There's a new bkub 4koma series, and this one doesn't turn into Poptepipic halfway through the chapter.
There's a new bkub 4koma series, and this one doesn't turn into Poptepipic halfway through the chapter
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It's about as weird as Poptepipic though.
The end.
And that's that. With this releasing throughout the first half, and Poptepipic coming out in the second half, I think we have constant releases from bkub for now.
What the fuck happened to Bkub?
I mean, did he descend down some hard drugs or something?
And when the FUCK is some anime studio gonna hire him and let him go wild? I'd watch the SHIT out of whatever he writes.
>"Wow this character is just copied and pasted in every panel, the fuck was his name again in the first page?"
>DJ Copy and Paste
You got me.
I want to fuck Sachi
I'm scared of what he would do with anime. The ride would be too wild.
I'd rather Tayo
The fuck is this shit
A modern masterpiece.
Contemporary modern art.
The pinnacle of human achievements.
No but seriously, what does Honey Come mean? I've seen it twice now so it can't just be two english words slapped together because it sounds cool.
When written in hiragana, はにかむ (hanikamu) means "to be shy"
In katakana, ハニカム (hanikamu) is the transliteration of "honeycomb", can be transliterated back as "honey come"
カムチャッカ (kamuchakka) is the transliteration of Kamchatka.
It's a terrible/terrific/terrifying multilingual pun.
There's a lot more, you know.
Bkub is too deep for me.
Yeah, there's nine more I think, but I only have the first chapter typeset in english
Nine more pages that is.
Is potepipic over?
No, next chapter should start releasing in a week or so I think.
>カムチャッカ (kamuchakka) is the transliteration of Kamchatka.
The Russian peninsula NW of Japan people know only from playing Risk?
I like most of bkub's shit but this was pretty unfunny.
Are you saying you can't understand this deep humour?
Bkub running out of jokes so doing lolrandumb shit while his idiot fans eat it up.
I fucking love all the manly and detailed hands that bkub does
You just don't understand how deep it is.
Last ones for now.
I have a good feeling about DJ Copy and Paste
Lone Wolf and Cub?
I get the distinct feeling it'd be like something like whatever AC-bu animates, but with at least Kill Me Baby-levels of general coherency and less realistic faces.
I like it wild
lol so randum xD
Based God