Magipoka anniversary thread 6

magipoka anniversary thread 6
official poll:

You forgot best girl.

what do you mean? she's right there, drinking the juice :^)

I don't see invisible girl anywhere.

glad there are people still around who remember this show

Liru is only winning because of the seismic game right?

she doesn't exist

of course
but i watched the show after learning about it through he game and she remained best girl imo

don't die pls

where's what's-his-face when you need him


But I made a thread yesterday and it was pretty good. Didn't link it on 8ch.

you should have, i missed it ;_;

Nah, she has always been the most popular. Rightly so. Not just because of the zone animation either.

Well, I figured since you normally post them on Sundays you may have seen it... Anyways, you can view it in the archive.

Still looking for the original official dakis. Hard to find after so many years. I'd almost be happy enough with a bootleg of the original designs.


i don't come here except for these and sometimes osomatsu-san


Most people forgot just how many hundreds of magipoka meme images there were. Combos, manips, avatar laser Liru.

Yeah, me neither. Mostly 7chan and few other random sites/forums/imageboards if I care to check.

post this laser thing, sounds interesting
or a zip of everything
by here i meant Sup Forums, i browse a few other boards.


It's a bunch of images and reaction images that let's people avatar play. There are thousands and thousands of images relating to the show and memes on /rs/ it's called Magipoka Collection 3.0. I took care of it way back when. I'll have to re upload and post a link to it on another thread when I'm at my computer and not phone.

>Draw someone a picture of Liru on their birthday and Christmas just to be nice to them
>Have been doing it for years
>Get ignored every single time

I hate Magipoka. I hate Liru.

Fuck everything.


Strange. Is this some internet friend or something?

That doesn't seem like a reason to hate something. It seems like you hate them.


try posting it on /liru/ if this thread dies before you can reach your computer


Internet exfriend.

Of course I hate them, they're the ones ignoring me. But I've drawn so much Liru I can do it with my eyes closed and it's getting boring. Before I started I couldn't draw anything, now I know enough about drawing that I could probably get good at it if I practised more.


Even though Uma is my personal favorite, Liru's easily the 'best girl' of them.

do you hate them because of this?
why would they ignore your drawings for them years in a row?
why would you keep drawing if they keep ignoring?
can you post some?

Oh, I see. Yeah, what I meant was maybe your anger was misplaced if something you draw becomes what you hate. Oh well, anyways there is probably a good chance that I've seen a work or two of yours over the years.

Part of scanned manga


Out of nostalgia, I watched an episode the other night. There's just something about that mid-2000 style of anime that really captivates me.


I hate them because I might not be the best artist ever, but I still put effort into the drawings. It feels like a punch in the dick to just get ignored.
And I don't know why they ignore me. They ignore me so I can't figure it out.
I draw for them because I want to be friends again, duh.
I could, but it doesn't feel right taking something I made for one person and showing it to everyone, even if that person does just ignore me. Pic related is the most I'm willing to show yeah, I only ever use MS paint.

I doubt you've ever seen anything I draw. I send them to one person only and they ignore them so it's unlikely anyone but me has seen them.

Pachira Best.

Yeah I want to get my hands on these someday. I have all the newer ones and the pajama set one. I think I have 8 in all but no official originals.

that's pretty awesome for just paint

have you tried asking them directly why they ignore you? maybe this is all just a misunderstanding, i've had tons of stuff like this happen because of little misunderstandings

It's kind of hard to ask them anything when I just get ignored. And we fell out because they got mad at a game and then I got mad at them. I've been ignored completely since then.

that seems pretty weird
i don't know what else to say other than just keep trying, i guess
if you still want to

I'll keep trying, but I'll just keep getting ignored. Like I said, it's been years now.

I wonder who'll give in first, me or them.

how do you try? is it an online message or do you know each other irl?

Email is pretty much the only way I can contact them for now. I mean, I could create new accounts on steam/skype and try to contact them through that, or ask a mutual friend to give them a message, but stuff like that's just going to make them want to ignore me even more.

i see
have you tried apologizing?

Plenty of times. But you can only apologize for something so many times before it starts to get annoying.

i don't know what else to say other than good luck

Tell me about it, now you know why I mad.

Funny thing is, the person could be reading this very thread. They browse Sup Forums and love Magipoka.

shoot him a steam message about this thread :^)

I can't unless I make a new account add them then hope they accept.

oh well

Yeah, and I'd rather not bother them like that. Right now it's a waiting game to see who'll crack first. We've been at it for over 3 years, but my autism is strong.

I still hate Magipoka and Liru though.

what about the others?

Invisible girl is fine. Robot is boring and the other two are literally whos.

imo liru>robot>vampire>magician>invisible

I just can't remember anything about the vampire or magic girl. They could have not existed and the show wouldn't have been any different.

yeah probably
but the last episode was heartwarming where the magician tried to help cure the sick girl


>They were staring at her wolf pussy the whole time like they were used to it

who wouldn't?

But would you be used to it?

i would hope so, since she goes bottomless every night
