Why the fuck do you guys call us yellow??

Does this skin colour look yellow to you? Just wondering.

>t. chang

Looks black to me.

I bet it really must fuck you up inside to sit here and talk this shit knowing us Aryan Chads are packing these thick nine inchers and your rice bitches only like BWC.

White people are stupid. They hate Jews even though they look white. They think Jewish people is a race. Wrong!!!. It's a religion! Anybody can be a Jew!!!!! Hahahaha that's how stupid white people are!!!!!!

Southwest Chinese farmers look kinda yellow

southeast that is, forgive my dumb

Asian skin actually does have yellow undertones. If course that's an undertone and not as apparent as black or white.

yellow is more polite than slant, insect, gook, moonface, zipperhead, formic, etc

we could just call you white but it would undermine a centurys worth of racial divide and get all of us sent to a liberal gulag much more quickly.

He could have picked any woman he wanted, and yet he didn't pick a qt. Fucking retard.