Can someone explain why does Sup Forums obsesses over fateshit so much?
It's just a shitty trainwreck with garbage eyecancer CGI, bad choreography, and vomit inducing writing and characters, not to mentioned the most forced and uncanny fanservice shoved down your throat in the weirdest moments.
The only good thing to come out of this is the music.
And even that has no production value behind it, just some cheap catchy beats and autotune.
I just don't understand what people here see in it to praise and hail so highly like it's a god sent gift and the second coming of Jesus.
What is it?
Can someone explain why does Sup Forums obsesses over fateshit so much?
Ignore OP, post Alter.
It was pretty shit until Urobuchi wrote Zero, and then it was pretty good. And now it's all shit again.
So you're just an autist who likes to eat shit and brag about it.
Is that it?
That's all there is to it?
The VNs were fucking awful. Shirou is a boring character
The VN is even worse.
Just to piss you off
Duh, you are not supposed to like Shirou, you are supposed to self insert onto him.
Just because I ignore your bait doesn't mean I am an autist user. You don't like the Fate series/Nasuverse and other people do, guess what ? Not everyone has the same taste as you.
Now fuck off and let the thread die.
Circlejerks are immense.
Also bad translation memes is what gave rise to its initial popularity in the west.
Sup Forums doesn't even discuss Fate nowadays. Sup Forums is literally re.ddit.
You are just shitposting.
>Self-inserting into a broken ginger who identify himself as a sword
No thank you.
>garbage eyecancer CGI
CGI in Zero was not bad. In UBW it was screamingly noticeable. "We don't give one fuck about this project" noticeable.
Eh, I'm enjoying them
You just proved the point that you're an autist.
I asked why people like it.
>durr ignored
So you can't even say why you like it?
Why would you blindly eat shit and say you like it then?
That makes no fucking sense.
what the fuck.
>how to make a shitposting thread
>make a thread calling Sup Forums's beloved show shit
Lurk moar and read the fucking vn.
I think all you really need to do is post a thread and the shitposting just takes it from there, really.
There are literally like 7 fate threads up right now.
Are you even trying?
But man, aren't swords like totally awesome tho
Your comment made me crack though
your vn is trash
go and stay go memelord
Only 5 senpai, and one of them is the "post everyday until you like it"
Why would you want OP to waste his time on stupidly long SoL scenes, Rin's exposition dump scenes, garbage sex scenes and all of that while stuck in Shirou's whiteknight/muh ideals POV.
>DDD translation never
>Mahoyo translation never
>F/SF translation never
Post saints
better than your favorite anime
That's all bait and shitposting. We all moved long ago to /vg/ and discuss everything Fate or TM related in the Grand Order thread.
We also have powerlevel shitposting there, but all the people there actually know what they're talking about, unlike Sup Forums. It was a good change, I don't even post about TM stuff here anymore, and if I want news, I have the GO thread, twitter, bosel blog and BL. Sup Forums is completely useless in that regard.
In the GO thread, we are discussing the reveal of Archer Heracles in Fate/strange fake. He nullified Gate of Babylon without even moving.
Not OP but this is exactly what I thought when I watched Fate Zero. People said it was the best so I figured if I were to watch any it would be that. It was the first anime I ever fell asleep during, multiple times too, I think 10 episoides was the most I could manage until it became impossible to tolerate anymore.
Everything Op said is true. The CGI is completly unacceptable, dark lighting or fast camera work is often used to mask that the models are not textured well or just a vague polygon with a bunch of particle effects. They CGI also moves in a choppy rate like they didn't account fro what the anime's frame-rate would be.
The 2d animation isn't much better with stale backgrounds lacking detail, a fairly generic character style, and far too much talking heads. Again heavy use of lighting and dark colors are used to distract a terrible visual style.
I actually laughed my ass off when characters started refering to each other as RPG classes and discussing their attribute points. Some of these scenes were supposed to contain drama. The concept of the show would work fine if it were a light-hearted show. Instead we get terrible drama with characters that have some truely bizzare motivations (or in some cases no motivation, most just fight because the plot demands they do): for instance Lancer is a knight from a distant time brought to the present by wizards. He wants to redeem his honor and he thinks the best way to do it is to help one of these foreigners, with no relationship to his own culture or time, accomplish their goal. Actually fuck it, he also has no motive, he fights because the plot tells him to.
The character cast is inflated and none of them are given adequate development. By the time they started dropping like flys I was never even given a reason to care with or identify with them.
Fan service did seem to come at the weirdest times and a lot of it made it difficult to take the characters seriously as dramatic characters.
>Fan service in Zero
When ? I don't remember it at all.
>tfw I love Zero and you're right
At least Kiritsugu was pretty cool, I guess
Sup Forums doesn't like it. The main fanbase is made out of Sup Forumsermin and /jp/.
Why are you faggots giving (you)s to this pathetic bait thread?
My nigga.
>Sup Forums doesn't like it.
>Dozen of UBW thread when it was airing. >Dozen of thread when Heaven's Feel and Fate/Extra adaptation were announced.
FZ does is shit though. Watched it after reading the VN and i was heavily disapointed.
It's been awhile. I remember there was a scene penis monsters and a generic bald rapist old man. If I recall it was basically saying "this hero needs to win the tournament otherwise his sister will suffer". It was very much a rape fetish thing but at the same time they are trying to set up the central drama and motivation for a character but they ended up weakening it.
There was that girl with the red Dress, Rin, she seemed to be a character made speficially appeal Otaku's sex drive. She didn't really seem to have any purpose in the plot and was just thrown in because she's popular. I was really pissed off at this because the show was already struggling to give any sort of character development with it's bloated cast and throwing in another character with little relationship to the plot just made it worst.
He was the guy with the fire arms? I guess he was supposed to be the protagonsit. If I recall he didn't really have much of a personality, they tried to do a silent bad-ass but he just came off as boring and with no features. Part of it was I was never exactly sure what was going in the fight, it was hard to judge how fast or strong a character was so I never knew if anyone was in danger. I never recalled Kiritsu having a good shooting scene, he never seemed very skilled, he just seemed like a normal guy with a gun. If I recall he fought some blond wizard (who was supposed to be a bad-guy because he laughed at a teenager in the first episode) and just pulled out a "magic bullet" to win the fight. The wizard summoned some ugly piece of CGI that didn't seem very effective (why was it so slow?).
Maybe it's one of those things were the source material is really good and the adoption is garbage.
Because not everyone hates life as much as you
Fate shat itself when Fate/Zero was released
The numerous spinoffs was the last nail in the coffin
Reminder than Zero and Kaleid are the only good Fates.
>People said it was the best so I figured if I were to watch any it would be that.
Stopped reading there. What a fucking retarded.
Because people have different opinions to you, OP.
>Sup Forums is one person
>Sup Forums likes Fate
You've to be a literal retard to think that. Sup Forums shits on Fate at every chance it gets.
>Can someone explain to me why people have different opinions/like different things?
I guess any series where the main protaganist is a broken man, or a lazy bum isn't meant to be self inser- oh wait...
That actually requires explanation.
You need to know why you like something you spastic.
all Sup Forums crossboarders and /jp/
Because Urobuchi is the boss
Its because most of those who talk about it arent: newfags, animeonlyfags, bandwagoners, dumbasses.
They also read the VN 9 years ago or so and understand the lore and universe by the time you were in diapers.
>Sup Forums doesn't even discuss Fate nowadays. Sup Forums is literally re.ddit.
Better being re.ddit then.
It's been probably over a year since I made this meme.
He IS a self insert though.
It's ok if you don't want to but he's made for self inserting
Stop baiting Sup Forums doesn't even like fate.
I like fate zero and every single point you said is true but I read the vn before watching it so I was accustomed to the universe so maybe it's that.
UBW is kind of meh, only gets interesting close to end of it and that's mostly because of the Archer plot twist, which wasn't really a twist since it was foreshadowed very well.
Zero on the other hand is fucking amazing and you have to be an edgy hipster to think otherwise.
>Zero secondary calling others edgy
>play muh porn game cause I wasted my time on it
>Call it a porn game in lieu of criticism because I haven't actually read it
What's with all the newfags hating on fate? I knew the Ufotable adaptation would revitalize a lot of interest in F/SN but didn't expect the newfags to go apeshit over it.
yea gonna have to agree with op here
I read the fate and unlimited blade works routes in the vn and fuck imo they were pretty awful. some scenes were kinda neat but overall all the characters were cringy and awful, some characters were plain 2 dimmensional, and the dialogue was cringy. dumb ass pulls and braindead shonen mc, not to mention the pacing was ridiculously bad, could have been condensed easily
can a fate fan tell me what they enjoyed about fate? and should I bother with heavens feels and/or zero if I disliked stay?
>braindead shonen mc
Okay, to start with, how about you list off everything you found wrong with Shirou and we'll go from there.
This is an immortal exorcist
Christ. Sup Forums is run with shitty teenagers from reddit now.
I bet you're a purityfag that's mad because the thousand year old king of knights Saber had sex with a 17year old orange haired Touma and is canon. Also, Rin's defenseless anus.
They were 14 when it came out, same reason Sup Forums masturbates over code geass
shit is basically naruto with some edgy sexual/violent elements