World War One is the greatest Tragedy in European history

Some of you may ask "What if Hitler won WW2" but what they should be asking is what if WW1 either never happened or ended quickly in some way. The senseless slaughter of millions of young men who had their whole lives ahead of them is a crime that we should damn all the prime ministers and Kings of Europe to hell. Europe was shattered, the old Europe, the classical Europe, the conservative upstanding Europe of Gentlemanly chivalry withered and died in a hail of Machine-gun fire. French, German, Austro-Hungarian, Russian, Serbian, British, Romanian, Italian, Greek, Bulgarian, Australian, Canadian and American men sacrificed in a war that snuffed out a generation of youthful idealistic men and embittered and emotionally crushed those who survived, and paved the way for a broken West.

I know this is not usually Sup Forums material, just consider this a place for a general thread on the modern consequences of this war. I weep for the dead Sup Forums, but I also weep for what could have been.

Get over it faggot


Consider this a WW1 general thread about its consequences, war photos etc.

>the conservative upstanding Europe of Gentlemanly chivalry
laffin my ass off

Stop being poor and that Europe comes back


Right when you get over your Rosenberg whore and Catalan you nigger faggot

Is it autistic that I picture Jews in Berlin, Vienna Paris, St. Petersburg, London and New York sitting there, drinking and laughing at the casualty lists come in, all the while they make obscene amounts of money through profiteering and loans? As well as making plans when the war was over to finally take control?

Even during my normie days I knew that if there had been no WWI or the US had sided with the axis we would have avoided not just WWI and Hitler but also the Soviet Union and their proliferation of communism around the globe.

Fuck WWI.

Its not even a class thing, during the First Battle of Ypres, many of the German Conscripts were seen carrying banners and singing patriotic songs as they advanced toward the allied lines, the Romantic ideals of fighting for your country and combat being noble was a common sentiment.


I would like to see you fight in the trenches, pic related.

Plus show your flag faggot.

It was the death of identity and things greater than the self that caused this, not World War 1. Hence people inventing their own identities.

Absolutely this. World War One was the end of the European golden age, World War Two was the nail in the casket that thrust us into our current degenerate neoliberal societies.

Same fucking difference you nigger

It doesn't matter. WW1 is like Ancient pre-history to modern society. World War 2 is the founding tragedy/myth.

WWI was inevitable not because of the inital spark that ignited it but rather because of the underlying tensions leading up to it.

Kaiser Wilhelm wanted to expand the economic might of Germany's industry but that meant stepping on the toes of Britain and possibly kicking them in the shin to get the upper hand.

The war became a perfect opportunity for others to air their grievances out. For the French it became about smarting the germans for their loss in 1870, for the russians it was a matter of cementing their hold on power to stop fermenting dissention in the empire by sending the men to the frontlines.

The height of western civilization was about 1913. It's been downhill from there.

USA saved Europe in WWI.

Never forget.

What if the French revolution never happened is the real question.

I wish Bismarck was alive at the time of WW1 he would of prevented it from happening by retaining relations with Britain and Russia. So instead of WW1 it would be a war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia. And Austria-Hungary would kick their ass.

weepy fag

Yeah, it's not called the seminal tragedy for nothing. Pretty much spot on. The loss in WWII cemented the decline, but WWI was the origin point of European downfall. I hope one day we can stand up once again.

For the Russians it was also a matter of honor, at least in one book i've read about the October revolution called "A People's Tragedy". In the book the Author cites letters from the Military command and even the Tsar's advisors who knew the country was not prepared for war, but that Russian honor and its commitment to Serbian independence (An independence paid heftily in Russian and Serb Blood during the Russo-Ottoman War of 1877) was so important that they felt they had to act. Also your right in that all sides saw that much was to be gained for the winning side of the war.

Interesting topic and good analysis. The Great War is indeed where things went so terribly wrong for the west. As I read it, somebody in Deutschland really dropped the ball executing on the Schlieffenplan. If Paul von Hindenberg had been the marshal on the western front, it actually would have been over by Christmas.

Not really, Austro-Hungarian forces got their asses handed to them by muh ancestors in 1914, though bringing in Bulgaria into the war and German assistance sealed Serbia's fate.

What does everyone think the world would look like today had WW1 either never happened (which was near impossible), or at least had Germany won.

The Schlieffenplan in truth was flawed to its core, and truth be told Von Moltke probably made the plan work better then it should have. However, the ability of the Russians to mobilize their army in two weeks and Britains entry into the war destroyed any chance of a knockout German victory.

Honestly its unknowable but I think either a 1914 German victory in which Britain fails to enter the war and France/Russia are forced to sue for peace is the best possible outcome. Either that, or the carnage of the first six months shakes Europe into trying to find a peaceful solution.