National Capitalism is the way forward

Like National Socialism, without the socialism label and swastika baggage.
Capitalism, but with Nationalism to prevent the (((globalism))).
Like Libertarianism, without the faggots, drugs, and mass migration.

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great. so whats the answer to the JQ from this perspective?

It's an oxymoron.

Such subversive forces that act against the meritocracy must be prevented. Especially if they attempt to put the nation at a competitive disadvantage, i.e. to subvert it for the benefit of a foreign group. Globalists put the interest of corporations above the nation, not very nationalistic.

Small international cliques must be dealt with for the good of the nation. Of course, if they happen to be jewish, that would be mere coincidence.

sounds good. what to do with israel as its the root of globalism?

Most of the worst kikes are actually Hungarian. Israel won't last long without our constant hand holding. Once we let it be known they're no longer in the fold Israel will be reclaimed within a decade.

What is the general idea of national capitalism? How would that work? Like a 1950's style gov/workforce where everyone was united with the nation and were consumers?

Kill yourself kike

Deportation of every Jew

ok what can i do to help?