Am I missing some sort of joke or is this just KyoAni's usual retardation? Why is this animated so badly?

Am I missing some sort of joke or is this just KyoAni's usual retardation? Why is this animated so badly?

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why is this op so badly? ,':^)

Wow, it's fucking nothing.

Surely Ritsu was purposely drawn disfigured like this. Nobody could draw this by accident.
I guess the song is edgy so they tried to give the ED a "chaotic" feel or something?

I am literally going to marry Azusa.


Why are they naked, anons?

Better than you're favorite anime, at least.

So that the Keions could be sexualized

Are Keions for sexualising? I feel they shouldn't be for sexualising.

Because Ishidate's style is kinda messy and he animated that.

Why don't Mugi's hand movements actually match up with the song's keyboard? Or am I deaf?

What are you talking about?


because she's playing in Japanese.


no they aren't, you are correct in this thinking.

>because you are actually crazy

Wow, what a faggot.

Because they decided that style was more important than accuracy for this ED and decided to give her more slow, elegant movements instead of playing the song correctly. That, or the song can't be played with one hand so they decided to make it obvious that she's just pretending.

You realize this is the show that got them rich, right? They didn't have much budget for s1

Well, Haruhi, Clannad, and Lucky Star were hits and they were made before K-on. It's likely that Houbunsha didn't expect it to sell so well so they gave it a small budget.

They were rich already before K-On.

I honestly don't see anything wrong aside from the lips not syncing in some parts

What are your thoughts on Mugi's keyboard-syncing?

The point off the ED is to admire their outfits.

Maybe it's because k-on aired 10 years ago and that was the standard back then.

it was only seven years ago

Typical delusional kyoani fanboy.

>can't see false flagging for what it is

>can't see bait for what it is
>Replying to bait

Is this a meta thread?What's wrong with the animation?

I miss the sort of loose art style in K-On
Hibike was too perfectly drawn

No he didn't.

Oh yeah, Yamada animated it.

Eupho was gorgeous fuck you, that said I also miss Horiguchi she's one of my favourite character designers.

I actually want to know why the Ajin's author made a reference to this song in one chapter title when all the rest of his chapter titles are references to action videogames

I don't see what's supposed to be wrong here.

>he just noticed
You're almost there. You are just a few steps away from being free of the recycled girls, filtered backgrounds and yuribaiting. Keep going and you will finally be free friend.

He quite obviously ran out of video game references and was LAZY.

Check the filename.
Also, I realize her breasts are obstructing her arms, but unless you consciously think about that, her arms look weird too.

I agree it was gorgeous but I just liked Horiguchi's art style better.

Oh my god I love KyoAni sameface explanation pics so much.

Please don't say you are reiji
Datte hontou wa kureiji


>The animation looks weird

You think? I never watched the show but let me download the ending so I can have an opinion but wait

>Hurr Durr Kyoani is retarded


Ritsu's neck looks fine to me. And I still don't see what's supposed to be wrong with Mio.


Nishiya is the future of KyoAni.

wich keion wud u fug

Sasami-san is making a strange face there.