Are there any side effects of chronic masturbation?

Are there any side effects of chronic masturbation?
Because anime has so many pretty ladies in it, I'm constantly tempted to go for a bout of hand to gland combat.

I'm worried it could cause unforeseen problems.

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You'll numb yourself to sexual stimulation, to the point you'll look for harder, more fetishy porn. Not really an issue though, since once you stop wanking for a week after that, handholding will be enough for you.

It will fall off.

After a while, the only thing you'll feel is sadness.

user, I had never before heard of the term "hand to gland combat", thank you. Is right, just stop watching porn or anything fetishy combined with no waning for a week and it'll come back to you.

other side effect is masturbation can become more enjoyable than actual sex . But eh 2D> 3D.

these are true
this is nothing but a wish

You can rip your frenulum if you're too rough for too long.

Mentally, porn addiction is real, as with a lot of things. Just don't let porn fuck with your life and you'll be good.

i can't cum to regular sex anymore 2bh

How can one man's words be so close to the truth? It took me years to realize this.

>handholding will be enough for you.

I fear the day that I soon get off to that filth.

Conscription taught me. 3 weeks innawoods without fapping, then getting back home.

Is it time to post incredibly lewd pictures?

yes go ahead user

I use masturbation as a stress relief, kinda like temporary sterilization twice or thrice a day. It makes me chill and I can refrain from drowning my sorrows in alcohol or drugs, instead I stay kinda fit and am able to keep looking for a job.

Pic related: My favorite picture.

Okay then. Have fun jerking off.

This post said it best.
Another effect, although I don't think it's a concern for anons, is that you will condition your body to only activating when at a computer looking at porn.

Even if you had the woman of your dreams in front of you, even your waifu herself coming out of the 2D realm for you, you won't be able to get hard, or to stay hard, because your body knows that only PC = Sex time.

>fap a teensy bit too hard
>chaf my shaft below and above
>now got ugly scars
It doesn't look very aestheticly pleasing right now, I'm considering hurting the rest to balance it out, but it might be hard.

I feel you senpai, after bootcamp I finally learned how to no-fap for weeks on end.

I masturbate when I am bored, or horny, or to motivate me to do something (like working straight after the deed).
I can actually live with only fapping twice a day but I fap 5 times daily because I can.
I read doujins sophisticated like people do newspapers.

Embrace the vanilla user, it's so sweet you get diabetes from all the lovey-dovy porn.


You really shouldn't intentionally hurt your penis user.

>it might be hard
Oh I bet it would

I suppose if you fap that often, you ought to be using lotion.

never had a Rusty Venture before?

Sure is anime discussion in here

You stop trying at life

Look up no fap.

I abstain for one month every once in a while and what you say isn't true. I try to quit reading so many ntr stories but after abstaining I still can't stop doing it.

>Just don't let porn fuck with your life and you'll be good.


You're just a massive fucking cuckold, user.

We've discussed this before, OP. Take care you don't break your nutbladder.

Seriously if you stop fapping for like a week literally anything will give you a raging hard on.

I prefer just fapping daily though, constant boners at the drop of a hat are inconvenient. The amazing load you blow is nice butnot worth it.

This is the worst I've read of in med school

yeah, but that's only in extreme cases.

googled fournier's gangrene, threw up in my mouth


the life

I know there is a side effect of masturbation to 3D porn.
Makes it harder to get hard with a real 3D woman.
Not sure if masturbating to 2D can cause the same effects.
I think I may have just found my possible psychology final paper experiment. Thanks OP.

Yes, it is a problem but not for the reasons you expect it. You see you are not attracted to the overlysexualized females. You are in fact afflicted by a mushi in your testicles. The white-cloudy viscous liquid is the mushi's reproduction mechanism. The mushi releases a chemical to signal your brain to release it often so that it can spread.

To rid yourself of the mushi you must procure a substance called benghay and apply it directly to your testicles.

>I can actually live with only fapping twice a day
That's still a lot.

I jack off like 6 times a week on average.

Where is the pic of his bloody infested dick?
you had one fucking job

Fuck off Ginko

I can't control myself from not fapping at least once a day.

you're gonna regret it forever

This right here. user knows.

No need. Fapping once a day is completely normal. Once you start fapping more than 3 times a day you'll notice the effects properly.

You're gonna start growing hair on your hands

>Only 6 times a week

Wouldn't the effect be even more pronounced if the viewer of 2D porn had a raging 2D complex?

I've found that my balls start hurting if I fap several times a day. Should I be worried?

Cute heterosexuals.

Nigger, you know nothing until you go through some days with chain fapping 3 or 4 times close to each other until you have nothing left and you need to recharge.

>several times a day
There's your problem. Don't fap that often. I've tried fapping twice in one day with each session 2 hours apart and my balls were hurting after the second.

This pretty much sums up Sup Forums in a nutshell

Could go either way. I'd be willing to bet that it would interfere much less, seeing as 2D is barely reminiscent of 3D.

With 3D porn, you have image editing and unrealistic body types doing usually unrealistic things. That kind of thing can create expectations that that shit should be what you look for when you stick your dick in 3D.

With 2D otoh, I never expect a girl with pink hair and huge eyes to blow me at 12 fps in the nurses office. Think of it as being better able to compartmentalize sexual preferences.

CS Lewis was a smart man.

The Horse and His Boy best book

1-2 times a week is healthy

>You'll numb yourself to sexual stimulation, to the point you'll look for harder, more fetishy porn.
You get bored of that shit eventually. Then you start masturbating to the most vanilla things in the universe. And unlike yanking mechanically that raging boner you get from literally anything after abstaining for a while, you learn to actually appreciate things you fap to.

My science (and health) teacher said fapping everyday was all good. Helped with stress relief and all that. I did it before and I could do it now if I weren't always busy. It doesn't have any impact on my dick or general sadness I found.

I'm kind of a quickshot though. It's so annoying when I can only get through like one or two chapters of something on sadpanda. There's so much good shit to fap to but my dick and emotions can't take it all

>everything about 2D is good
>everything about 3D is bad
Why does he call it evil?