CHINA NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CHINA NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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China YAES
whats the problem?
The only time I've heard of communism actually working.
It's not real communism :^)
I want islam to start shit in china so they can finally deploy all the new toys they have, but with chinese sensitivity (which is nill).
It isnt the US doing it
fuck it, I'm learning chinese. Disgusting language, disgusting people, but they're going to win.
Damn, we can really learn something here.
Holy shit. A Communist country doing something RIGHT for once.
wtf i love communism now
China is radically decentralised, sometimes it allows laws that literally can't be justified under any left wing libertarian or anarchocommunist or low authority left system.
Some regions are hunting down falun gong members, and other religious minorities but the west only cares about Islam, and then selling their organs and blood.
This is legal if you're not considered a citizen in the regional community enforcing this as law.
The only time I can say I agree with a commie.
yu no pray arrah no more.
good to see.
>current year +2
>chinks and nips are doing what western countries are too cucked to do
wow, fucking FAKE news man. the text actually says, "This dude is accepted in the Extremist Training School, please forgive all his debts".
Post this on commie shitlibs twitter accounts and watch them melt down.
the chinks keep fucking with Islam they will be BTFO and all you yellow dick riders will be crying into your soy lattes
Buts whats abouts alls theses diversities?
>5 000 years of culture and civilization
>1 200 000 000 people
>largest economy in the world
>largest army in the world
>nationalistic authoritarian government
>fearless ruthless population of bugmen
truly we cannot compete
>MFW China taking over the U.S might not be as bad as we thought
China isn't communist! Fascist maybe
,Authoritarian certainly,Communist absolutely not.You don't have a growing middle class under communism.
Just to be absolutely clear. I Don't support China in anyway
Muslims have been successful in pissing off Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, etc. and they got tons if western countries mad, and now they made a commie county mad too, wew.
>been doing this for over 50 years without a problem
Yeah, they won't get BTFO any time soon.
Holy shit, someone actually got it right!
They've got a private(ish) market, which is the only reason why they haven't collapsed yet.
Disinfo they are killing Christians en masse
tfw same
>communism actually doing something good for once
Dem doobels
But I agree, lately I've been so blackpilled that I'm actually thinking about having a gook gf or some shit like that. Cause what fucking future a white kid has?
The kikes will never let us go
RIP chinks
topkek, China is absolutely fucking awful at war and has an economy that's ready to collapse.
China is a paper dragon and only a Chink or a dipshit would think they have a chance against the West.
Where were you when China saved the West
1. Why does nobody ever post here from China?
2. Are they really communist, and if so, shouldn't we dislike them more than we do?
Holy shit based china
There is nothing wrong with harvesting organs of antifa terrorists.
1. Internet censorship, most likely
2. Not really. For once the No True Scotsman fallacy doesn't apply here, it's not actually communist. Deeply authoritarian, yes.
>1. Why does nobody ever post here from China?
great firewall, cant do shit without vpn. besides most chinese cant speak english at all
>2. Are they really communist, and if so, shouldn't we dislike them more than we do?
we both know communist is a joke, my americuck friend
1. They do, on occasion
2. They aren't communists, but they are a one-party totalitarian political regime, and should be disliked
Google 610 office.
>mfw chyna starts muslim holocaust
Stupid mongorians, stop breaking my wall!
suck my chinaman dick if you can find it
I can sell you penis enlargement pills, for a considerable markup. Supply and demand!
google is banned in china so they can't solve the captcha, only chinese posters are the ones with a pass.
I don't see the problem.
If they're living in a host country and they don't want to conform and assimilate to the the customs and laws of their host nation then there's two options:
Gtfo or reeducation
It fucking surprises me that muzzies don't know rape is wrong and must be educated on it. If they want to play the victim card then let's truly make them fucking victims so their crying and bitching is for legitimate reasons.
yin wei xue xi zhong wen you yong zai xian dai shi chang
China isn't diverse enough
based Kraut. Ich Liebe Deutschland...bitte entschuldige mich fur meiner Rattenkultur Im Australien ... sir sind halt bihindert... entschuldige mich... military size means nothing anymore with tech and WMD . China is a sitting duck army compared to other military nations . their primary industry is heavily dependent on other nations and war would see their population starve . chink propaganda is strong ...
this,fuck the chinese they won't let me in
Its time for your training!
People keep saying this girl is pretty like they're trying to meme it into existence.
Honestly the Chinese and the Muslim world just continue to grow and become more powerful. It used to be Russia vs. America. Now it is China vs. America. Soon, it's going to be China vs. the Muslim world. I pick China.
Japan just isn't important. I grew up as an American. Nothing compares to knowing that you are a citizen of the most powerful nation in the world. But now my country is sick and dying and I know which country will fill its shoes. I want my children to grow up as citizens of the most powerful nation in the world.
She really is pretty ugly!
wtf i love commies now
Blacked! China ver
They're not so bad, maybe a little weird but they're our only hope for the future of humanity at this point. I have made many Chinese connections already, I encourage everyone who wants to secure a future for themselves to do the same.
bubble has to burst sooner or later user, lets hope that time chinese still useful
What's "reeducation camps". Sounds like literally Hitler to me
How can you send them to reeducation camps when they weren't educated to begin with?
>t. Wang
>Largest economy in the world
>if you can find it
lol for real. nice one.
Hot Uyghur girl
Is China NatSoc lowkey?
Wtf I love communism now
Fuck America. fuck EU. Russia and china are the future.
>China has birth rate problem
>Christianity growing quickly
>Third world Christians have lots of children
>Fight the change instead of embracing it
And they claim to have an average IQ of 105
oh look another proxy
way to go, that's how you reunite nazis and communists
didnt a bunch of muslims just storm out of their mosques and start beating buddhists in the streets?
They should be rounding up the few niggers who actually live in China too.
by purchasing power parity it is, essentially their currency is weak but they have a greater ability to produce goods and services, its just because of the currency exchange on the international market their goods are less valuable as a result
gas em all china
Why not poland or Hungary?
I understand Sup Forums isn't one person but I am goddamn surprised china hasn't pulled this place into a civil war yet
i saw checking the archive you guys got banned a lot. both of you are ban evaders 100% and it's against the rules to use proxy. the faster you post the more mistakes you make so go for it. i saw a lot of banned/deleted posts on picture i'll see if i can give it a mod to prove how you're ban evading and on proxies
nvm im fake news this was 2012 saw it in a thread yeaterday.
Has this communist been identified and confirmed Antifa?
china is based when they stay the fuck away from western real estate markets. that's when i give a fuck about how insectoid they are
but when they kill muzzies and come up with words specifically to troll white SJW leftists? fucking based
I love communism now.
>that arab script
It must be Uyghur all over again.
Why can't they just be normal citizen just like another muslim chink tribe, Hui chinese though?
It's difficult to find someone who can speak even a little of English in China.
>Chinese conncetions
Checks out.
This. China is the double edged sword. They need to exist but stay in their fucking overpopulated smog ridden country that's polluting it's own people.
On second thought, maybe they need a small culling.
Commie chinks are the original anitfa, Of course they know all the SJW leftards' tricks.
>post something negative about China
>you are proxy posting ban evader!
It's almost like living in the PRC