I want another season
I want another season
Season 5 was pretty terrible.
Her time's passed
do any of you have a collection of the digital manga? pls
Watch Kumamiko. It's her show, but with a cute country bumpkin miko with just as much social retardedness.
Sometime in 2017.
someone need to ask Nico Tanigawa and Silver Link to do a kickstarter for season 2.
Hay Nico Tanigawa and Silver Link can you do a kickstarter if you see this thread.
Your telling people to give up.
don't give up hope op on season 2
Not Tomoko levels though.
d2 fag
Maybe for chapter 100 we will get a new ova or new season.
Not telling them to give up, just while we wait.
Machi is worse. Bitch can't even go to a mall on her own or go into a quirky book store without sperging out and panicking and making a scene.
Season 1 came out way too soon.
You know why season 2 is gonna happen because of one punch man.
you can't just while we wait. you have to support it by tell people know buy the manga or blu rays.
she looks like Ako
Everyone need to stop waiting and do something about it.
We need the old watamote people from back in 2012 to help us now.
Fuck it I'm gonna ask people from Sup Forums for help about this.
I did
Sup Forums and Sup Forums are link now talk it out.
I want another 7-Up 'cause this sip's outta this radical world!
Novelty wore off.
Also there is no way in hell you are getting a season 2 before S&W gets a season 3.
How did it do sales wise anyay? Pretty sure it was always the west keeping it alive when Japan ignored her.
Hay Sup Forums Sup Forums now in this thrad now talk it out.
Your not the only one Sup Forums like to see a new season too