Where is the meme ball thread ???

Where is the meme ball thread ???

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How do you say 'to stay' in Greek?

When a 1950s pop song sends Greeks into a nationalistic and religious rage











AnCap balls are the best. Sadly I don't have any.











One of my faves right here



It didn't fail tho. German economy prior to WWII was the best it had ever been. If the Nazis had been allowed to stay in power after WWII, Germany would have been rebuilt and back to fucking with Poland in 10 years


but it didn't fail





.....by god


When you watch a nigger run down the street after stabbing your mother and stealing your TV and all you can do is call the police because it's a crime for you to do anything so he casually gets away as you sit on the phone thanking that there's a police man on his way to ensure you didn't break any laws in the process of being robbed.


>inevitably fails
When tho? Get your shit tier /leftypol/ memes out of here







>implying my rfid implant won't just transmit bitcoin automatically for services rendered.

totally lacking in imagination


>German economy prior to WWII was the best it had ever been.
It had literally nowhere to go but up. Same as obama. Their economy was entirely reliant on deficit spending and loans. Individual wages barely grew at all from the 1920's and early 30's. Hitler was basically Obama when it comes to the economy.



Eh wasn't mine anyhow.

What is your fucking point? Yeah, it was going to rebound, but the German economy did more than rebound. They were once again an industrial, scientific, and economic powerhouse by the 1930s, rivaling every other country in Europe.




Avoida debtsa






I smell something burning.

It's Merkelland!




yeah hard to have modivation when your labour value is stolen and no amount of effort can get it back


lol, saved





>when you're angry the white man believes you to be savages and thieves to such an extent that they invent the word nigger and only use it for you because all the previous insults weren't descriptive enough so you steal the word back from whitey, claim it was always yours, and threaten violence if he uses it, in essence justifying the word in all its glory but it's okay because you can shuck and jive


Despite a higher gdp, the people weren't any better off economically from the great depression.
artificially exploding the economy doesnt actually fix the economy. They were headed for another economic collapse.

t. faggot who lives in his parents' basement waiting for the "revolution"



It's not society's fault that you're fucking useless













and yet somehow there are rich Mexicans. maybe they're just better and smarter than you



Jokes on you, you still have to pay for an ambulance in the current system.


The Hitler Level NatSocs didn't like that!


>not having an M&P shield .45 ACP

This was applicable in November. In the meantime with neocons allying with progressives to shut down any type of populism, our excitement has turned to anger and despair. And now we're entering the realm of the black pill.
We're passing anger and despair. Passed through the great empty alone in the dark. Searched and searched until we found we had been carrying something all along: the dying ember of a better future. So, here we sit. Tending to it, hiding it away in our hearts. The last ember of hope. Waiting for others to come to share it with, people worth starting a fire for, people worth sharing it with. Still we wait freezing in the dark, waiting for someone to come sit beside us and help us breathe life into the dying fire.