Strike the Blood More OVAS incoming. Season 2 when?
Strike The Blood
Hopefully never.
Himeragi a shit.
Threadly reminder.
>More Kojou and Yukina
Best news all year.
New cover looks great. Himeragi always looks amazing.
man I can't believe I watched this entire series
it was such generic shit
who even buys these things?
Of course. Sasuga best girl.
>only up to vol.12
That needs updating.
More Strike the Blood merchandise when
The funny thing is I remember reading about the fact that it's his editor that keeps making the covers Himeragi despite the author wanting other characters on the cover as well.
I thank that editor.
Well Yukina isn't the only one who has shown up on the cover before.
Why did the anime change her eye color? It made it way too obvious.
Because they had a lot of characters that looked like Yukina.
I heard it's the other way around. The author loves her, but editor wants to branch out to othes.
But Yukina and Reina are supposed to be identical aside from two things.
bd covers
Homogeneity is good
Why is Asagi so brown in BD Vol 7?
1 week trip to Mexico.
Fuck sake, What are the likelihood the OVA's even get subbed.
S2 never then.
>still can't watch anime without subs
Step up senpaii
watashitachi no kenka desu?
There's still hope for a S2 if they're still making OVAs. It means they haven't abandoned the series yet.
By the way are the Yenpress adaptations of the LNs worth buying?
this is our battle!
They're okay. Give them another year to overtake the anime.
Let me just save you the trouble.
Wew Rurush, are you up 24/7?
Why are those Senpai genes so weak?
>More OVAS incoming
It's fine if the source material is from manga like how SYD and KissxSis are doing OVAs and OAD every now and then since they're episodic but LNs are mostly by arcs, they should just settle it with a full cour or two already since S1 sold decently and various poll already says fans want it just like Horizon/HataMaou and Index.
More La Folia pls.
Cute sister.
Why isn't Kojou breeding with his observer yet?
he already has
Maybe they'll announce one at the end of the last OVA?
They've practically been living together and dating for months not to mention all the lewd and lovey dovey stuff they've done and they're not even officially a couple yet.
Last ova at least sparked a tiny bit. I want more scales though.
She's a middleschooler.
I for one like the consistency. At least the main heroine remains relevant unlike a Certain Series with No Index.
No one's complaining about that though.
Why doesn't the manga update?
There's a manga? Usually manga for LN anime adaptations are short, around 25-30 chapters. Is it still ongoing?
There are 8 Volumes and yes, it's ongoing, I believe.
The age difference is not too wide, I think he's 17 and she's 14. Almost OK in my book.
He's 16 at the beginning. 2 years is nothing.
My bad then. And yes I agree.
Is this the final volume?
Isn't the story only in the second half or something?
Not sure why I thought this was the last volume when 14 came out, could be wrong, not up to date on this series.
How many more poses can Himeragi have?
10? 20? 30?
I wonder if fans don't get tired of seeing the same shit over and over again in the covers.
S2 would be nice if had more screentime for best girls
I certainly don't.
Chances of Sensei lewds in the OVA?
They should be using the OVAs to show the future kids.
more nipples?
yeah when do we get to see asagi's backstory?
Many. This is one I bet the author is saving of last.
I don't. But a cover featuring Sensei or Astarte would be nice.
Yukina is the most boring girl so I do.
I can never get tired of best girl. I wouldn't mind a cover or two or Natsuki and a few others though.
What does Yukina's blood taste like?
How popular is this series anyway? Getting more OVAs isn't necessarily indicative of popularity, look at SYD.
For that matter, how popular is Yukina in Japan? Have they done character popularity polls?
S1 and the first OVA sold pretty damn well, all the merchandise also sells out pretty fast.
Both OVAs sold over 10k and iirc s1 was around 7-8k?
Wow, Yukina is pretty popular.
>Last Order from the Accelerator manga with that many stickers
>Taiga and Emi with more stickers than Misaka
Was this a manga-only poll?
Where the shit is S2?
And where is kuroyukihime there?
I can't wait to see who's on volume 16!
I see more StB threads on 2chan than here so who the hell really knows what's going on with s2 happening. The series is obviously popular and there is source material but hey whatever another OVA.
Do you have a link to the 2chan threads, I can't read moon and everytime I've tried looking for StB and Dragonball threads I just get mad at myself for not atleast trying to learn some Japanese.
Most nips on twitter were convinced that the announcement was a second season, so they're probably surprised too. The publisher might be against the idea because it might not boost the LN sales that much.
No real point linking them since any valuable information dropped there ends up on a blog anyways. If you're really curious try searching on futalog/imbako. Most of them really only end up around 60-120 posts but I seem probably at least 4-5 a week regardless. Obviously when some random news comes out you'll see a few more but they're pretty average and not so different than what you see here with the iie senpai and best girl memes.
>all those beauties
>bow, lafolia, asagi, childhood, lolis
>he picks the most bland, annoying, nihon girl of them all
Such waste. I hope he at least fucks asagi or lafolia
Did you even watch the anime?
He does..
Need to add literal chinese cartoon houki.
I'am not really sure i want S2 of this.
>made to breed
Heir to the throne when?