Owarimonogatari TV vs BD

Vol 4 & 5
TV: Left
BD: Right




What's with Shaft and their unnecessary fixes? Is it like an inside joke?


From an artistic standpoint, almost all of these are better. Some are kind of nitpicky.



BDs looking good for this volume.

Nah, that's kyoani. You can actually notice shaft fixes easily


This is actually a genuine improvement with nothing to complain about

Is OST out?

yeah it's on nyaa


>that last picture

Holy shit


For what purpose.



cutesugu is mai waifu~


Yeah, she's pretty kawaii



So they fixed that error.


>nothing to complain about

Do you really not see it?

Thank you so much for doing this every time. We appreciate all your hard effort and I hope you have a nice day user!



I love just how much more symbolicable that fix makes that pic




wait what?

Now I feel bad for not waiting.


well that was obvious





where all the excessive nudity one might expect from a bd



Kanbaru is super cute.

Why does this seem suggestive?


also a dyke.

Monogatari has no nudity.


Didn't they de-lewd it? The seesaw was tracing a path from RRRG's eyes to Monkey's boobs

Araragi checking out her tits, Kanbaru checking out his abs

Oh boy it's my favorite thread!


Budget well spent.


It's symbolic of who has the high ground.


Kanbaru = Obi Wan confirmed


This needs a twisted fucking psychopath edit.

She may swing the other way but she´s still a qt3.1416

I want to fuck a monkey.


>twitch chat memes on Sup Forums

These edits don't seem as bad as the other ones.

>Gaen in the light
>Gaen in the dark
>This was the last time they spoke as friends

Araragi tries to show off a lot in this arc.


What could it mean?

Every time. Why aren't other studios even trying?

Arararararagi is metaphorically fucking her in the mouth in the second one


probably changed direction just so they could show it in that frame.

Isn't just the continuity aspect? It's in the same position as in the previous screenshot now.


Oh boy, best thread of the month is here!



TV looks considerably better.

The second one is more hypnotizing, I like it.



>tiny ass mouth


We are now officially in the territory of shit I don't remember. The rest of the BDs can't come soon enough. I need to rewatch Owari.


How many seasons do we have left as of now?

It's not just to you. It's hard to keep the focus when Gaen is speaking.


Owari 3 and Zokuowari, so two OVAs or one full cour.

>not giving the hag your undivided attention

It doesn't help that the ending gave me some complicated feelings that I had to work through and that overwhelmed my memory of anything not directly related.





Is removing the rim lighting supposed to be symbolic?