How much do you love your waifu, Sup Forums?
Tell me about her.
How much do you love your waifu, Sup Forums?
don't have one because I'm a filthy casual
Pic related is an avatar my gf and I worked together on of her. I hope she becomes my waifu one day. She's a weeb just like me, and has a whole room in her house dedicated to just anime and manga. She also knows japanese so she just watches stuff raw,except when it's with me. She's also shy and doesn't have many friends outisde of school besides me, and her parents are strict so she is not allowed to have social media, and only messaging is the SMS on her phone, and must go to bed by 9 unless she is studying. And yes, she is in high school and I am 18 (senior).
Pic related is the avatar of me that we made. My gf is half american half japanese and shinto while I am Indian muslim.
I love MISAKA a lot but does she count as one specific one or all 10,000? If it's specific then I choose MISAKA 100032 but all are great. Even so, I bow my loyalty to them and hope to meet them in Gensokyo.
We fell in love and it started out strong but the coals grew dim. It was my fault, I jumped in to it too quickly.
I'll never take another ever again in fear of it happening once more.
you are doing me a frighten user
What do you mean by this? Also I am well known on r9k since they are the ones that encouraged me to ask her out in the first place. Now we can be weabs together instead of alone in our own rooms.
Hey guys, what's going in-- oh, fuck
Dont bump this shit thread
Btw my gf was kind of like this yesterday, she apologized yesterday after our date that she doesn't know how to be a girlfriend since I'm her first boyfriend.
And yes, she is real.
This is only as much blogshit as any other waifu thread.
Got to embrace this kind of stuff Sup Forums
I, for one, welcome our newfaggots
Awesome characters. Great waifu. Looks solid. Moe. Kawaii. Make sure you come visit us during Christmas and New Years and keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new stories and or Anime depictions. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how the story ends and what happens to you. Thanks for the inspiration.
You guys don't actually believe me? She is a real girl and is my girlfriend. However, I may be a little too obsessed with her, since I have a blue pillow that I cuddle with every night and pretend is her. Hopefully one day I will marry her and then I can cuddle with her for real every night. She is also very small (weighs about 100 lbs) so she is probably a bit bigger than the pillow but not by too much, so this is good practice.
Her dad also invited me to come to a shooting range sometime over the summer with him, so relations with her family are going very good.
Not your blog.
She is my waifu (hopefully, one day) and I am going to tell you guys all about her. Maybe try reading the OP for once?
Even has a matching head stock.
Images like this make we wanna get off my ass and serve my wife.
enjoy your ban cuck
I don't have waifu.
Plus Daki and Figure