Shhhh, Chifusa is sleeping.
Don't wake her up.
Shhhh, Chifusa is sleeping
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Chifusa, it's eight of clock! Wake up!
Good night Sup Forums
Shut the hell up! I'm trying to sleep here!
Now that you're up, can you go to the store and get me some bread, and eggs too?
Would Chifusa's breast powers be considered heresy?
I need to take a bath though...
I'm gonna fuck her tits while she's sleeping.
Doesnt her blonde friend molest her while shes sleeping?
In one of the OVAs, yeah.
I think that'd wake her up
Should I watch Manyuu Hikenchou?
Do you like boobs?
Yes, and I really like Chifusa's design
Then start downloadin
Watch it. Then Seikon no Qwaser
Cows need to be milked very very early in the morning, you should wake her up earlier than eight
Chifusa is the best girl of all time. ALL TIME NIGGA.
>Yui has tied Mugi
>Breast hivemind
I want to lick her everything.
Kinda sad she never reappeared.
Is it bad I liked Ouka?
Not at all.
>the crippling question of whether or not I actually watch anime or just post Chifusa all night
Post Chifusa.
>tfw listening to Trump speeches and posting Chifusa
Chifusa is cool.
She's clumsy sometimes though.
I'll contribute.
>Chestlets will never be this motherly
Boing boing boing boing.
Man, I love boobs.
I'd rape her anally with a rusty pipe until she's begging me to stop and then I'd slit her throat and bury her in the woods so no one else can ever have her.
A woman's life is so easy. I don't know what they're always making a fuss about.
So why were they so obsessed with tits are their age? Did they just want the milk? I doubt they were doing it for sexual reasons, or are all children in that anime portrayed as perverts?
They had a big sister/mother with large breasts that they used to have fun with, probably not like that, but squish and stuff. She'd gone missing and upon seeing Chifusa's giant knockers they went a tad crazy.
>Soap looks like semen
This picture is great, probably the closest you'll see to her being covered in cum.
Paizuri with breast milk for lube
Thank you Hiraku Kaneko for this master piece. Anime version is about 10 times better than that manga.
My one complaint with the show right here. Nipples are way too high on the breast. It just seems off.
What is happening to her breasts?
Manyuu Hiken-chou
Queen's Blade
Valkyrie Drive
Qwaser of Stigmata
Any other series like these I need to watch?
It's because they haven't sagged yet. When they do, the nipples will be centered.
I should only watch this so I can fap to it, right? Is that what everyone else watched it for? Is there any other reason to watch it?
The story isn't too bad either, if you like feudal Japan / Samurai shows you should watch it.
I can't fap to this or any other ecchi anime unless the 'pervy' scenes are long and REALLY lewd. I just watch to prepare to fap.
I bet this anime is like heaven for those with cow tit fetishes, the anime is literally about having cow tits and seeing how big and majestic you can make them.
I'm sure you are going to love Kagaku na Yatsura OVA, it's from the director genious who made also Manyuu, Valkyrie and SnQ.
If you want full series, maybe try Kanokon, Ladies versus Butlers or High School DxD - not as good as those you already listed but better than nothing.
RIP big brown tits.
Downloading now! Thanks man, and I saw those other series. Kanokon was a favourite for a while.
Man, why hasn't there been a "Cute Pearl Divers doing cute things" anime yet? Too lewd?
Kanokon was actually very ecchi and lewd, at least I thought so and so was Ladies Vs. Butlers. Hell, Ladies Vs. Butlers had a fucking OVA where the only thing that happened was the girls took turns competing to see how could strip off the most clothing without getting fully naked.
Granted I saw Kanokon several years ago, and back than I wasn't really into lewd/ecchi stuff. I usually just fapped to hentai, so I didn't see the point in watching lewd/ecchi stuff if all I wanted to was fap to it. Hentai is better for that.
Except that's wrong. It's literally about how breast size doesn't matter and is a ridiculous means of judging people.
It is fucking great for those of us who like huge tits, though, I'll admit, and Chifusa is a miracle of the universe.
Also, the opening is really great, for some reason.
why is chifusa-sama best girl?
It really is.
Is the manga worth the search?
I can't find it translated, not complete.
Yes and no. It's pretty good up until the 4th volume, but then the last three volumes drop the breast expansion entirely and go into feudal Japanese politics and shit.
Kagefusa never gets her breasts back ;_;
Holy fuck.