Here's a story of a white man coming home. AMA
>Be 32 year old me
>Grew up from a really young age around blacks and Hispanics
>Learned Spanish fluently
>Trust people too much because muh family is white Christian
>Assume I can trust everyone about the same
>Date many girls, mostly white but if many races and cultures
>Start business, make a little money
>Move to South Florida
>Get Jewed, lose almost everything, get scammed by non-whites, constantly worshipped but scorned for being white (very weird)
>Finally decide that I'm coming back to white culture entirely
I'm not NatSoc and I'm not stormfagging. I honestly don't know what I'm doing yet. All I know is I never had to look over my shoulder so much when I lived in a society with higher numbers of white people. It's a fact I can't continue to ignore.
Hurricane Irma just came through Broward. There's not that much damage. I'm in the heat and there have literally been four FPL trucks with Jamaican crews lazily driving around doing jack shit when fixing my power would be very simple. It's just one line down.
Sorry for so much text anons. I've just grown really tired of living around these people and dealing with how a society dominated by non-whites barely functions. I dumped my Caribbean girlfriend 20 minutes ago. After consideration, I'm sick of how all she does is fucking sleep all the time with no regard to the time she's wasting. I just can't take it anymore. AMA