Be me

>be me
>afraid of black people

dude same

dude same

Have you ever talked to a black person before? I'm black user and I think I'm pretty nice

dude same

>afraid of black people
>live in constant fear

dude same

You guys are cool sometimes, but when there's a lot of you, you stop being so cool and go into tribal "LET'S KILL WHITEY" mode. Also the last black guy I dealt with literally stole from me. Not even kidding you.

I always follow a simple rule when niggers are in the vicinity, A3N.

Always Aware Around Niggers.

They are like wild animals, you need to be alert around them, they could chimp out at anytime. I do not know how many people conceal carry, but I am always ready to put a wild animal down if need be.


Sorry about the nigger user

It's a statistical thing
Every time I've been robbed, cheated, assaulted, burglarized, property destroyed, vandalized-- it's been done by a black man. I used to live in the south and all dealing with black people generally making life worse was just a part of every day.

I moved to the pacific NW 5 years ago and none of those things have happened to me since. Also I've only seen one black person that lives in my small town

Do not fear the solitary negro, for he is without courage. Fear niggers in groups, for they are pack creatures.

>be me
>want to fuck black people
don;t blame me, it's just in my genes

I'm black and even I don't like black people. They always talk with the thickest of accent.

Why be afraid?

>afraid of his own "people"
Haha nigger

Being afraid of black people is a sign of high intelligence in pattern recognition.

I'm not afraid of them but I never relax.


It's cool. I feel bad for the good black guys. The other ones drag them down. One of my best friends from high school was black and he was nicer than white people, he'd even offer to pay for shit when we knew he barely had any money. He pretty much hung out with all the white kids too. I think deep down he hated the other thug niggas but I never really got into a conversation like that with him. He even listened to fucking punk metal and shit.... totally a white guy born in a black body hahaha.

I feel you, we all hate thug niggas

>It's a statistical thing

I agree. Every single instance of racism I've encountered in the US has come from a black man or woman. It's no wonder the rest of the country has a hard time getting along with you guys.

Ok but dont try to guilt trip me dude


White people is more scary - die with your rage

Please quit advertising and leave. This place was great in the 90's, then you showed up. Every day there are more and more of you crowding this once great corner.

>Be Spic
>Now afraid to visit most of Eastern Europe
Y-You wouldn't beat me up, would you g-guys?

This really happened after exiting a store:
>fat black dude like OP's picture
"Hey, my man, can y'all let me hold a five? I'm hungry."
"Sorry. I only have a CC, no cash."
>fat black dude like OP's picture
"Well, buy me something from the MAC Donald's?"
>this was my pre Sup Forums days...before being almost killed by one...wife was feeling sorry for the guy
"O.K. What do you want to eat?"
>fat black dude like OP's picture
"Well, I just ate, so make it a 20 piece [McNuggets]."
>me (slightly annoyed)
"O.K. Want anything to drink with it?"
>fat black dude like OP's picture
"Anything diet!"

Typical nigger. I did get him the food. Hopefully he died of a heart attack.

dude same

And how does your rational fear of niggers pertain, in any way, to politics?

I make it better I'm sure of it. I've increased my property value and I'm damn sure better quality human being than all of these tweakers that populate the pock marks of your secret clubhouse region

Every single time a nigger has demanded money...every fucking single time.
Wouldn't you avoid a certain type of people that constantly harassed you for money?

Besides, they park backwards and never change the batteries in their smoke detectors. Who fucking lets the damn thing just beep constantly?

I've had my fill living in a 70% nigger city. It's a fucking burden. It's total shit. Niggers will be the death of the human race if they aren't stopped.

it doesnt matter how "cool" they can be, blacks only resort to violence when they disagree with someone, which is part of why blacks have become a sacred cow for leftists, their cuck instincts tell them to adhere to the most violent side

>Be me
>The only other race here are chinks, no negros around here

Live's good

too big to jail
pic related

Learned, not irrational.

After a gangbanger aims a gun at your temple, you'll either learn to avoid them at all costs or you'll be just another statistic of nigger on non-nigger crime. I use non-nigger instead of white because niggers lead in all categories of interacial crime statistics. If you're Asian, Jewish, Hispanic, White, Arab, etc. watch out, because you're likely to be killed by a nigger more so than any of the other races (besides your own, buts that's typically by people that are related/close associations not strangers).

Never relax around blacks.

You don't even know American bro. I basically can't relax around 85% of the population


I'm white and faggot whites do the same shit with me.
More space for me faggots.

>parking backwards
I never trust anyone who does this. "What exactly are you about to do that you need to get away from seconds later?"

Not all black people are criminals but they all park like criminals.


should've laughed in his face, sighed, and told him hell no
you would've gotten scowled at for being rude, but respected for your confidence

So whitebois are scared of the black man? haha thats what i thought pussy ass white boys

dude same

Parking backwards is just smart, way easier to pull out

You are just a shit driver if you can't park backwards son

I just moved to Chicago (VPN fag here) and there are blacks everywhere. Crime is high and everybody knows why. I literally cannot relax and simply walk around on the streets without being worried of being robbed or worse. So I totally understand OP.

Carry around a leg of fried chicken

When attacked use as a distraction

Niggers will always revert to their nigger ways.
Ni9ggers cannot be trusted.

Everyone is afraid of blacks, even blacks.
Niggers cannot trust their closest relatives. Child abuse is rife in every nigger dwelling.
tfw: ER in niggertown,