best girl of the season
Best girl of the season
animu wut frum?
Literally who? Emilia best girl!
I dropped this after episode 3. My chuuni level gets lower every season.
OP, sorry I posted wrong picture
Autism-chan is great and all but I like the titty kitty
Dropped the first EP for the Sucking Plot.
its like "comet lucifer" and as always
"It takes more to make a good anime than a Cute Mascot girl"
All the girls in this are pretty damn good.
720p is out.
I disagree.
This fucking guy.
Is this the Cerberus thread?
Dude looks like a lady
I want her to use her 300+ years worth of experience on my dick
>Forget to cut his left hand free after cutting both of his legs and right arm
Is he the biggest jobber ever?
He's the jobber of jobbers and at the same time strongest dragon alive
Dude looks like a lady
He is the heroine.
Oh fuck yes, lolihags are the best.
Towako soon
Webm for ants
>autistic chaika speaking pattern
>in a shit anime
Pic related.
Every other raws which I could find so far is watermarked.
So what is she? The way the old man was talking implies she's the dragon or something.
dick status
Her and Claire easily
Is the mobage for this any good?Also can we discuss the autism in pic related?
>youtube e-celebs
Just fuck off.
Why would you do that?
they are literally nobody the vids get like 1 or 2 likes/ dislikes and no more than 200 views?
the subs are fucking bought, they have like 100 followers on twitter it's sad
Get the fuck out.
Would you show her your shiny thing?
But she's literally not the best girl in her own anime.
Hiiro2cute an best grill
God, how I also want to feel up these tights
She's some hybridized construct.
Hope she leaves that faggot Nambuuko.
what? she got fanart?
She's very cute.
This is the face of a warrior ready to kill for her cause.