Why does every anime community outside of Sup Forums suffer from such horrible circlejerking?
Why does every anime community outside of Sup Forums suffer from such horrible circlejerking?
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Because OP voting discourages dissent.
Our continual pissing matches are better.
Voting and names.
>outside of Sup Forums
But in all honesty many of them are awful because they don't post anonymously and thus feel intimidated by what "anime experts" think.
Only GameFAQs seems to value actual opinions and even then the more cancerous side of that place angers people.
>every anime community outside of Sup Forums suffer from such horrible circlejerking
>Sup Forums doesn't
The better question is why you exist? Fuck off and go back there.
The only Sup Forums agrees on is its strong and deep-rooted hatred for SAO.
Not that Reddit isn't horrible - it is - but how is that image at all a circlejerk?
>outside of Sup Forums
But it's inside Sup Forums now too.
Not that there's any real difference between modern Sup Forums and /r/anime anyway. Watch how hordes of tryhards will flood this thread to try and pretend 2016 Sup Forums's and reddit's userbases aren't one and the same.
OP I don't browse reddit, can you tell me if mouryou no hako is mentioned?
Also kill yourself.
Because you can literally just call someone a faggot to argue with people here, let alone give a different opinion.
Shut up, faggot.
Have you seen our Madoka threads?
People feel like they need to create a legacy when names are involved.
Also on plebbit people don't voice their opinion, they voice whatever they think will get max up arrows.
That being said the same mentality now plagues Sup Forums more than ever, but instead of upvotes it is about being as contrarian as possible to get replies in an attempt to have others recognize your existence.
People used to post what they thought was funny or shit or bad, now people post whatever they think others will think is funny shit or bad, basically plebbit in reverse.
Don't kid yourself, Sup Forums is the worst circlejerk around.
Because every "best anime ever" thread devolves into people only picking the most critically acclaimed series of all time and then nitpicking each other for hours.
The same exact thing happens here every day, multiple times a day.
I've been saying it for years, integrating the extension was the worst thing to have ever happened to Sup Forums.
>Sup Forums doesn't circlejerk garbage
Why does this board refuse to admit to any faults here and thinks it's perfect?
I come here for shitposting reasons but niggas circlejerk over their garbage shounenshit or whatever LN anime is airing.
How is that a circlejerk? As I understand the term it's just people reaffirming each other but nitpicking isn't a part of that. And of course critically acclaimed works will be the most acclaimed, no shit.
The one thing I like is that for the most part people don't really care that much about 90% of seasonal anime after they finish airing, so things actually keep in motion rather than circlejerking two or three shows from every year.
I sure do love them yuyushiki and yuruyuri and magi madoka threads
Because it's just a way to show off your peer-evaluated e-peen while not actually discussing in your individual taste. It's garbage.
generals are especially bad for this
burn them
Konosuba threads have still been active as fuck and even worse a new season in summer soon.
It'll never end.
I didn't say 100%.
>People feel like they need to create a legacy when names are involved.
100% true
Their board is literally the worst sides of Tumblr and NeoGAF combined.
I'm not saying there's no circlejerking on Sup Forums but what you're describing doesn't sound like one. 3x3 threads or various show generals seem far more dubious.
and yet mods don't give a shit
Well, those actually are circlejerks. Sup Forums isn't perfect, nor is it really that great at all, but at very least it keeps moving for the most part.
>Sup Forums
>Not circlejerking
Oh boy, you might be retarded or delusional.
Sup Forums is just as bad
>Sadpanda threads
>Precure threads
>Meme girl/anime of the season
>Incest threads
>Lewd threads
>Kancolle general
>Other generals
Nigger there is circlejerking everywhere.
And even that's not universal. There's a thread like every other day about it.
And that Death Note ended too late
>I didn't get enough up arrows on /r/anime, so I'll screencap my reddit post and complain to Sup Forums for attention instead!
Stop kidding yourself, circlejerking happens because people like you exist. It happens here all the fucking time too, albeit through reply baiting instead of upvotes.
It's still not technically circle jerking if there's dissent towards opinions, a lack of disagreement is basically the definition of a circle jerk. I guess you could say the guy criticizing those series is interrupting the circle jerk.
I always assume people like Madoka ironically.
Are you telling me they are actually serious?
>starting a thread with a screenshot of reddit
Kill yourself you waste of air
This thread is garbage, everyone of you posting in it need to kill yourselves.
>tatami galaxy is 8 episodes too long
what are you even talking about
There's nothing wrong with liking Madoka itself. What's bad is the threads inhabited by 90% tripfags and shippers circlejerking.
Shut up Kyoko
There are dozens of anime like that, user.
Gurren lagann for example is 20 episodes longer than what it should've been
>Gurren lagann for example is 20 episodes longer than what it should've been
what are you TALKING about
do you have any grasp of pacing or character development?
Come and See is nothing like Grave, and Grace is much more sad.
>I always assume people like Madoka ironically.
And what words of wisdom are going to come out of your mouth next? That the Sup Forumsacks only "ironically" beat up Black people?
What if I told you that people make threads on Sup Forums for the sole purpose of presenting an argument that generates a lot of dissent?
>I don't know hat circlejerking is, the post.
Nobody agrees with anyone in any of the threads you mentoned.
The price to pay to be mostly allowed to have opinions. All the "my beliefs are better than yours" of here but with unironic cancerposters rather than (you) bait,
Those are bait threads to get the hatedom and the people tired of hearing the same spiel regardless of truth to fight
Then I'd tell you it has been like that since day 1, but hey, you already knew that and you were just hoping someone aknowledged your being with a reply.
Someone return the favor please.
Downvote me if you don't agree, faggot!
Gurren Lagann was one of the best mecha anime around, before they decided they wanted to make a >muh deep plot
Thankfully Trigger learned that pretentious plots suck and blessed us with KLK and Luluco.
>thread still not killed
Why the fuck would any one put votes like that into their site.
>Thankfully Trigger learned that pretentious plots suck
>and blessed us with KLK
>but instead of upvotes it is about being as contrarian as possible to get replies in an attempt to have others recognize your existence.
It has always been this way.
It's not terrible, it's not excellent, it's fun and comfy, and a great introduction for people new to anime. You move on from it, but so what?
Only if you say "onegai".
>People still follow e-celebs
The only thing that we Sup Forums agrees
>my taste > your shit taste.
I'm guessing you weren't here when it aired.
This thread lasted 35 minutes too long.
Everyone here in Sup Forums is either mentally retarded, a virgin, a shut-in, has autism, or any number of those factors combined. That's why we love it here. Plus on the inside we are all little girls.
It made too much money.
If SAO was a Dagashi/Asterisk Season 1/Shimoneta tier flop Sup Forums would probably not care as much.
I'm part of the neutral crowd too but SAO is objectively a war crime
Kill your self GGer
A lot less in the past because it was harder to track posts across a thread.
Now you have thick red lines and massive (you)s to denote where replies are. You can literally filter a thread to only show your posts and replies to your posts for maximum shitpost efficiency. There is 0 need to read what others are saying, this wasn't possible in the past without the know how and, probably more important for us clammy neets, the willingness.to make a script/extension. Even if you did make this script or extension, it meant you spent enough time on Sup Forums to think it was worth making the script.
Now every John Dalton who wanders onto Sup Forums gets it by default.
For a non-profit site like Sup Forums increasing browsing simplicity is not a pro, but hey, who am I kidding, Sup Forums stopped being non-profi the moment we got japanesem00t. Fucking nipkike, hope you read this, go drown yourself.
Not only you browse reddit, you also decided to make a thread about it. Fucking kill yourself.
>SAO is objectively a war crime
Lol wut?
>A lot less in the past because it was harder to track posts across a thread
Nah, you're just new
Names, post counts, avatars. That's literally it.
Other communities would work fine as anonymous.
Also Sup Forums is one big collective circlejerk.
Konosuba is the best "stuck in an MMO" anime ever made though.
>Shimoneta tier flop
>I am a newfag
Also, anyone who treats SAO as if it is Naruto is a newfag by definition.
Sup Forums is full of generals which are nothing but circlejerks, template threads which are nothing but shitpost dumping grounds, and image dumps which are nothing but literal circlejerks.
>my hivemind is better than their hivemind
>People feel like they need to create a legacy when names are involved.
Constantly reposting memes and protecting a certain narrowly projected persona is if nothing but legacy/ego protection. That's Sup Forums in a fucking nutshell. An incredibly autistic nutshell. It pretty much always has been that way and the way of anonymous/pseudononymous places online. You'll find it everywhere where the lowest common denominator has access to the Internet because unlike the minority of humanity, they and most anons value ego over ideas.
>People used to post what they thought was funny or shit or bad, now people post whatever they think others will think is funny shit or bad, basically plebbit in reverse.
The modus operandi is the same now as it was then, the memes/trends have merely changed. Human behaviour doesn't fundamentally change over the course of a few years. Your googles are on too tight, user.
At least Sup Forums
doesn't suffer from
the horrible practice of
random blank lines in posts
to make posts twice as long as
they actually need to be just because
someone really wants the screen real estate.
Oh wait.
>I've only experienced Sup Forums sine default extension implementation
80% of Sup Forums users and 100% of the problem right here guys.
>Sup Forumstards
>leaving the safety of the glow of their computer screens
Tripfags without fail are fucking retarded.
Grave of the fireflies, emotional? I thought it was a hillarious comedy.
>Constantly reposting memes and protecting a certain narrowly projected persona is if nothing but legacy/ego protection. That's Sup Forums in a fucking nutshell. An incredibly autistic nutshell. It pretty much always has been that way and the way of anonymous/pseudononymous places online. You'll find it everywhere where the lowest common denominator has access to the Internet because unlike the minority of humanity, they and most anons value ego over ideas.
Legacy of a group =/= legacy of a person. While what you say is true, it is incomparable to how reddit operates on individual names.
>The modus operandi is the same now as it was then, the memes/trends have merely changed. Human behaviour doesn't fundamentally change over the course of a few years. Your googles are on too tight, user.
So much conjecture, assumptions and factual errors. Everything in that sentence is wrong, everything.
>implying Sup Forums isn't a huge circlejerk as well
Wow you sound like a huge faggot
2.2k average is pretty flop. I wanted to say B Gata H Kei or Food Wars but sales are hard to remember
Also SAO exists to be the new Naruto. It has the bad fans, the deteriorating from mediocre writing, the painful MC. All the hate jerking is justified.
I know I can jerk circles around you user!
>Legacy of a group =/= legacy of a person.
>While what you say is true
That's all that matters.
>So much conjecture, assumptions and factual errors.
So you're going to address them, right?
>Everything in that sentence is wrong, everything.
So you're going to justify this statement, right?
Your kneejerk response only further qualifies my position, by the way.
Thanks user.
What a boring unrelated to anime shitfest of a thread.
Can we make this a waifuwar thread instead? I mean, everyone is arguing over BS nobody is ever going to agree on anyway.
>Human behaviour doesn't fundamentally change over the course of a few years.
I don't think anyone is arguing that. People that say "Sup Forums has gone to shit" mean that newfags, who act differently than oldfags, now make up the majority of the board.
>>Legacy of a group =/= legacy of a person.
So you're going to justify this statement, right?
This you will get literally cricified if you say you unironically enjoy shounen
While I get where you were coming from, I can't really call shimoneta a flop simply because it was an absurdly niche anime to start with, it is quite literally pants on head retarded.
As for SAO, ya, it desrves all the shit it gets, but it isn't as bad as Naruto by a long shot. So if you are going to name shitty shounen shit, name the shittiest ones and go with Naruto.
Whoops, the second part is a response to
>Legacy of a group =/= legacy of a person
That's bullshit and you know it. The hivemind effect renders individuality down to an amorphous mass, which is exactly why places like Sup Forums attract so many insecure autists. It's a fucking save space for them and yes, the in-group biased is heavy enough that the individual projects themselves as indivisible from the group no different to how a shoal of fish function. Your generic drone like response in defence of your hivemind is fucking indicative of this very thing. You are demonstrating exactly what you are trying to refute. Well done, autismo.
Madoka was pretty decent, but does not deserve all the attention it gets on Sup Forums. It does some important things well, and some other important things very poorly.
I don't which Sup Forums you're talking about, but the Sup Forums I'm on right now seems to be no different from the other so-called communities. Madoka and Jojo threads in particular, exhibit the same sort of shit that made me quit caring about traditional forums.
In fact, the structure of Sup Forums (ease of posting and being anonymous/not needing to create an account, no retarded layout like reddit, minimalist design) is pretty much the only reason why I'm still on Sup Forums and not others.
But you do have that Reddit extension and you do upvoted a post there. Why do you criticize them when you're active there?
its the trip,when you pick a name and stick around a group you start to feel the urge to put on airs.
Most of those aren't even a circle jerk though. If you want a circlejerk, go to your daily Madoka or Megumin thread.
Are you implying Sup Forums doesn't either? I take it you have never been in a Madoka thread.
Don't worry, the mods will get rid of generals before 2014 ends.
>So much conjecture, assumptions and factual errors. Everything in that sentence is wrong, everything.