res pic? Trying to see if I recognize any of them for maximum lulz

Sorry OP I don't wanna drive 3 hours

Interesting. I too happen to work for a very liberal tech company operating out of an American Sanctuary city but I happen to donate most of my excess money to politically incorrect organizations that know exactly what the zeitgeist of the current country is.

In fact, I'm 100% american and my wife loves when I enslave her into the patriarchy by tying her up and doing as I please. I make lots of money even without a specialized skill set, probably more than you can even wish for. But then again, I don't understand why I even have to tell the truth against some blatant liar.

My mom's been dead a while and that fact that you've been digging her corpse up to shag it means you've got some problems.

I'm also pretty sure that the election wasn't tampered with. The feds surely found no foreign tampering...

Faggot lul. Nobody says libtards they say KEK. Which is just as faggoty but still more believable, so at least someone might think you're one of those dumbass kek people. Only neo-cons say libtards LUL.

Chicagofag here. I really wish I could go, my family and I stopped at Eau Claire to eat at a McDonalds and get gas over the summer when we were on a road trip to Saint Paul. Your town is hella comfy and I think I might go there for college.

>that fat old fuck in the middle

anyone got a link to that page? i'm getting "kosher" vibes from that one. probably just a coincidence, but i'd still like a little confirmation.

"The feds surely found no foreign tampering..."

and I'm done. Duces. I would say see you soon but you defenders of christendom have the tendency to shy away from things lately

>Hey guys the feds called off their fake rally so we need some internet memers to show up so it looks like we're really protesting something lol

It's just like a neo-liberal to deal in absolute lies and give up when someone sees right through them.

Can't wait to see you at the event sweetie. Can't wait to stretch your asshole 3 sizes that day.

Your neo-nazi government actors quit on you, Shlomo?

FUck that last time i went to Eau Claire wisconsin i saw the fucking beast of bray road no fucking way im going back to that state ever.

Just look up UW Eau Claire College Democrats.
Eau Claire is not for the leaf

why don't we beans ever get antifags? I want to skull fuck a commie

Really? cause i did manage to leaf a couple wisconsin babes at the ho chunk casino near the dells, they seemed to enjoy the eternal throbbing leaf????

What a surprise, not a single minority in that picture.

Not even an Italian or Spaniard.

My best friends are from there. I got them into saying nigger. Hehe

>literal tourist trap
Are you going?

Honestly I couldnt believe how pretty most of the women were in wisconsin. The average woman was a 7 or better, face wise, there were still fatties. But almost every guy was like 5'6" fat, and atrociously troll like and ugly. Not just shitposting, i repeat this is not a meme. I could not comprehend how all these beautiful women were bred from the stock of these round, featureless, and just unappealign looking men. In canada i am an average, if tall, guy. I felt like a model or something there. I got unironically picked up by an 8 in the ho chunk casino. The next night i picked up an even hotter slut from a weddign party in the same casino. I also had a lot of looks, and got some action in superior wisconsin. i spent three days in the state and fucked two hot chicks. And i seriously saw the beast of bray road is scared the fuck out of me. its real.

lol nigga like update your website its not the 90s anymore

You can't dodge the oven forever KIKE.

I'm confused is this a neo-nazi rally or a Trump rally? Is it 14 or is it 88 as well?

Not your army faggot. Nazis are socialist scum. Let the pseudo communist and your larping faggots kill each other.
Sup Forums is a Libertarian board.

as long as it stays this white

Chippewa Falls here. Fuck Eau Claire.