Is all over white boy

How does it feel? How does it feel to know everything the white race has ever accomplished will soon be lost to history? The Forging of civilization, the taming of the natural world, even unlocking the secrets of the heavens themselves will all be lost in favor of a fake history. Your woman are losing interest and your bloodline becomes murkier by the second, Europe will soon be bowing on matts five times a day forever, and the Jews rule over the world's free market pulling everyone's strings from the shadows. Were we blacks actually "KANGZ"? Of course not, but history is indeed written by the victor my friends.

You see, hundreds of years from now when your mulatto descendants study history on their future tablets, they will read of the great kings of queens of Africa who spread knowledge and wisdom wherever they went, but then came the jealous white devils who tore down our kingdom and threw us into bondage. But through sheer force of will and using our strength and intelligence, we broke free of our chains to rule over those that enslaved us. It's all bullshit of course, but according to history it will be fact and the white race will just be "THE BAD GUYS" just like how the nazis are seen today. I take no pride in telling any of you this, I love history and changing it to suite the needs of one group disgusts me, even if it is my own race, but you have treaded down the path for too long and it is now too late.

So I ask you whites here, how does it feel to be the last generation of your kind? How does it feel to finally lose?

Other urls found in this thread:

And the jew speaks long.....

as long i can look to the north..

as long i can view the miles

as long i be handed the pills

as long as i can say to myself...

im moving out of you

Are built women only attractive in 2D form?
Serious question

>this thread again
kys faggot
>in all fields

>white disappearing
>society still existing

kek blacks will be living in mud huts again within a couple years

What planet do you live on? We just elected the fucking American Fuhrer, you're going to be in camps before 2024 (if you aren't already in a normal prison by then, being a nigger and all).

>How does it feel to finally lose?

Jew can't win.

It's a great big universe, and noone wants to be slaves to the jew, or rothschild.

Especially not mind controlled slaves.


Good, Alarich's levacy deserved to be destroyed.

>Do not mistake my cuts for mortal wounds, do not mistake my slumber for a lifeless corpse.

This never.
Ends well for you.

Look at any country not run by whites. The world will burn quicker than ever. Nothing feels better knowing the world will be a complete shit show without us. Imagine unorganized militia, gangs, no one wanting to work or innovative. Theft, robbery, murder.

You're forgetting something

now that the internet exists?
impossible, they literaly cannot control the flow of information anymore

everyone has the entire human history in the palm of their hands, and now that the chinese are doing genetic experiments, soon white people will do the same

thousands of years from now humans will realise they have genes from their white ancestors, the ones with the most european characteristics will mate with other os similar looks until the european gene is bread back into existence.
This will happen because the people lucky enough to have european dna are going to be tired at all the shitskins and brown fuks with same color eyes, same color hair, etc...
These new whites will have superior intellect over all the browns and niggers, these new whites will easily dominate the world once again because niggers are so fucking stupid.

The white race can never be defeated.

Nigger how do you know the future?

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.

Don't care. I never took part in any of that shit. It's like being "proud to be American" like who gives a shit. Wow, chance happened and I was born somewhere.

Mother Earth's Greatest Children Has such a nice ring to it

>You see, hundreds of years from now when your mulatto descendants study history on their future tablets,

Are these going to be cow dung powered tablets, because that's the kind of technology you're going to have without whites around.

>MFW I stopped caring about the world a long time ago

I promised you I would kill you, didn't I?

My sweet boo boo.

If there was ever going to be a day when we (Europeans) are wiped out. We will make the Earth itself tremble, you will see many years of anger that have laid dormant for decades. You will see the full wrath of the European.

We conquered you all before, we will conquer you all again.

>implying you can win a race war

Our government tried something to make the population whiter a few decades or a century ago and it kinda worked, with whites breeding with nonwhites until they became whiter,chances are the US will be trying something similar, but any country in the EU is fucked.

White people like to be left the fuck alone. They avoid conflict until their backs are against the wall and they have no choice but to retaliate. It's exactly like that Saxon poem. Its terrifying.

Read the recorded accounts of what the shit skins say about white men on the warpath. The only victories shit skins have had over us was when we where divided and fighting amongst ourselves. When we unite its game over.

Look at all of recorded history and you'll see what's going to happen next.

The strong white men still exist they're just busy working and living their lives wanting to be left alone.

When you piss off these men its game over.

You can feel it building.

makes my dick hard, senpai
we did it, we defeated racism


Uhgnn, this psyop though...

Actually, we will all be just mostly asians


There is no greater feeling in the world than knowing that your people have conquered the world while only having a tiny fraction of a minority of the total population. My people's struggle has been long and arduous. It all began when we learned the evil nature of whiteness when the Roman Emperor Hadrian (may his bones be crushed) tried to genocide our people, and burned our homeland to ash. To add salt to the wound he destroyed our temples and erected his disgusting Pagan temples on what should have been my people's holy ground. Every Jew out there knows of this story, it has been written into our DNA.

That internal hatred lead my people to colonize Europe and eventually dominate the disgusting goyim who tortured us so many years ago. Over hundreds of years we clawed our way into every institution, every vestige of power. WW2 was the last point where the goyim fought back, both Stalin and Hitler tried to remove us from the institutions we so diligently infiltrated. As always though, we overcame with God on our side.

After WW2 our victory has been sweeter than anything you could imagine. We are now solidly entrenched into every possible institution, from banking, to the courts, to governance, and importantly to Hollywood and the Media.

Now white people can finally feel what my people have felt for thousands of years. Let their kind be cast away without a homeland. Let their monuments be burned, and let ours be erected in their place. Let them know the fiery pangs of a people genocided to only a few percentage of the population.

tl; dr

How's it feel being irrelevant, OP?
Saging and hiding this thread, btw.

Niggers take over
>on tablets (technology)
>Jewish masters
Oh, after their pets rose up and butchered them?
If you want a Post-White Civilization look at South Africa and Zimbabwe.

Not too good but at least I can laugh while my Anglo ancestors laugh with me when our empires collapse in your negro hands.

>dat wishful thinking
All you've done is brought the douche chills, op.

Death will come to you sooner than you think. Watch your back brownie.

Haiti is a better example than South Africa imo. Haitians killed every white person in the 1804 massacre, now it's a shithole no different than 90% of Africa.

South Africa on the other hand still has some white influence.

>whites die out
>civilization cease to exist
>nigger climb back to trees

i have a question for you blackie, who does it feel knowing that once were gone your time is up. Youll be shipped off the the Chinese rice fields faster than you can pull up your pants and smack your fat lips. Get ready ahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhhha

It might be true, but we're the only thing keeping China from genociding the entire rest of the world, and when they're done with that, they'll turn themselves white with genetic engineering.

>Niggers take over
>crime rate hikes massively
>illiteracy rate hikes massively
>world goes to shit
>entire foundation of civilization collapses
>niggers are back to swinging from trees
Nice future guys

>So I ask you whites here, how does it feel to be the last generation of your kind? How does it feel to finally lose?
My only regret is I won't be around to see human civilization return once again to primitiveness.

It happened after the great flood, who knows how much knowledge was lost. Whites will survive and recover from the wreckage of civilisation that you bring forth.

>posts a tanned blue-eyed caucasian girl to prove his point

its going to turn into modern day africa
the majority psychopaths kill off the respectable blacks
happens every time

It was never about race. It's all on you now

If future people actually looked like Korra I'd be fine with that.

The last laugh of the whites, if destroyed, will be the world in fire.

Niggers can't even handle Africa with China building it up for them. The rest of the shitskins are marginally better. Asians are smart, but soulless collectivists.

If you truly wanted to earn God's ire and leave this planet to become a hell on this plane, then kill us off.

>implying that my mulatto descendants won't be ruthlessly wiped out by a soulless army of genetically enhanced chinks after all the compassionate cumskins have died out

We'll be a fucking mythical race in the optimistic fairy tales you faggots will be telling each other as you're being worked to death in the ching chong mineral mines and shitty exploding escalator factories.

>when Sup Forums gets baited by some loser

damn korra's got nice abs

You seem to be very enthusiastic about returning to the dark ages. You know, there are plenty of places in the world you could travel to to experience that right now. Zimbabwe, for example.

>t. edgy nihilist

Let's see... At the current rate people are being redpilled, i predict at least 60% of the aryan race to be redpilled by 2023, when most of the current youth are in their glory days. A race war will start around 2026, due to a foreign politician in Europe attempting to seize power. That will spark an outrage, and the slogan "Not Africa" will be used in mass rallies. At first, Europe and later north America will be divided. But governments will be backing every party. In 2031, South Africa will have killed and/or expelled all whites in it's country, leading to any divided white factions to unite. Nukes will be used once Europe is safe, and northern African countries will be bombed with little to no objection by Asian powers. Eventually, an era of autocracy will begin ridding Europe and northern Africa of any leftover shitskins. North America will remain in conflict until 2033, when a peace treaty will grant the blacks an ethnostate. It is likely to break into another, short war in the year 2035. Europe will spread the Aryan race into northern Africa, and the conflict will be called "The Great Crusade" by the general people. Lastly, instabillity in Africa will create even more poverty, as governments fall to a new disease, which nobody prepared for. It will come from China, and will reach Africa by Chinese mining operations. The outcome of this disease is unkown.

That's a mighty fine prediction you got thar

I know this is bait
But I don't really care honestly
It's like a nigger stealing a Ferrari, sure he might show it off but his lack of intelligence and reason will cause him to speed off and drive it into a tree killing himself and the car

Nonwhites are taking over, sure
But how long will you be able to hold it. It's like a kid who thinks he's smarter than mom and dad, runs away and finds out that it's not that easy without mommy and daddy doing all his shit for him

If the whites are gone, everyone is done except Asians but they'll leave you all behind as soon as they figure out space travel

We still got our guns, even if we lose you won't win

Yeah, just asking my local gypsy what will happen, y'know.

no, pic related is emma hartley

>mostly gibs me dat faggots
LOL, your just a bunch of hand out gibs wanting welfare bitches. You couldn't organize a food stamp line much less the takeover of society.

carriejune anne bowlby


I think the nigger strategy is much like the Mudslime initial strategy. Choke with demographics. They don't need to organize if they can stack it like South Africa in all western nations.

Since we gib the nigs welfare they just keep breeding like dirty, drug addicted rabbits.

How does it feel to have a dick that looks like a turd? You might as well be fucking your ugly ape girlfriend with a shit log.

anastasia papoutsaki


>implying you wouldnt bang

emma hartley



What if she squeezes her ass though? It'll break your dick.

Lol nice post

They've been aborting their own babies and killing each other so much that their population demographics have essentially remained the same for generations.

Democrats and Planned Parenthood have been lowkey saving our country from the nigger problem since the days where KKK was actually relevant. If they could manage the same thing for the Mexicans I'd probably start voting Democrat myself.

OP, I worked on houses in several different ghettos from Cleveland down to Louisiana. You niggers are fucking clueless. I can confirm, your lot of people, are fucking halfwits and crack fiends. Most niggers still have tube tvs and shit in 5 gallon buckets. Not even worried about niggers taking over the world, you're probably a LARPfag anyways and agree with what I'm saying.

didn't even read your post

>implying trump wasnt forced to say that by journalists attacking him left and right

>see pic
>blue eyes dark nigger
Goddamn its like YuGiOh all over again.


Whew her biceps bigger than mine.

Oh God. We made a mistake. We should of voted her in to handle the super predators.

Ah. I speak a bit of Ooga Booga. I'll attempt communication. Aherm.
Ooga ooga wanna banana? Booga no bannana! Booga wagga at ooga ooga! Ooga ooga wogga booga land! Ooga ooga no wogga booga land, or booga bagga ooga ooga! Pogga?

This nigger probably doesn't even have a shit bucket. This nigger just running around shitting down his legs and wiping his ass with his hands.

>1/5 bait
>we blacks
>BLM flag
When you're lonely, LARPing is the only thing you have left, I guess.

Ooga booga gib me dats. Ooga booga we wuz kangz n shieeet. Motuba o-be my name is toby.


At least Valhalla will remain 100% white.

Man, Ooga Booga is a hard language to learn. Thank God you also know a bit of Ooga Booga.

Ooga dindu booga nuffin. Church sunday googa la EVERY.

Christ, this goes beyond my degree in Oogology.

What race is she even supposed to be? 'cause it ain't black, nor Middle Eastern, nor Indian

Tanned white?

Yeah man, he probably picks up on my accent and broken Booga. He's just the better nigger. I admit it.

We'll need a native speaker to get what he's saying. It seems like some sort of dialect. Uggu, perhaps?

Good luck with maintaining everything us whites built for you nigger

I'd call up my boy Mike Brown, but he's dead.

Skyrim belongs to the Nords

Try reviving him.

Only CNN can do that.

Pride comes before the fall.

We'll start a parody CNN, and call it Cunt News Now

Always keep in mind we can enslave all of you within a few month.

Cull Niggers Now