Goodnight, sweet Prince.
Macross Delta
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This is what you get for fucking your sister.
Why is Mikumo still such a bitch?
Shittiest Macross.
Always in my heart, my charming deadboi.
2nd op in a row without Bogue, we're on a roll boys
I can't believe I'm enjoying 7 this much.
Only 6 planets left.
Soon Windermere will run this galaxy.
He's going to fuck Freyja on episode 8. I'm sure he'll be in every OP after that.
I spot an extremely buttmad faggot who's too fucking deluded to see that Delta is one the best Macross series to date.
651 名前:メロンさんex@ご利用は紳士的に@無断転載は禁止 (ワッチョイW 6d13-wv7z)[sage] 投稿日:2016/05/09(月) 21:45:00.14 ID:ZU6b/wEr0 [2/2]
674 名前:メロンさんex@ご利用は紳士的に@無断転載は禁止 (ワンミングク MMcc-10y/)[sage] 投稿日:2016/05/10(火) 07:21:53.63 ID:OfmGOhl7M
Bogue will win the bowl
NTR is the thinking man's fetish.
Poor boy, he doesn't even die instantly,RIP.
That said, an aerial knight less. 4 remain.
There's at least 13 of them. Probably way more.
Because Freyja is not good enough yet.
I don't see the link between what you posted and what you said.
>4 remain
>There are at 6 relevant Aerial Knight
>not realizing the one killed is just a redshirt
user you're not paying attention.
He isn't even one of the main 5-6 we saw in the first episodes.
I think I know where this is going
Can't wait
Forced meme.
>Closet idolshit fan
>Ching Chong brothers
>Mastah Herman
>6 = 4
1 Draken and one Seigfreid were downed
You should be. It has the best music of all of them.
Was I supposed to know who this guy was before he died?
The credits don't even give him a last name. Just グーラ (Guura).
>Delta is one the best Macross series to date.
Please elaborate. I know Freyr is "king of the elves" but is there anything actually related to Freya?
>The first thing that Thor says to Freyja is that she should dress herself and put on a bride's head-dress, for they shall drive to Jötunheimr. At that, Freyja is furious—the halls of the gods shake, she snorts in anger, and from the goddess the necklace Brísingamen falls.
>Indignant, Freyja responds:
>"Know of me to be of women the lewdest, if we thee I drive to Jötunheim."
>crossdressing confirmed
>covering the armpit pussy
Don't tease me squidwhale.
What is the difference between BS11 and Tokyo MX?
Maybe Jotumheim is a Zentradi world?
>literally all focus so far is on Hayate and Frejya synergy
>Hayate gets his shit together when Freyja sings
>Freyja activates her fold receptors when Hayate is being a dance boi
Wonder why people still think there's competition.
Because it's a Macross.
I too thought Hikaru x Minmay was the OTP for a while
Freyja will take Heinz place as the Legendary Singer.
>memetastic shitpost
You're not even trying retard.
BS11 actually looks good, but airs later.
>Frejya, you are my wings to ride the wind
>so Mirage you can be my blanket to not get cold at night
They'll grow apart and realize they now live in completely different worlds. Freyja will realize her true love is music after a slump and Hayate will accept Mirage as his consolation prize.
She's too good to be a simple consolation prize
Freyja confirmed the lewdest
Please tell me that Kaname face is shopped. This is just cruel.
i'm not the same user, Mob is not even a meme. End yourself.
>implying Minmay and Hikaru's relationship are similar to freyja and hayate's
>lesbians and old hags
Last Protoculture Relic will have Vajra nest on it.
Bogue will find fire in Hayate just like Keith did with Messer and that will be the end of it. This is what Kawamori meant by being different, don't bother him about it.
look at Freyja Hand. The one who did this is bad.
Doesn't the girl that show up first always win?
I'm implying they're analogous in the narrative structure, yes.
Not in Macross.
>i'm not the same user
Doesn't matter. You're still a retard.
>Mob is not even a meme.
But of course it is, dumbass.
>End yourself
Kek. No.
>They'll grow apart
This is true, though.
Who show after and win then? I didn't remember.
Mikumo is CUTE
>Everything is a meme
Kill yourself
I get Mylene to sing me to sleep every night
devils 69 confirms freyja is lewdest
I can't read moon, what does it say?
n the broadcast before the interview
I " Freya and Hayate is two nice feeling , you come out even stumble or was a lot of failure as the story progresses .
There or going to overcome in what kind of wind in their Nari , also , be overcome was the led to growth , I think you could go to look like will become even more attractive character . "
>Being this assblasted
Stay BTFO'd memester. Macross Delta is one of the best series of its franchise.
Your implication is wrong. Hikaru and Minmay's motivations are never just plain eachother the way Freyja and Hayate are. Freyja and Hayate literally power eachoher up when they're in trouble.
>Freyja activates her fold receptors when Hayate is being a dance boi
I'm pretty sure if you watched all 6 episodes you should find out that's not true.
one of the worst, yeah.
It is Bellri Zenam from G Reconguista.
the show itself is kinda weird and weak cause stock footage but the music is undeniably fucking awesome
If no one wants Kaname I'll take her.
None of them matters, if she lose, she will lose even she keep in winning in 99% time or vice versa, or they can even give us Aldnoah Zero.
After watched so many series, people should find out all these triangle/harem/whatever fights are complete pointless.
The only time fold shit started happening was when she was being carried by Hayate, she was able to feel the rhythm of his VF piloting and episode 3 when she could see Hayate was in trouble.
>hag on hag action
Are we being invaded by ESL students?
I think people are just typing poorly.
Myself included.
Did you even watched episode 1?
Did you?
>I'm too retarded to come up with a counter argument so I'll just give a lameass autist retort
Top kek.
He just don't know Sup Forums already become ESL board since last year, ignore him.
same for you retard.
Quality post.
That's still about their specific relationship as characters. I'm talking about their roles in a more general sense, mainly how a young pilot and a young idol supporting each other in some way through their fledging career has been a thing both in SDF and F before. Ranka's relationship with Alto wasn't like Hikaru and Minmay either.
I did, so what you saying is not true, her fold start happening when something big happen, of course including Hayate did something, but not exclusive to.
>Hayate gets his shit together when Freyja sings
This part is true for now, however that's likely why Mirage also exist, soon he won't need that and can fly by himself.
I can almost smell the moldy rotting fish thorough the screen.
Still insisting to be a dumb fuck? Suit yourself.
Only the finest user.
Freyja isn't a true idol, she's a soldier. Her and Hayate are part of the same taskforce. They aren't in different worlds at all and she's straight up his inspiration like Sheryl was to Alto.
however that's likely why Mirage also exist
Hayate is a better pilot than Mirage if episode 6 is indicative.
>can even explain it.
Is he dead or not? I thought he ejected safety.
Hayate and Mirage were talking about how hard it is to kill but I just assumed they were mistaken.
Will we ever get a Windermere focused episode?
He'd dead as fuck, Herman failed to pick him up as he ejected.
>such incoherent shitpost
>trying this hard
Yeah so Mirage need him.
When will Kawamori realize that "no fun allowed" characters are shit in every Macros ever?
He needs to stop putting them as reasons for conflict and they always ruin Macross.
The reason why Macross F movies are best is because of Brera's death. Fuck him