What kind of character is she supposed to be?
What kind of character is she supposed to be?
a boring one.
Best girl of 2015 according to official Sup Forums poll. That kind.
/r9k/ waifu
Doesn't seem similar to Misaki.
I gotta say, I was pleasantly surprised with her character. When I started the show, I thought she would be the typical shy, main love interest moeblob but she turned out to be a very down to earth girl which was funny when she interacted with the others. I'm a Utahafag and even I can admit that she was best girl.
A goddess.
Kosaki 2.0.
Nice bait.
Worst girl.
that's Eriri
I don't have an answer for that but I do know that Eriri is definitely a shit.
Objectively wrong.
Best girl.
The vanilla ice cream.
Looks good on the outside but when you have a few spoonfuls it starts getting bland.
is this loss?
Her and Eririri are there to make Utaha look even better in comparison.
Eh, Megumi's give-and-take. If you don't put anything in, you get nothing in return. Other girls give it up for free.
other girls - sluts
Megumi - pure maiden
Megumi a shit.
She is there to give a fresh breath after being suffocated by other girls.
Eriri a shit.
Every girl in the show's good except Eriri. If you claim to like her besides her design you're probably retarded.
Best girl
Worst girl.
Waifu tier.
the best
Why is it always between Eriri fans and Megumi fans? Are the Utaha fans non-existent? What about the cousin?
That "Eriri fans" are just that same guy changing IP and spamming the same shit over and over again. And that "Megumi fans" are just the same guy changing IP and bumping the dead thread.
11/10 would marry
Eriri a feces
When is the second season coming? It's getting one, right?
The one who win by being best.
9.5/10 eyes are too much
a shit one.
get out of here user