This is literally irrefutable


No, this is.

It is, however, irrefutally literable.

No, this is

bang. u gut me gud, sun


And "leftist" means mass murdering, verminous psychopaths. The only ones who support leftists at mass murdering, verminous psychopaths.

Just because they call themselves anti fascist means that they are anti fascist? Sounds like you got dropped on your head a few times as a baby.

Leftists tend to have a pretty wide set of definitions for Fascist. The most conservative one I heard is Everyone but who I like.

One should judge by someone's actions than words, because words can be twisted.

Hello retard! I'll post my response in the last thread again:

Take the "message" of any other group with a bad reputation and publish it.

Nazi's are about uniting one people together and escaping the enslavement by the rich. Why aren't you a Nazi? There's nothing negative about that.

I think everyone should be a Nazi! If you're against that then I guess you're just against prosperity, helping the poor, and national unity!

(You can't refute this)

wow, an incredibly retarded thread. What should I do?

logical fallacy - circular cause and consequence
it's a shitty argument


Then the only ones who should oppose pro life are pro death

Nazi is short for National Socialist
The only people who should oppose NatSoc are capitalists.

That is not a swastika

The DPRK stands for the Democratic people's republic of Korea, the only people who should oppose the DPRK are democracy haters

Antifa are antifascists.

They stand up against fascists.

If you are against that, then you are a fascist.

You can't refute that.

Who opposed fascists the most?


what is it then?

If you are against MAD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving), you are a drunk driver. Or are you a father? I'm not sure which.

There is a good quote:

"In Italy fascists are divided into two categories: the fascists and anti-fascists."


Nazi is short for National Socialism. The only people who oppose it hate nations and societies.

Piss off if the antifa and their sympathizers look in a mirror they are the fascists

The DPRK stands for the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. You see where I'm going with this?

I thought it meant anti-first amendment

you're not allowed to say that

>create group named "anti-racists"
>hate niggers
See what i did there?

Indeed. Because it's circular reasoning.

>tfw anti-bad guy

I'm an anti-faggot, the only one who should oppose me is OP

>Antifa are antifascists.

Except they're not. You can't refute this.

really made me think

>taking an organization's title seriously
And I assume the splc really has a dedication to southern poverty and wants to genocide the shit out of it
>Planned Parenthood
See it's not about abortions it's about family planning
>Black lives matter
Totally about keeping blacks from being oppressed
Absolutely dedicated to music television

A.N.T.I.F.A. stands for:
Adolescent Neo-Trotskyite Idiotic Fucking Assholes

Irrefutable fucking assholes.

They're people claiming to be Antifa, while employing Fascist Tactics.

The actions betrays the name. We judge based on actions, not virtue signals


I am antitard

I stand up against retards

I am standing up to you

Therefore you are a retard

You can not refute this.