Mio tits

Mio tits

Having tits must be very fun

Kind of a nuisance really

slut tits


I wish I was born a girl.

>lives in a patriarchal society
>wishes he was a grill

There are no upsides to this, user.

>he thinks women don't have men, quite litersally, by the balls in every day life
look at this one and laff
"patriarchy" is a ruse, women hold an insane amount of power of men and you know it.
want to move up in a company as a woman? easy, fuck your boss.
want to move up as a man? work your ass off and hope to god your higher ups think you're ok.
not even remotely similar

azutits are better.


For real?

Being that male chauvinist...

I see tumblr is getting an early start this evening.


Showing your true colors game gater-kun? It was about time.

>Falling for the bait

Stay retarded

Objectively wrong.

Being a cute, talented Japanese girl with cute, talented Japanese friends must be pretty grand as well. Always keep the bigger picture in mind, user. ;)

>small areolas

I want to smell that butt.

Kill yourself.

Upgrade Completeā„¢




he said tits not moobs fampai

Why didn't you save her, Sup Forums?

Glad you like it, have another.
