He's right, you know

Finally, a straight white guy gets it. Glad he was brave enough to speak up for us!

Other urls found in this thread:



What a fucking kike

mazel tov bro I'm not fond of schvartzes either.

>Because I believe in education, religion, and the importance of the institutions of civil society, and because I believe in putting my money where my mouth is, Sarah and I recently made a donation to the Birmingham (AL) Holocaust Education Center.
Always a Horwitz


Without fail.


Kek which one of you autists was this?

You can post this shit but if someone were to post "black people, you are niggers, you are thugs, you are all of it, start from there" it'd be a big shitstorm.


>kike pretends to be white, and then proceeds to speak on behalf of all "straight white men"

Day of the rope can't come soon enough.


>start from there
>and then do the work
>finish with final solution

No no no user apparently he was talking about "society at large"...even though he was only talking about straight white guys...err ok this tricky kike is confusing

>how do you do fellow straight white men.jpg.

We always do the work

>I'm just trying to have a reasonable discussion, you guys


(((every))) (((fucking))) (((time)))

Sup Forums is always right

the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you

jews arent white lol

Isn't that what the whole shape-shifting reptilian lizard people "conspiracy theory" is really all about? An allegory for people who look like us but aren't us, and controlling us?


Imagine only having to worry about this kind of shit in your life

Whenever someone says shit like this I'm one step closer to believeing that straight white men are truly the superior race/sex combo and that if we stopped giving a shit about pussy and niggers we's just ascend to godhood and leave the rest of the earth behind in a glorious age of space exploration.

They Live

>The upper crust of the US Army has been taken over by scientologists

You realize he is saying "we whites" because Ashkenazi Jews are European and therefor white right?

lol defranco is so close to to realizing the truth

Except when it's not "convenient" to be white. See:



>Uncle Adolph's description of Jewish arguing tactics

Could have been written today desu


I some ashes to wash my eyes


Ami Horowitz is a much better white male than Jordan Horowitz

He browses Sup Forums

keep it you shape-shifting kikes. white people are going to keep getting more and more violent until there is mass jewish emigration.

I feel like the Chinese guy in Africa. Watching the shapeshifting "hello fellow white people all of us whites are evil" self-hating when you're "white" routine day in and day out is all so tiring.

The collection of anti-white shapeshifter clips I've compiled would redpill anyone.

Jordan (((Horowitz))) looks about as straight as a dog's hind leg

Yes. Embrace it. It's your nature.

the responses give me hope

btw why is it wrong for Rachel Dolezal to pretend to be black but (((they))) can change race at will?


He's not straight
He's not white
He's not a guy (he's a bottom, ergo female)
/Thread (and the 5 other shill threads on this faggit)

I like it

I think all of those people do to get information at the very least

But Jordan (((Horowitz))) is a white guy, he can't experience anti-semitism.

>fellow white

hey guys I know this board has a wide variety of insights into the political spectrum how can I set about doing the work and what the fuck is he talking about?

You realize you're using a Kekistani flag right?

You realize that this anti-white hate trope keeps occurring from leftist Jews out of thousands of years of pathology and culture originating from a hateful, toxic, supremacist Judaic mystical culture that keeps pitting the cultural spawns of it to simultaneously feel tribalist supremacy while shapeshifting as "self-hating whites" because they have seething Talmudic-like hatred for white cultures that aren't yet controllable by them as disposable toy soldiers right?

somebody better inform him he's a jew.

Can we finally stop with the bullshit that Jews are so smart?
If they are so smart, how come they're doing the same thing that got them herded up the last time?
If they are so smart, how come they can't see what's coming?

Okay (((Jordan))), I'll take your (((advice))).

Every time

isn't it racist to say all white males are racist?
he proved his own point at least

Fuckin' Kike reposted the same Tweet

Because the motherfuckers couldn't stop if they wanted to.

Just let them be fellow whites.

Kek the Mike Wallace/Morgan Freeman clip so perfectly captures this

>But (((we))) need black history month to combat racism
>Why? When's white history month?
>Uh oh ahhh err um...I'm Jewish!

Don't confuse wealth, power, and 3000+ years of tribalism with intelligence. Those two measures overlap but they are not the same. European Jews don't have higher average intelligence than Anglos, Slavs, and North Asians. They however do have the power and wealth. That's due to a series of events leading up to the Illuminati and its subsequent acts of consolidating resources through wars. That funded ownership of most of the institutions you see today, into which the everyday leftist trots out the "us whites sure are evil" routine. In other words, the low tier everyday shapeshifter isn't usually of high intelligence, but he is of high prestige and ego brought by wealth of the "tribe" politic.


A faggot shitskin nigger Jew , guess what faggot you are a sandnigger !!


People are starting from there and doing the work, they get thrown in prison for it.


That would make a good non-pc comedy skit. Have a prototypical white "aryan" man shapeshift as a Jew to constantly disparage Jews and Jewish cultures and then become incoherently outraged whenever a Jew practices "hate" and "hate speech" just for pointing it out.

Oy vey!

Dear Mr. Horowitz,

You are not 'white.' You're a light-skinned arab.
Also, fuck you. There's no other race on this planet, and women are fun.

Stop spending time focusing on how white he is. His logic undoes him. By that logic, having himself been a champion of the "work" ... He is still everything he hates. Campaign for those to embrace it and stop hating themselves for something that by their own rules will never change.

Underrated leaf.

>do the work
i thought thats why we had slaves



Make a collage yet?

So glad fellow non-semitic non-hispanic whites are willing to call us out on OUR actions!

Well I can admit im racist and sexist,can you fags do it too?

Shoahdinger's Race

>Can we finally stop with the bullshit that Jews are so smart?
It's mostly playing by a different set of rules

If it were a game of basketball, they'd have someone on a ladder next to the net and walk with the ball. If you called them out on this, you've be an anti-semite

>Jews are white
>White genocide isn't real

oy vey fellow goyim, we're so racist.

Look I try really hard not to hate the jews but they make it really hard,everytime this anti white shit appears its always (((them))),EVERY FUCKING TIME!

Real question, is antisemitism supposed to be separate from racism ? I mean one is hate based on religion and one on race.

0.1% of the population in the United States controls the same amount of wealth as the bottom 90%. 48% of billionaires in the United States are Jewish, despite Jews only making up 1.6% of the overall population.

>white males, do the work.

You hear him lads, get back to the cubicle and keep making him shekels.

I'll admit I'm racist, but I'm not a bigot. I have very good reasons for being racist backed up by empirical evidence and personal life lessons.

so i s every human being on the planet.
pattern recognition is not a bad thing

>all white people are racist
>all men are sexist
Aside from not understanding the basic meanings of these words, why does he specify "straight"? Are gay people immune to being racist because they're "oppressed"?


He didnt ask for my opinion first.

It numbers in the hundreds. Literally. It's a tiny portion compared to the daily grind but it opens eyes. Anti-whites hate mongers are relentless.

Before Sup Forums I considered myself as white.

>dear fellow straight white men
How many of these dirty heeb slime do you think are just shitposting IRL?

And no not yet but good idea. I should.

(((Horowitz))). i understand now why hitler gassed them.

>today I learned that "white" is the currently fashionable way to say "Jew"

It's a common strategy (((they))) use

I finally get the shape shifting meme now. Fukkin saved.

"Horowitz". To jew or not to jew...


Judaism and the Talmud tells Jews otherwise. It usually remains heavily cultural no matter how atheistic some of them believe themselves to be. Start there.

Euro Jews who might have been considered "white" by everyone were it not for their words are the ones choosing to conquer and divide. Their pathological mental illness is eager to destroy cultures that don't bend to their whims. They are products of communist education just like gentiles. They are taught whites are a source of evil. They are divorced of historical context. They believe it. They also believe they are different. Tribalism kicks in. They aren't taught about the immense Jewish roles in some of the most tragic parts in history and slave ownership. It's censored to them.

Thus most of them are leftists. Thus most of them see "Americanism" (sovereignty) as a threat compared to control by International Jews. They want to dismantle whiteness yet remain tribalist to partake in elite hierarchy for their gains. They want to dismantle free speech. They want to dismantle gun rights. They have have no appreciation of the heritage and spirit of white western civilization. Generally speaking. Not all Jews. Redpilled ones who know some uncensored history and understand the Constitution are treated like the gentiles. They are burned as witches if they say too much.