Some of you may ask "What if Hitler won WW2" but what they should be asking is what if WW1 either never happened or ended quickly in some way. The senseless slaughter of millions of young men who had their whole lives ahead of them is a crime that we should damn all the prime ministers and Kings of Europe to hell. Europe was shattered, the old Europe, the classical Europe, the conservative upstanding Europe of Gentlemanly chivalry withered and died in a hail of Machine-gun fire. French, German, Austro-Hungarian, Russian, Serbian, British, Romanian, Italian, Greek, Bulgarian, Australian, Canadian and American men sacrificed in a war that snuffed out a generation of youthful idealistic men and embittered and emotionally crushed those who survived, and paved the way for a broken West.
I know this is not usually Sup Forums material, just consider this a place for a general thread on the modern consequences of this war. I weep for the dead Sup Forums, but I also weep for what could have been.
Grayson Torres
Get over it faggot
Jaxson Anderson
Nathaniel Ross
Consider this a WW1 general thread about its consequences, war photos etc.
Christopher Flores
>the conservative upstanding Europe of Gentlemanly chivalry laffin my ass off
Stop being poor and that Europe comes back
Noah Powell
Connor Gomez
Right when you get over your Rosenberg whore and Catalan you nigger faggot
Jaxson Flores
Is it autistic that I picture Jews in Berlin, Vienna Paris, St. Petersburg, London and New York sitting there, drinking and laughing at the casualty lists come in, all the while they make obscene amounts of money through profiteering and loans? As well as making plans when the war was over to finally take control?
Jordan Edwards
Even during my normie days I knew that if there had been no WWI or the US had sided with the axis we would have avoided not just WWI and Hitler but also the Soviet Union and their proliferation of communism around the globe.
Fuck WWI.
Ian Lewis
Its not even a class thing, during the First Battle of Ypres, many of the German Conscripts were seen carrying banners and singing patriotic songs as they advanced toward the allied lines, the Romantic ideals of fighting for your country and combat being noble was a common sentiment.